HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.05.04473 Burllngaae, Ca11f., Mey 4, 1942. A regulsr rieeting of the City Councll was held on the above glven date. - Meetlng called to order at 8:00 P.il. - l{ayor Colel0an 1n the Chalr. RoIl CaII: Presetrt - Councllmen: Colenan - Dahl - Hunt - Both Councllman Burrofis arrlvsd at the meeting at 8:85 P.Ii. Tba ol|rutes of the prevlous &eet lng of Aprll 20, L942, and th6 canvasaof the eleotlon retulnE of Aprll 2L, L942, as submltted to menbers of the Counoll, and as postetl on Bulletln Board 1n ths Clty Eall, were approvefl. Orillnanoe No. 585 authorlzlng orrergeaoy auapetrslon of all bu1Id1ng,eleotrtoal aad. plunblng ordlnances, autho!121ng the use of substltutenaterlal and re thoils durlng the perlotl of Natlonal eoergency nor exlst- 1ng, was adopted oa notlo! by Councl lnan llunt, seconded, by Councllnan Roth, and unanlmously c arr16d. Resolutloi deElgnatlag a certaln area ln Bay Park Subctlvlsl oo asiM.S. Ray Fubllo Reoreatio! Parkn, was aalopteA oa motlon by Couoclloan Eutrt, seoolded, by Counclloan Roth, anil unan lmously oarrled. Resolutlon authorlzltrg tb€ M8yor to er6outo 'Ioase fca the rental of 271 Park Road to be used by the Dopartoatrt of Publlc 'irrorks, ra8 adopte(l otr ootlon by Councllmaa Eunt, seconded by Councl lman Rotb, and unan- lmous ly oarr le d. Resolutl on classlfylng C.1v11 Servlce eoployees subEtltutlng for employ- ees oalled to hlllltary and Naval servlce, was adopte d on motlon by Counci lman Hunt, seconded by Councilman Dahl, and unanlmously carrled. Resolutlon provldlng for the lssuance of bonds for lmprovemeots 1n Bur llagene Y111age Subatlvlslon wes read. fhere being tro protest, the resolution was adopted on motion by Councllman Roth, seconded by Councllflen Hunt, and unaBlnous Iy carrled. Resol.utlon aoceptlng a deed for l,ot 5, Blook 45, Easton Subtllvlslon, from F. A. B1oom, Tax Collecto!, t o the Clty of Burllngae, xras atloptetl on motlon by Councllman Hunt, secorded by CounclLman Hoth, and unanlmous-ly carrled. The request of the San l{ateo County Hlstorlcal Assoclatlon for a con- tri.buting meobershlp of +10.00 was approvod on raotlon by Councllman Burrows, sec onded by Councllnan Dahl, and unanlmously carrted. Clalo of Edwin H. Snlth, Clvll Jngineor, ,r,L97.00 for prellmlnary work tione 1n Burllngae Vlllage lmprovement, was approved for payuent on motlon by Counc 1lman Roth, seconded by Councl lmen tsurrows, and unan- llxously car rl ed. L€tter fr@ the Broa dway Deyelolxnent Assoclatlon requestlng enforoementfm a1r ralal protectlon by store crsners and merchants, after oonslder- able dobate and advlce of the Clty Attorn{, w6 referred to the C1u1I DefeEse Comolttee. A Letter from G. L. Turner, 1105 Canbrldge Roati, spoke soan for tho Auxlllary I'1remetr of Burllngame, appeal 1ng fcr oonslderation ln regaralto the deposlt roqulred for helmets, was read. After conslalerabla dls- ouseloa and the Clvlllan Defe[se Voluntoels belng assured that there would be no cbargo for waterproof Jackets, trousers and overshoesrlf needed, the letter lgas ref erretl to the Clvl11sh Defense Comolttee for report at ne xt aeeting. 11. Eastllag on behalf o by the Clty of th6 Nort suboltte ai the naoes of Councll ln the natte!, f the oj.tizens supportlng the proposed purchase h tsurtlngme 'rYomanis CIub as a branch llbrery, oooolttee appolnted to confer wlth the Clty aLz,.Mrs. I{m. iI. Lawd€r IUr. IU. B. ClarsonMr. Robert A. Elgg insMr. Stanley J. Mad detr Mr. Earvey Eastl lng \ +ry4 On reo @Eotrd.at 1on of Pollce Ch16f ltafper, tra[af ea Lloense by the State Board of Equallzatloa, from W. Jos. D. & PauI R. Lane, ras apprDved. Re sIFc tfully s ubml tt ed, clt, cterk vED of 0n Sale Beer M. Tbprps on to I.ettB! !ead from th€ Bur lltlgables-0ak Crove ![en or loproveEe nt club plotestlng the fast asd reoEtess Srlffiq enter168 Bloon-f-1e1'd Roail irom tbo Bay Shore Hlghway. - Referred to Polloe Chtef Iiarper. Ietter fron the Bur llngens Recreatloa CotrmlssloE ro resolutlon of the Burllngane Eleoertary School Boaldr f8 a coordlnated plaa of health' phystaaL ecluoatlon alr(l recr€at1on for the Clty of BurIlngaBe, waE oralered he1d over unt1l nert nset1a8. Captaln Theuer ln a le tter aaldr€8seal to Pol1oe Chlef Earper reootrre[il- 6d- that CaLlfornla Dllre be made an lrblial Btreet to lncludc oxford Boad, Cambrl aigs Road, Rosedale Ave nue and Drffollln ArEnuo, and that arterlal stgns te iurchased ad lnstsl}etl at the abovc mentloaed lnterseottons as i safety measul€. Captain lbeuer alao reoonnenaea that bloycle raoks be purohaseil an tl lnstallett at Greyhound ilF1; firrrne tot ai Prlmrose Boad near Burl 1n8ane-Ai6'!te, antl the ar^oa d'iay Depof,, as a convenlenco for parsotra uslng-bloy-oles as a n"ans oi trinslortatlon. fhe reo oomegilatl on that Calif omla Drlyo be made an ,A,rt6rlat street ras approveil and Arterlal slgna rere oraered 1nstallel at thB etreets- mentloned. Also bloycle recks sere oraeiea installea 6tr the Parklng lot on Prlnroso Ro atl near BurI ltrgane l,v" nue -.--lAotf on by Counol lman H[nt, secondeai by Councllman Dahl, aatl unanlmous ly carrle d. Reporta of 'llrater, Poltoe and !'1re Departrente, Bulldlng Inspgclor' inh City Judge, ior Month of Aprll, rere read'anat olderod f1led' The appolntnent of Graoe lloey as Deputy-Ctty C1€lk nas approved on not:.oiiby counclloan Burrora, seconaed'by Counoilnan Dabl, antl unalrlnous Iy carrletl. fhe Couno 1t thereupon adJourned. or