HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.08.0348s Resolutl on was a Expendlture of 1 anee for the flsClerk to exe cute APPRO A regular meetlng ofdate. Meetlng c a1le d Chalr. Bur1lnga,ne, Calif., August 6, L94?,. the City CounclI was held on the aboveto order at 8i00 P.M. - Mayor Colee.an dopted approvlng Lleooranduo of ngreooen t for /4y' gas tax allooated. for streets of naJor Lnport-cal year J-945, ard authorlzlng the Mayor and Citythe agreeme nt otr behalf of the Clty.- l,Iotl otr by Councilman Hunt, seconded by CounclImBn Dah1, and unan!:rously carrled. Cla1ns lrlos. 6595 t9:..6664, tnc. were read and i{arrants ordered drawnon the Clty TreBsury for thelr respectlve eounts. The Oouncll tfiereupon adJourned. Respec tful1y subml t ted, L v gl ven 1n the Bo11 CaIl l Present - Councllmell: Bumows-Co].eman-Dah1-Ilunt-FotbAbsent - 0ounc llmen: None the minutes of the previous meeting of July 20, !942., as submltted.to members of the Counc i1 and as posted on Bu1let1n Board ln theglty Hal I, wele approved. .f letter froG' the Fresldent of the Rocreation Commlsslon re c onraend- 1ng the appolntrnent of l*irs. Iiej-ph tow was roviowed. It was movedby Counc ilnan }ioth, seconded by Councl lman Burows end unanirnouslycarrled, that ilirs. Ralph Low be appolnted on the Hecreation Coiumlssion for a term of three years. The Clerk was instructed towrite a letter of thanks to Llrs. Wyckoff. A bul1et1n froo the San iriateo County Tref flc Safety Commlsslonrequestlng the support of every Amerlcan Cltlzen ln the trshare arldet tlre conservatlon program, was read and ordered filed. A letter from the local Unlted Servlce Organlzation xequesting acontributiotr to the oalntenance fund, was reed. lis no speclfic amount was mentloned, the m&tter lvas referred to Defense Corr.mittee composedof Counc j.1men BurrOEs, Ilunt and Roth, for roc otdend,at 1on. A letter fI om Patrolman C. Il. Tho:rras requesting permission to attend,the A.merlcan Leglon Conventlon to be tield bn Los ri,ngeles Aprl1 17thto 19th, inc,, was read. The matte r was referred, to Chlef Harperfor c onsideret i on. Bur llnasmeI, V1lfa Park, C ounc i lraan Rot h and unanimorrsly carried, Purohasing Jlge nt Frank ts1com was i.nstr:'.rctedto proceed uith the purchase. Ihe acceptance from Frea xrlnser ,o. ,xr.l}3"iai'was read. 0n motiorr by Councllman Hunt, seconded ofLot by N 4 E6 A coflo.unloat j.oo from Captaln Thouer statlng that Jemy Kellehe! haal graded., rockod and roLled hls prope rty otr tbe Southwost eortrer of Callforni8 Dr1v6 and Carnelita Ave[ue for a parklng lot, was read. i{r. Kelteherrs offe! to 1et the Clty uso thls area for a Parklng Lot for oommuters was referred to C. L. Longson, Otty.EbBl;ir6er. Reports of !tat6! and Police Departmeats, Bulldlng Inspactor, and 01ty Judge, for ]itont h of July sere read antl ordered f1Ied. A Eesolutlon accepting the compJ.eted work speclfLed 1n a coatraotslth Balnoy B. Goetz and the Clty of Bux llngsme aocordlng to the tems, plens and speclflcatlorls, and that the flnal payoellt of S12I0.00 be paltl, was adopted on ootlon by Councllman Rothr secondod by Counollman Dahl., and unanloou 1y carried. Thls contract covenBd the constructlon oi three ooaorete oulverts over the or€ek loadlng lnto Ray Perk6ubd1v1slon. I4ayor colemall announoed that the councll lryould oeot in executlve gesslon wltlx the Flre ComolsBion and Llbrary Cofl[lttee to stutly the budgot atrd conslder a lease piirchase platl of the North Bur].lngame 'ifonan t s CIub Houso for a branch llbrary. The Councll thereupon adJ ourned.. Respectfully su brnl tt ed, v erk o I I -