HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.03.16465 A regular re6t 1!rg of the Clty Corurcl l ra s helal olr the above glvendate. - Ueetlng oalled to order at 8:00 P.M. - Mayor Buok ltr-tho Cbalr. RolI CaII: Present - Councllme!: Buok - Colonan - Ilunt - RothAbseEt - Councl l_neE: Burrors The rolnutes 9f lhe pr6v1or.r!r meetlng of Maroh g, L942, as suboltteAto nenberg of the Counoll and ae posted otr Bulrotln Board ln tbo Clty8a11, f,€re approved. Lettst reail fron tha- Burtlngalre post No. 16g, .An€rlcan Leglon, statingthat the re aro nany hooe s ln Burllngane that- have metals dnd otnerlteog aeoeesary and oould be used 1n orr Natlonal Defense progran aadsugeqstlng that some oethoal be rvorked out whereby lle Garbige-Co. ortbe Ctty ltself oould take one <iay or uoro per n6nth to natae= thlsoollootloll so that these netals and other lteng that are ao vltal toou! Dofense o oulal be blougbt back to the proper ohannels. - Uatterreferr€tl to C. L. Iongsotr, Sup 6rln tend ent- pubttc ltorks. Iptter roaA froE ![rs. Ea]rlot Sher:rood, property mner 1200 ErlgehlllDrlve, protogtlgg the harrorlng of Loti i, k, a-L, B1ook A, BuillaSa,eTerrao€. rhe clerk rae lnstruc ted to advise - Mrs. 'sborrooal'tbat lf-she clld not ileclre the Clty to €raAloate the reeds. she could havetherc removotl ln any oanner she ateslrod. aad tbe woik wourd not thenbe alone by the Clty re6d crer. Letter rea al from M1leg Mof,. aadersoE,, chalrman Entertaltrosnt oonmlttee,Dcnlasula Ltttle Theatrerrnc., obJectlng to the Burrlngamo RooleatlotlDepartment taklng.oa aduit ar"-r iespoaittttlty nto prSduoe shortoklts by 1ooa1 rrlterE, for the enteitalnnent 6f our-soldler boysn.Irtter rcferrld to REoieatlo[ commlsEloa, on ootton by counc l.rroanCoI@a!, seoonded by Councllnan Roth, aad unanlmously' car rle d. Three Cttloa-Mosqulto Abatenetrt Dlstrlct neport, February lOth toMarch 10, 1948, rae read antt oralere e ftted.- the.Plannlag.conm_lsslon'g letter l{arch 6, 1942, !6 ohange ln classlfl-oatlon of l,ot I, Blook 2p, orned by LanS'Rcalti Corporaf,lon. at !9V :19I: E{S}yay. antt Burllngane Avenue to non-comn6rclal z6ne statue,raa rototr€ai to the clty attortrey. Appl1oatlotr of Pao tflo - feJ_ephone & Te tegraph Coopatry relatlve topraclng-of pores on callfornta Drly€ toleive nuirtirgan--viItag", raareferred to E. W. gohuok; Superlntenttent 'ilat er Oepar[nent. -- Re sorut 1on-,Provldltrg for Dlsposltlon of surplus under Besolutlon $!:l,lt1on N.o-.-4I-1, arlopted }inrch lZr I94Ir-coverlng lmprovementsBur]lngane v111age, wae__adopted on m6t1oa 6y counc lrnan corenan,seconded by Councllnen Hunt, and unanlmously carrled. tbe Councll thcreupon adJourne ti. Burllngamo, Calif., March 16, 1942. Rospe ct ful1 s ubml t of 1n Ig:gllitl glantlns deetl to tho state of callf@rla from the clty ofuurLlngaEe of a parceJ.-of.latrd adJacent to Bay shor6 l1lghray ln irontof Burllngamc sonage Plant, was-adopted on_moilon by colac rinan Eunt,secondeal by Counollman Rot[, and uaan funousJ.y carr1e6. ordltranoe No. ge4 trAE Orallnanoe Regulatlng a nti Deflnlng Loaves ofAbsetroe of offtoels or Eoprovee" oi"i[" -criv "r e*iioe;r;]-flrhrr"Eugaged rE tho Perfonnano6 0i urutary_ or_Navar Dutyr, f,a''adoptearor motlon by Counollmeo Co1enaa, ,ucinded uy bouacir,Ln-[uit, anaunanlmously carrloal. - Iatrod,uce,i Uaroh-9, tb+i.-- I:.r:^ighyg! plpt: of ;yater;r9r-F,s, f,as lnstructed to make a surveyanq looK ltrto the oatter of puttl.og the city water rsrls ln condltionfot use 1a oaee of emergetroy- and td g6t an estlmate of oost to bavBthl a; trork dorle. CIa1|s Nos. 6l€4 to 63to 1nc., were read and llarlants ordered dlawnotr the City Troasury for theli rrespect 1ve nmountg. yor ( over ) v 4ti6 Thls be lng tbe tlne flxed for hearlEg protests agalnst tho eradloat lng of weeds anal no one appearlng to protest, the Councll aalopteal the ResolutloE orde! lng destruotloD of noxlous antl dangerous weeda ln the Clty of Burllngaroe, onootio! by Coutrcllnan Eunt, secondetl by CouncILnarr Coleman antl unanlnously ca rrletl. Mardx 16, 1942 Burllngare, Callf ., AprlI 6, 1944. A regulsr meetlng of the Clty Councl 1 wae helal on the aboveglven tiate. - Meetlng caIled b order at 8!00 P.M. - Mayor Buck 1n tbe Chalr. RoU CalL: Pre sent-Couno llmen : Buck - CoLeman - Hunt. Counc l loan Roth appeared 8t the neetlng at 8!20 P.M. absent -Co rrnolLenf Burrows. the alnutes of the prevlous nmtlng of Merch eubnltted to menbers of th6 Councll, aatl as Board ln the Clty Hall, were apploved. Ia rosponse to lavltatlon of CaLlfornia State PlsnnlE8 Boardt Saoran6nto, Mayor Buck announced the appolatment of Goo. II. Co).enan, 1: J.- Rotb and JsEos M1tohell, as ropresentatlves from Burl1og;E€ to servo on San Franclsoo Bqy Be 81o.nal Developnent Councll to be hel,d ln the Cl.aremoat Hotel, Belkeley, oE saturAay, ApriL Il, 1942. At the request of C. L. Iongson, Supt. of Pub1lc Worka, Pgll"yB. Goetz, -Coutractor, Stookton, - Callf . r f,as- grsnte| atl. atidLtlonal thlrty d6ys extensloi on hls c -ontract for tho constluotlon of rrelnfirrcei concrete sldewal1s and culvert ln Ray Park Subdlvlslon- thls request due to unfavorabl6 raather oondlt lons. Dr. Wn. 0t1a Calloway ln letter advlsed that he nould rot be abla to accept the appolntment as a membo r of the C1vll Servloe ComnlEsion - du6-to present war coutlltlons lt wo uldl be lmpoaslble for hlm to neet wlth-other [enbers of the Coomlsslon at the tlnes deslgnated for ueetlugs. Dr. P. Chas.-Guyselnan of lTgqawayrao appolnied to servo on the C1v1I Servlce ComolsElon to f111 the uiirplred teno of Mr. a. J. catl'eY - teru erplr198 Jury 5, 1944 - dotlon by Coutro l}nar Roth' seconded by counc llna[ Hunt a[al un&lf,ous1Y carrle d. A p6tltlo|1 atral severa]- I'etters Teere presented beolng6$h31 uatures of resldents of Nor th Burllngane ulglng the pulcns the tlor th Bur llngame llomanr s C1ub, tocatetl at East on Drlve Cabrlllo Avenuer-for the lurpose 6r estabush1lrg a llbrary serve tbat seotlon of the comnunlty. 16, post 1942, as ed on Bullst 1n Elfsp and to trormal offet was recelvstl fron Nffth Bur1ltrgane J9ongnls CIub to sefi-io tbe clty bulldlng aad Laait of tbe CluD for S75Oq - payable SSOO oash rlth icoeptaoce - teros for paynent -of- the balance to 6e nutually agreeti upon - offer to be accepted May 11 1944. aft er conslderable Alscussion entered tnto by members of the Counoll, C. M. Chemy of the Llbrary Boaral, F. F.-P-alI?Io' A. J. Busb, Ea]erlsoa Coles, ad otber. resldents of North aurrrnsane, -oounc llman Rotf, novsd that the clty tloo8[Ize th6 offer of the Club and ask for an extonslon of tlre l1nlt of sirty aayg oa tbelr optlonr-seoonded by Oounol lman IIutrt, atrd unanlmously c arrl ed.