HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.07.0648-2 A reEular neetlng of thedate. Meetlng called to the Cha1r. Burllngaoe, Calf., JuIy 6, L942. Clty counci.I was held on the abovo glvon order at 8300 P,i{. - ],[ay or Col€oan 1n RoIl CaIl,Present :. CounclImeEi C o leoaE-Dahl- -Hunt -Ro t h. Abs€nt - Councllmoni Burrcrs. fhe oinutes of the previous r03etlng of Jute 15, 194?, asto oeobers of the CounclL and as postect on Bulletln Boaro City HaIl, we re approved. submltted 1n the n Sale Beer.lst1Iled A plogress report of the Satr Mateo County Clvl1J.al1 DefeEso Courrc11 ln- rogard to the County $lde Mutua1 Alal tr'lre ard Po1lce I'greeoent, ras read and ortlered flIod. A letter fron the Soroptlelst Club requestlng pem18s1on to pJ-ace thel! offlolal road s1gtr s4blee at tbe entrance to Bulrl lngaoe t was reaal. 3. A. Blooo, PurcbaslnB Agent, recomraended instal-latlon of a Bulletln BoarA t6 oover all servloa cibubs. Tb18 160 omotr3 ndatl on was referred to Chlef Harper to contact the varlous olubs for thelr reac t1 on. A letter from California lvlission frails Assoc iatlon Liarlted, soI1c1t- lng an appropriatlon of dI00.00 to carry on for the flscal year 1942-+r, rias read. TtIe matter was ordered heIC over pendlng the flnal adoption of the budget. A letter granting an extenslon of tlne to JuIy al.t 1942, for the purchase of thl Nortti Bur llngame 'ffornants CIub was read. This offer ias aocepted on motion by Coune 1lman Dah1, secotrded by Councllman Rotb, and unanimously cairi ed. A 1e tter was read f rom t lie Sen illiate o-llurI 1n game Translt sollcitlng the suDport of the Clty Councll of its applicatlon il2507 5 nlth the Callfornla Ra1 Iroad Cosunlssion to lncrease 1ts fares. Eesolutlon approvlng and endorslEg the appllcatloo of tho San Mateo fralrslt to lnbrease the rates d transportatlon as per schodule subnltted to the Ca11fomla Rallroad Commlsslon was adoptetl on motlon by Counclloan Hunt, seconded by Councllman Roth and unan- lmously carrl ed. On recoo,nendation of ?oLlce Chlef Harper' tlansfer of 0 and irri ne Llcense, ;Y1[e Bott11n5, or Paokaglng, 0n s,tl e D splrlts & Off Saie Dlstllled Silrltsr. by the State Boar Equallzati cn, f r o!c. George and. Iilarcelllna Garbulo 'lJobn 't6 Marcelina' Garbuio, was approved. '\ . i ReportE of llater, Pol1oe and I'1re Departmentsr Bullallag Inspector, ana City Judge, for the nonth of Juno; also report of Poundmaster for Apr11, May and Ju[e, wore read antl ordexed fl]ed. Report of ftrreo C1tles l{osqulto Aba te ment Dlstrlot fo! porlod May 12 to Juns 16, 1942, ras read €nd orderEd flleal. Resolutlon authorlzlng the Conlnlttee of the Peninsula Dlvlslon of the Le ague of Callforn1 a Cltleg to represent the Clty of BurlLngame 1a lts efforts to secure frco the Boani of Supervlsols of San Mateo County a falr and equitable appDotlorurent of the gaso f. ine taxea th6 Couoty recelvss durlng the f1scal perlod L942-L94$ and sub- sequetrt years, was adopted on motlon by oounol lma Hunt r seconaleal by CounollmaD Roth and unanloously carrletl. Resoluttron authorlzlng the Mey or to erecute agreement on the part of the Clty of Burllngame for i{ut us:I A1d BBtweon Communltles Wlthtn the Same County, Coverlng Pol1ce Deoartoe nt Fac1I1t1es, was adopted on motlon by Councllnan Roth, secotrded by Councllmatl DehI, aad unanlmously cerrted. dof s Place n 483 Besolutlon authorlzlng the Mayor to execute agreerent on the pert of the clty of tsur 1-lngane wlth the Burl1trgee Chamber of Commeroe aioverlng Atlvertlsltrg Approprlat 1on, was adopteal on motlon by Councl l.man Roth, seconded by Counci lruan DabI, anA unatrlreously carrleal. Resolutlon authorlzlag the Mayor to execute agreement on the paxt of the Clty of Burlltrgame wlth the Boa rd of frustees of the BurI ln gam6 Elementary school Dlstrlot, coverlng a oo-ordtnatealplan of Health, physical educatlon and reoreatloa 1n the Clty of Burl lngano and partlcularly among chlLtlren of eleoentary rchool age,ras adopted. on motlon by Councll.iran llunt, seconded by Counclloan Roth and unanlnously car rl etl. 0railnance No. 587 entltleal nAn Ordlnance of the Clty of Bur}lngame Authorlzlng a CoEtract be tween the Clty CounclL of the Ctty of tsurllngaoe and the Boald of Admlnl stratlon, Callfornla State Enployeest Retlrement System, ProylAlng for the Partlclpatlon of said Subdlvislon 1n sald State Enploy€es t Setlroment System, Maklng 1ts Eoployeos l,ieobers cf sald Sy8bmn, was adopteai otr notlon by Counctlman Roth, seconded by Councllnan Eunt and unanlmouslycarrled. Cleverdon & Co. the low bldd.erE were awarded contract onrmotlon by Councl lnan Roth, seconded by Councllnan Dah1, and unanlmously carrled. The ne6ting tbereupon adJourned. Re spec tfully subml tted, Clty Cler The followlng blds on llotor Vehlcle lrrs uranoe.'for the Clty of Burtlngame were recelved,. - Pub11c ]-labillw & Property Danagp. Cleverdon & Co. - SOee.ee Fox & Carskaaon - 685.59 Chrls E. Phelan - 906.55 1 a