HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.05.1847s Burllngame, Callf., May 18, 1942. A mguler neeting of the Clty Counol I was helal otr th€ above givontlate. TIr neetlng was calLeil to order at 8!00 P.M. - Mayor Colemantn the Cha1r. RoII CaU s Present - Councllmen! CoIemEn - DabI - Eunt - BothAbsent - Councl lmenl Burrors The mlnutes of the prevlous meoting of May 4 meobe rs of the Couno 1l ard as postecl on the Clt y llall, were approvetl. , L942, as submltted toBulletln Board ln the .4" letter reoelved f rots thethe S450.00 glft froo thoflle d. San lvlat eo Counff BIooci Bank, acknorletlglngClty ard expresslng thanks, was ordereal Ietter recelved from the Per:lnsula Dtvlslon League of CallfornlaCltles, announcl. ng the next meetlng and the pmgralo to be held Nlay zL, L942, fhe Clerk was lnstructed to Inake reservatlons for twelve . 0n the rEcoflmetrdatlon of tbe Recreatlon Cofftrlttee 1t was movod by ::Ili:l:"t':f*i ":"fflii3,oI^i?HtBt4ffi4&fba"&$'r,L$ffi&qge;tihussx6:s6s:c e) of Recreatlon ln the Clty of Burl lngame for a three months perlod, her sa).ary to be I0Y..r'rpgffiD( ttr {}150.00 per month, effectlve i\iay 1, 1942; Ensxl IEemffi)ho(ErxxE( Eeport of the rliosqulto abattnent Commlttee, Aprl1 14th to Liay L2, L942, was read and ordered f llecl. Letter from the San i.iat e o County Ctv11laII lJef ense Councll, urgingthe ratlflcatlon of an agreement - trFor Liutual- Ald between Communltleswithln the same cou'lty - covering flre equlpment[, was read. 0n motlon by Councilman Roth, seconded by Councilman Hunt, and unanlmous-Iy carrled, the above mentiorpd agreement was adopted. Resolutlon establlshing a pol1cy to refuse permisslon to pub11c utilltles to place and establlsh poles oR*$4SrqIIeets, Ianes, ways and alleys yTlthtn the clty unless sald pfiUtfd/d{I':e to permlt the sai.d poles to be used by the Pollce anc Fire Departments of the Cityof Burlingame, fo! the purpose of placing thelr 'uyires on such poles, was adopteo on aotlon by Councilnan Hunt, seconded by Councilman iioth, and unan i.mously carrie d. Resolutlon of Intentlon No. 42-1 was passed to approve contractprovldlne for partlclpation 1n the state lleploy!0e nt Retlrement System. The mottdari rvas oade by CouncL lman Hunt, seconded by Counc 1lman DahI, and unanlmously carrled. llotlotr was fiade by Councilman Roth, sesond- etl by Councllman Hunt, and unantnous ly carried, that the clty employees prooeeti to ballot on May 22, LgLz, ln the offlco of the City C1erk between the hour8 of 83..M. antl 5 ?.M. 1n order to tiotermine trbethe!they shalll particlpate ln the Cal1f or:11a State Eoployeers Ret lrementSystem. Mayor Co)-ernatr appolnted an 51ect1 on Corurlttee composed ofm Chlef of Pol1ce llarper, Flre Chlef Janssen, and City Clerk ,{hlte, ln oharge to see that only bona f ld.e 6mploy6es vote. 4jx ordlnance o.endlng subdlvlsio.n (a) ot Sectton LZaS of the ordlnance Cod6 of the City of Burllngaee, to deslgnate Callfornla Dllve as a througb hlghway from Penl.nsula Avenue to the northern terolnus of sa1 d Callfornla Drlvs, ras glven flrst readlng - Introductl on by CounolLcan Eunt . Letter read frcm the tsur llngame Recreation Cofinlssion regardlngresolutlon of the Burlingame Elementary school Board for a coordlnatedplan of health, physlcal educatiotr, and recreatlon, for the Clty of Burllngener- was ordered referreal to the Recreation Commlssion forfurther d.e t al 1. Clalns Nos. 6416 to 6495, lno., were read and trarrents orCered drawn on the Clty Treesury for tbelr respectlve emounts. :tn t}l)F,](Extr 416 1. That all cormunicatlons to the City Councll should be 1nthe offlce of the Clty Clerk not later than the fhtrsday pllor to theregular meeting date ln order to receive consid.eration. Z. That the City Councl l yyould adhere to all rullngs laid down by the Three Clties Defense Council in re:rard to al! laltlwardens, helmets, and other defense matters. 7. That Postmaster Jos. Gaffey had ertendeq err l[vltatiou tothe rembers of the CIty Councll to attend the opentng of the newPost 0ff1ce, May 28, 1942. The^Councll thereupon adjourned to meet l{onday, NIay pb, lg4}, at,8:00 P.M. MEy or Col@an mad.e the f ollox,lng annoutrcemoEts ! Bespeotful1y subnl t teal, rk or