HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.08.17{187 Burlinqame, Ca1if., August L?, L942. A regular meeting of the City CounclL rvas held on the above given date.Meetlng called to order at 8 r0O P.lrl,i. - Iliay cx Coleman in the Chalr. Roll CaIIi Pr€sent - Councilmeni Burrow s-C olemen -DahI-Hun t-Ro th.Absent - Counc 11.1en: I''lone submlttedln the t, for h, was The mi.nutes of the prevlous meeti.ng of August 3, Lg4Z, asto members of the Counc 11 and as posted on BuIIetln BoardCity HaI1, were approved. A letter recelved from the Soroptlmlst Club of Burlingsne-San ],lateoand expresslng thanks for asslstance 1n pleclng thelr road slgn, wasordered fi Ie u. A letter from the San idateo Ilmss sollclting advertlslng space ln thededloatlon ed.ltion for the new Marltlme Acadeny at San iiat?;o po1nt, was read. The council dlscussed. tlre propositloa anti agroed to confine1ts aaivertlslng to the looal paper only and instructed the Clerk toaeknowredge recolpt of this conrmunieatlon and so advlse the san ir[ateo Tlme s. A^letter froo-She Etbernla Savlngs & Loan Soclety reJectlng the Cltyof Burllnganers offer of $4000 for the foroer pelers6n pnciertyadJolnlng the Flre gtatloE and thelr counter offer of $2SOO. was read.fhe council voted. to.reJect thls offer anq lns tructed ihe cierk to solnform the fl1bernla Savlngs & I,oa n Soclety. The request of Bobert G. Grunlg, eoployee of tbe Street Departnena yearrs leave of absenoe, was iead. bn motton by Councllman .iot seconded by Counclkran D"blr and unanimously carrled, the requestdenled as tho employee haai alxea(ly left the- employ of the city. Peninsula Dlvls 1on l,eagite of CaLlfcrnia Cities gave notice that theher.t rreetlng wlII be held. 1n San Jose, Thursday, August ZO, Lg4Z, at7:00 P.iJ., at the St Clalre Hote1 . l,1iy or Colemin requested tnat aItdepartirent head.s attend lf pcss ibte. fhe Clvll Servlce E1lg1b1e list for tr'iremon adopted Ir[a rch Z, 194p,was read f'or the appolntnent of four addltlonal flremen. 0n aotlonby counc llroan Burrews, second.ed by counclrman Roth, and unani;irouslycarried, the followlng irren flere appolnted. - D. J. CappsH. J. Clark ]lYalter, Blu.EerF. J. fierdell clty Englneer cecil Longson reported the suxfacing of the parking rot ofJemy KelLeher at the southviest coxner of cermerila e,venue- and c6rlrornlaDtlver_was not sufflclent to lvlthstend wlnter ralns and heavy parklng.The loIlce.lepartment rras lnstructed to asslst the orirner 1n i'elaro tI ?Ierctlng signs and parklng markels, but not to assume malntenancel1abi 11t y. The Three Citles tiosqulto isatement Dl strlct Report for the perlodJuly 14 to Augus t 11, 194P, was read and orde:ed filed. Resolutlon qcceptlng deed f ro(l rrederlck Krlnger aao catherlne Iillngerfor-Iot.8, V11Ia Park Subdlvislon, City of tsuillngame, was edopted 6nnotion by councllnan llunt, secondeai by counellman Dahi, and unanlr,rouslycarrled. councllman Hunt lntroduced and moved thr, adoptlon of resolution ad.optingBudget of the City of Burllngeme for the fiscal year Lg4Z-+8, seconded - by Councilnen tsurrows, end. u:ranimously carried. Besolutlon of Intention tic. 42-2, closlng the northerly portlon of Rose Road 1n Bur llngame Shore L€ind Co. Subdivislon, was edopted on notlon by COUnCilnarl Roth, secondea by Oounci },oan Dehl' end unenlmo\rslv caffiea. i\ 488 A letter fDoll C. C. ilrlght of 20th Avenue r oal] Francisco, protestlng the parklng of cara on EI Canrino Heal at Burllngee .Avenue and at Broadv,iay, Iehich carses a traffic hazard, uas read. The letter was referred to Police Chlef llarper for rep1y. Mayor Coleruan read a c olBrlrunic atlon l'rom thre Sen iLate o County tsoard of Supervj.sors addressed to the Peninsula ntvtslon Lea$Ie -of California Cliles, in regard to the Leaguets request for the Cityts particlpatlon 1n the- Countyrs share of gasol1ne tax funds. The letter stated the supervlsors were unable to glve this due conslderatlon because of the Ialeness of the presentatlon. The Supervisors felt that the matter cou d be given intelllgent study during the coning year anil roach a mutual understandlng for the next flscal year. A. E. van .Jort, Pre 61dent of t he Burl ingab 16 s-oak Grove ilanor rmprov6- ment C1ub, protested the use of iSlooof 1eld llo ad. by heavy trucks as a short cut'to San iriateo. The metter was referrEd to ?oIlce Chief ,liarper to make a personal contact with the more frequent truck operat'ors. anai re-route thelr vehicles. Cleims fios. 6665 to b1tL,inc., were read and i'terrunts orcered d'rawn on the Clty Treasury 1'or the j.r repectlve anpunts. The Councll thereupon adiourrod. Bespe ct fuIIy s ubnl t te dt y CIer ayor 0 .f.