HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.09.08Burlingame, Cal1f ornia September I, 1942. A re8ula! meeting of the Clty Counctl was held on the above glvendate. $leetlng calIed to order at 8: P.l(l. , i!.iayor Coleman in the cha1r. A Iette! reoelved. frofii the arnerlcan flonens' Voluntary Servloesof Northern Callfornla expresslng thanks for the cooperatlon ofthe Becreation Departm.ent ln givi.ng tralning to the A.W.V.S.Junlors 1n Recreatlonal rrork and asslstance glven by ].l1ss Shlr1eySmith ln the care of chlldren lvhose motiiers are taking baslcrar classes was reatl and. ordered fileti. Roll Ca1l : Present- Counoilmen Bumors, Coleoran, Dahl , Hunt, Roth. Absent - Councilmen, None. The ninutes rf the prevlous ;'reeting of August L'7, L942 as subnittedto the nembers of the Council and as posted on tsul1etin tsoard inthe City HaIl, were approvetl. 489 A lette and ,tIeI pledgin sanitarto Bu11 A letter fron the gan:l[ateo 0ounty C1villan Defense Counoilexpresslng appreclatlon for the use and court6sles ettendeal mem-bers cf the Councll wh1le at the eunst home in llashlagton park ras read and ordered acknotrledgod and filed. 1 lettB! of reslgnatlon recelved flon Lt. Rlohard H. Ctark,Burllngame representative of the fhree Cltles Mosqulto Abate-oent Dlstrlct ras read. Lt. C1ark, now on eotlve -duty wlth theU.S. Navy expresEed hls appreclatj.6n for the prlvileje ofserving Otl this Board. Mayor ooleman acceptsd tEe reslgnatlonrlth regr8t but erpreesetl hls thanks in behalf of tho Counoiland the Clty for hls services anai trlshed him svery suocsslt ln hlsnerl dut i es. from the San [{at€o County Depaltment of pubIlo Healthre calllng attentlon to the acute houslng pr,oblems and1ts fuII cooperatlon ln dealing plth building andregulatlon was read. ftls letter was ordered refemedng Inspeotor lfatson. A letter.lras reaai from the San iriateo County Salvage CornmltteecaI1lng attentlon to the Countryrs need foi scrap-netaI and,so]lcited t.hF cooperatlon of the Cj.ty on this urgent need. Counc 1lnren1'?b c ommende d that the City gather up aU unnessaryscrap. i'{ayor Coleman appolnted Councilmen Iiunt, Roth end Dehlto meet with Depart.nent heads Sunday at I0 a.ii.-to investigatethe oity propertles fox all available scrap metal. q. A letter of invi,tation for the crty offlclals to atte r1d a sectionalconference on the mobillzation of citizens for wa! uneer the joint auspices of the State Council of Dofense ano 9th feslonal officeat Berke1ey, Californla was read. Itlayor Coleman iedommcndedthat department heads and Chlef of Pol1ce attend if pcssible andinstructed the clerk to notify the Three Citles trefense Counc11. A Ietter from the Coyote Polnt Yacht Club requesting cooperationand ald itr developing a harbor and reoreatLonel facilities atCoyote Point was read,. Mayor Colenan instructed the Clerk toacknowled.ge the letter and. advlse the club that it was not withlnthe Ci.tyrs legal rights to asslst ln fuxtherin8 this project. A letter from the Board of Flre Commlssloners requestlng theappointment of Edwartl f,. Lels as asslstant fire chlef bt reasonof h1s civll service ellgibj-Ilty was reaai. On motlon oiCounciloan Hunt, seconded by Councllmar] purrors, 1rir. Lels wasappointeal assistant fire ahlef of the Burllngarn6 Flre Department. rfa v di 0n the report and recoomendatlon otransfer of 0N SAIE beer llcense bzatloa f"om W.M. thornpson to James reas approv6A, f Chiof of Police llarper,y the State Board of Equall- C. Martln, 264 Lorton Avenue, 0n the recommendation of Councilmen Dahl, Clty Treasurer Irrank A. BLoom ras lnstructed by the ltiay or to purchase urd have plared 1n the entrance hal} a service flag and honor roll of c ity employeos in the armed forces. 490 Chief of the southt[at the pubI1c pa mattet wa opinlon o lnstructe longsotr r provl ded D^1 wes olvntki lce ilarper reported relrative to the parking lot on t corner of Cirmelita Avenue and Callfornia Drlve, er. Jerrv f€Ileher. will turn this lot over for ng'pr'oviied tne Clty reould make lt tax free. Tlxo efd- over until the Clty Attorney could give h1s he Cityts liability foi the upkeep. The Clerk was o i,ave tire'ptannlng Commission and Clty Englneer rt on the conditlon and cost of putting other city klng areas in proper shape. shntdt epo par ollce Ch1ef, reported that aotloB had been he oomplalni of-the cltlzens relative to tho Road is a truck route and a sigtr had boen plilor€d rbhiblteA By Oral6! of tho Pollce Departnentn. ompanles hacl- agieed to reroute thelr truoks. rdered f 1Ietl. Chlef of Police Earper made a report on-tne complaint of irfr. C.C. Wrlght relitive to parking on EI Camino HeaI near g-roaaway and Burlingame avenle. T[e Clerk was instructed to i.t""rilae" ilr. ,Yrilitrs letter and subrait oopy-of. the Chlefrs ;;p;ri; it ,tu" the"Chelfrs opinion-trrat i't would bo uniust to pr-"friUit resldents fron parklng in front of thelr hooes fronting on the l{lghway. John J. Harper, P taken to refloAy t use of Bloomf i e Idreadlng Trucks Plro najor dairy c Thls report 'eYas o Resolution dollvering deetl Burlitrgaoe l1i 1Is, as descrl Sewell fron the CltY of Bur Councilman Flunt, secondetl b The Counctl thereuPon adi ourne d. contlguous to Lot l-tslock A, deed io Bruce E.and Kathryn L. s adopted on notion of n DabL and carried unflrlmouslY. for bedlinyC parcelin the Bamo, wa ounc ilma Eesolution d^elivering d,oed for a parcel contiguous to-l'ot.. Builinga,ue I1i11s as described in deed to Thomas A' anrl Lei Taylor.,fronr tli: City of Burlingariie r - !r&s aaopteu -on noticn Couicilman Hunt, se6o:-.ded by Councilman Roth and una:r1nous Blook S. 5- 1a ofIy 1 Resolution fixing tlre tax rate of the City of Burlingame-for the f iscal year lg 4z:4S at ;1.54 per $100 valuat ion 1/'ras aciopted on *otio" 6y Councilman Roih, seconded by Councilman Burrorg and unallimously c ai'r1e d. R6ports of iYater end Poli.ce Departments, BuiIdlng Inspector-and' City Judge for the m;nth of ^eugust sere'read and ordered filed' iiie" l,iayoi requested the Clerk Io have coples- made of e11. depart- mental"reporf,s in order that alI reports wculd be available for each Counc ilman. The clerk was requested to notlfy the civil service commlssion to hold examlnations for the following posltlons' '1. -CaPtains, Flre DePart:r.e nt 2.-Fire Freverltion Inspec t cr 3. -I,[as t e r iriechanlc 4. -Flreioen5.- Labolers, aII d'ePartments 6. -ClerlcaI , off lces ?. -iccountant ttater DPartne nt. oouncilmen iloth reco(omended that tiie lnsurance survey now being raade be turned over to a neutral coopany; one not oarrying the "or"rug" Jn tr,e Clty property. Cl,ty- Treasurer, Fran* -' -fI9omri"portEo the Hartfoid- Iniuranoe Company, Eng lneerlng Department, .nas maklng a very flne survey of the City propertles. oblef of Pol1oe Harper requested that the clvil service coni- ;;;;;r;-"ultit a riit of t'hree sen ellgtble to fill e vacancv in-inu poifc" department. The CIerk'was lnstructed to oomrnunioate with the Comm1ss1on.. iriayor Colenan announced the next regular meeting would be exteilded to Septenber 28, L942. c aI.rled. Re sp ec tfu II y bmltted, yor Ci ty CIe rk