HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.03.09463 Burllngaoe, Ca]'lf., ldarch 9, L942. Bo11 Ca1I, Present - Councluoenr Buck-Burrors-Colsman-Hunt.Absent - Councllmen: Roth A neetlng of the Clty Counal I ras helat otr the ab ove glyen datc,as per aaij ournnent Maroh 2, 1944. - Meotlng oalled to order at-8100 P.M. - Mayor Buck 1n the Chalr. Tbs.nlnutes of the prevlous rneetlng of !{aroh Z, L9AZ, as sub-niltted to meBbera of the Councll, ana as postea on Bitlotl[ Boalala the Clty Ea1I, rare approled.' 0n the recoonendatlon or the clvll selylce coomlsslon, Boy trr€oeatrreho was hlretl frcu tbe Iaborerte Ellglblo Llet thst eip:.r6aNovtobe! 22, L94), rae plaoetl as clti enpLoyee on a peinanent basls.-Motlon by corrnollman Eunt, seoonaleal by ooun6l tnan Buirors anil utran-leously oar 11ed. C1vll Sevloe Conmlseloa ailvlsed that as a re eult of recont OralPronotlonal Exanlnatlon-for-poa1-t1oB of trlre chlef of tuo surlingercFlre Departmoat, the foL1ow1ng el1g1b1e 1lst hag Ueen cieatJa. -- eL.dJ.No. 1-No.2-IIor ao Edwar Janssen tro tE CounolLuatr EuEt roovaal that thrts 6l1g1ble llst as suhltteA beaoceptcd, seoonalgd by counollnen Buirorg ana unatmousii-Jarrrea. Lette reatl from the.Nolth BurrlDgaE rryoman I s cLub re the se}llagof th€lr orub hou'e to the clty oi Bur}lng@c to be usett aJ a brincbllbrary. Refered t9.r:.A. Bl6om, purohailng alentrJo-eei prfoeaad terEs wlth no (refllllte coonltrient to purinail tie lrEljr-ty. :A-$Ig^Country.Departnent of pubIlo rrealth ard th6 Burllagaa Flre ?9p1rJogEt reportoai.thst tbe Aol[ornan placo at 15SS Cypress AvBnuoIa a rulaaEoe ait vlolatlor of Eealth aod safety code-of th€ stateof callfornl.r grd r€cotroend€d that saee bo coudomned. rbe orerkra8 -lrlstlucted to glve notioe to the orEer that tb praoe ha6 beeaoonderned antl he be glver an opportunlty to abate tn6-nursinoe. -Motloa by couaclrnan Euat, sec6irded by bounollnan gumori-aaa unau-lmousily oarrled. C. l. lolq:on, Supt. of publlc rlorka, subnltted a total oatlmatoaloost of $6797.00 for the reeurfaclng'and other tnproverneni i- onEale Drlve from vanoouver avBnue to -ritellne Drrve. on mJiion uy 9:3lg1lr.l_9ol"pgJ, -seoorded by Couaclrman Euni an.l unaniiou"rv-oarr16d, th6 €stlnata ras accepted and praoe al on f lre for futuie!sfe!6nc6. clty Plarmlng comolsslotr ln letta! aavlseal that the conmlsslo! at ll._p:"!llg_Y:ryI Sth,.voted 4 to I agalnst reoommendlne aay cnansaItr rae-preseat oras81f10at10n of property ln BurLlnSatldg-oit croieMaaor Subdlvlslo's - Ibla rlth nr'frrenoe-to tnt-;;;iil;iioi-orLang. Real ty_corporat:on f or-pe rolt to oo nstnrot i- eroup -ii-auplexee ?l ilru Pgy Shore-Elghway. Counollnan Eult novEd t[ai-ine-aottonor lae arE!n1tr9 coomlssl0! be sustalned, sooonded by councllmaoBurrora ad unalmously oar r1e d. lLe reoommonalatlon of Buil(ung rnspsotor ifat I on that lnstallatlol1of knob attl tub6 ereotrloar rlrlng be al roreal in 1leu oi i:rsraBteel oondult ln dupler reEldsnoef only, durlag tnJ-eristinEeE6rgenoy, nas acoepted oa rctlon by counclrna Burrors. sedondedDy oouncl Iman Eunt and unanlnously carrlsal. Ordlaanoe entltLsal ran ordlnaroe Roguratlng ad Deflnlng Leave 8 oflbssooe of 0ffloars o! Eoployees of the c:.f,y of surffne;oJ. Ihl1eEngaged ln the Perfornanoe oi lltUtary or Nival outy;l-"""'g1venflrst readlng - lntroductloa by Counci Inan Coleoan.- ' 464 Counol lmarl Burrotrs latroduced an ai moved adoptlon of Sesolutloltsubolttlng proposltlon of re ttlenoent paly fol Clty tuployees tothe electors of the Clty of Burllngamo, to be voted otr 1n thoMunlcipal Electlon to be held Aprll 14, 1948. - SeooEdeal by Counc llma"a 0o1€trat1 ad un atr lnously ca! rleal. Oouncl Inan Hunt ltrtroduoed and moved adoptlon of Rcgolutton aoo6l,t- Lng fron the Callfornla Paolflo fltle & lrust Co., a deeal alated - Maroh 5, 1942, ootrveyln8 to the Clty of Burllngaoe proporty at E111s1de Clrole. - Seoonded by Councl l"m an Burrows anrl utranlmously o ar rl ed,. Iho appolntnent of Dr. Illulan 0t1s Callaray as a member of thoC1vll Servloo Coomlesion, to Euccoed ADthoDy J. Car1ey reoetrtLyreslgneal, f,as ratlfletl on motd.on by Couacl lnatr Colema.n, socond€aby Counol loan Eunt an al urran lmously carrleA. Roque st qf D. J. Dayls for porolBslon to trldon cntraocsa forpatkl[g lot on Laguna Aye Bue oear Broaoray, rar leferrld toC. L. Ioagson, Supt. of ?ubl1c trorka, for llve8tlgatlon. At thls tlme Mayor Buok vacated the o halrman ehl,p and Ed6 a mot lon to ths Vloe ChalBaE, that the Clty of Brlrlfurg@c puloharc $I0r000 of Class i0r Defaas.i BotrAE, - seoooded by oouacllaan Eunt and unsn 1mou61y carrleA. l.t tha requSitof E. rtr SQhuok._Supt. of the iate! Departnent, theClork was -lua truot8il|[g 00}ISI ltu6 Pairtrlo -.Eel;eg!ong' & Tete giaph Compaoy, that at any'tlne thoy rant to iet polei, rirqueet af,ouia be mada to tha SuBt. of the Water DoBartnent 1! older that thepoles ney be plaoed rlthout danage to the rat er systen. fhe Counoll thereupon adJ ourned. Respectful3.y s ubml tted, v er .O,PPROVED: Mayor