HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.06.15480 Clty Attorney, for a A€ta11ed report. Mr. Harvey Eastllng addressoal the Chalr regardlng the meetlng proulsed the Llbrary Comnlttee. M€yor Col eoatx aesured Mr. EagtLlng that after the prellnrln aly butlget meeting the Counoll w qrld lneet trlth the ltbrary Coonlttee dur 1ng the wesk of June ?2nd. Mr. Doerlng lnqulrod about the progress be 1ng made on tbe Fleld Eouse 1n Ray Park and if 1t could be completed before school closeal. Mr. Abbott of the Recreatlon Cornmlsslon reported the pmJeot was maklng good headway except f or the delay ln g6ttiEg necossaly plpe to cmplete the Job. Supt. Publlc Works Longs on felt the gradl,ng could 6e d oDe 1tr - approxlnately two weeks lf the gladlng equlpnent was ava llab Ie . The CounclI thereupon adJ ourne d. yor Respectfully s ubol t te d, City Cle rk Bur}lngene, Callf., Juue 15, 1942. 4 'j A regular neetln€ of the CIW Councll YJas held oI1 the above given date. - Meeting ca11ed to order at Bi00 ?.ivi. - idayo r Colenan 1n the Cha ir. RoII CaII: .Present - Councllnen: Coleman-Dah1-Eunt-Rotb. .Ab sent - oouncllneE: Eurrors A motlon was made excusing Counc tlman Burrows. - I}loti on by Counct&- man lIunt, seconded by Councllmen Roth, and unenimously carried. ?he minutes of the previcus meeting of June l, 1942r. as submlttedto meobers of the Councll end as pcsted on Bulletln Board ln the City HalI, ',ve re approved. .4, pro8ress report of the San l'lateo county Clvl11an Defense Councll 1n refiard to the county-wlde ]lutual Ald tr'1re Agreerent was read and ordered f1led. Recoftrend.at lon of the Executive Coinitittee of the Three C1ti.es Defonse Councll that a nproperty offlcer" be aDpolnted, was read. At a regular meetlng of the City Council held Aprll 6, L942, a resclutlon was adopted appolnting Lir. tr'. A. Bloofl, Purchaslng Agent, local pxoperty custodlan pursuant to reguletlon No. l of the office of clvllian Defense. the Ctrrk was instructed to notify the Eefense Counoil of thi s action. 481 Notlce of tbe appolntoent by the Llbrey Board of L{lss Ellrlan Hawklnsonas Chlldrenrs Llbrarlan, .was reacl. The appolntr0ent f,as approved onmotlon by Councllmen Hunt, seconded by Councllnan Dah1, an{i unanlmouslycarrled. C . I. Iongs on, atrd approval ofexpendlture ofyear eDdlng Jur1 supth thee5 t. Publ1c florks, submltted for the conslderatlone Clty Councl1, the proposeil budget for the L/+O gas tax fund for CIW Streets for the flscal,O, L949, vlzt $ a,soo.oo 11 .804.96 $T5-r*0'4;06' Mr.. Longsonrs recor nontiat1on was approved on motio[ by CouncllmanEunt, secondetl by Counc llrran Roth, and unanlnously cairled. L€tter from the San Mateo County Clvl11all Dofense Councll presentlngthe agreement fox mutuaL ald between the coomunltles wlthli the samJoggnt{r- coverlng pollce department fac111t1os, f,m read. Conslder-able debate followed ln regard to|the Cltyrs ilaulltty for lnJuryto meBbers whlle on duty outsld.e the clty l_lmlts. The matter wasordered. heltl over untll llext Councll neetlng for further study. la ordlnance entltled nAn ordinaEoe of the Clty of BurI lng8meAuthorlzlng a Cotrtract betsoer the City Councl1 of the Clty of lurllngane and the Boarti of AdBlntstratlon, Californla StaieEmployees t Retlrement Systen, provldlng foi the partlclpatlon ofgaltl Subd.lvlston 1n Saltl State Enployees t Retlrenent Syltem, Maklnglts Eoployees Members of sald Systemi, ras glven flrst-reading -Iutrotluotlon by C ounc lI-nran Both. Cla ims I\o s. 6494 to 659.f , 1nc . , we redrawn on the City Treasury'for their fhe oouncil thereupon adJ ourned. General MalntenBE.ce for MaJor StreetsCarolan Ave[ue Extenslon Rlg]rt of Way reaal and Wamant s order6drespectlve atrount s. Respec tfully s ubmi tt ed., City Clerk )