HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.03.02461 Burllagare, Ca1lf., llarah 2, 1942. A ragular neottng of the Clty Councll res held oE the above glyen date.- Meetlng oalled to order rt 8:00 P.M. - MeJ,ot Buok ln the Chalr. Roll 0a11: PlsBent - Couno llmanr Buok - Coleman - Hunt.. Absent - Councllmetr! BurroEa - Roth. ghe mlntrtos of the prevtouB neetlng of tre bruary ?A, 1942, as EubolttoAto members of the Counoll, and as posted on Bulletln Boaicl ln the Clty8a11, rere appro ved. Plannlng Comllsslonts letter !e plovldlng a Eore dlrect route fortrafflc crosslng EI Canlllo Real lnb Ade}lne Drlv6 anA vlce velsa, byremoval of tro tr66s on the East€lr1y slde of EI Cad.no ReaI, waa re-fered to Fra[k D. .Alderroa, Palk Suporlnt enaietrt. C1v1l Servlce Coomlsslonra reo@enalatlorr thab Wayne Monor, vho waghlred f!@ the Laborerro el1g1b1e Llst whloh erplroal Novemben 22, L94L,be placed as Clty eoployse on a permaEent basls, raa approted onmotlon by Counol Loan Euat, seconaleal by Counci lnen Colenan, rnal unar- lnous }y car rled.. 0lvllr;Servlce Comml s slonthe followlng ellglble t Bur l1ngame. - as result of leoent examlnatl on, submlttealst for th6 poaltlon of Flreo.aa 1n the Clty of, 1 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. I - Lorln R. TotlrlNo. 2 - Tlnothy J. LynchNo. 5 - J@es S. KennedyNo. 4 - Peter R. Wlxltf lelairJr.No. 5 - Robert 1I. OrDonnell R. E. MoorbyD. J. CappeE. J. ClarkIgalter BllnerP. B. Wh1tfle1d Tom leaa 'F. J. Kerdell 1- 2-g- 4-5-6-7- Ihls l_lst rqs appllv-ed oE motlon by Counollm& Coloman, seconried by Counol loan Hunt, aD ai unatrtnouEly oarrleal. Clvll Ser:vloe Coonlsslo4r I rogllt of !6oaEt oraBlnatlon, submlttedihe fol|orltrB ollglb1e llst for tbe posltlon of poLlceman ln the Cltyof Bqrllngane. - I'lr1g llgt rqs approv€d on ootlon by Councllnatl Colenan, seconded byCounollaan Eu.n t, anal unan lnrousl- y carrlod.. Chlef of Po1loe Ear?er aalvlseal that Alfled L. NultBeler rbo waaappotuted Pol1oe offlcct Deoenber 22, 1941, has been oa1 1ed to tbamoal foroer of the Unlted States Goierumeit, to take effeot March lE,1944, @al rcquested leave of absotrce for Off ioer Nu1tneler for theAuratlon of the War. Chlef Ea rBer also reqLFstetl that Wlll"lan E.Fltzpat!1ok, No. 1 and the oaly reroalnlng eUglble on the Clv11 ServlceLlatr- be a^qpoht€d a rgeular Pollce 0fflcer of the Clty of Burllngane,to take effect March 15r_ 1942. 0n motlon by Counoi lnan Col,emaa,seconded by Counc lLoan Eunt, anX unarrlmous ly oarrlecl, the potlc6nanrs el1g1bIe l-lst crplrlng February 1942, ras eitended tirf rty days andW1U16n E. trltzpatrlck was appolnted-Potlce Offlcer eubJ6ct io nedlcalexaBlnatl oD and to aIl. the probatlonary requlroments of'tbe ClvllServloo Cormlsslon rs reoommendatlon. Clty Attorney- Karnel traa lnstructeal to aenal ordlnance to lncludg anyemployoe who leaveg to entor tbe servloc of the unlte al states Governmentfor setrloe oonneoted rlth the ourre nt iyar. 4ft.2 fbs Reoroatlon ConmlBslon suhltted th6 followlng reoornmendat lon for approval of the Clty Counc11. - ila an 1n1tlaJL rteB 1E plovlaUEg reoleattonal fao111t1eafor Nortb Bur llngamc, and la oral€! that sac aay be reailyfo! use alull|lg tho o@1tr9 lunns r vacatlo! perlocl, thla Conml selon reoonmenilg to the Clty Counoll that xork bostarted aB aoon a! poss1bl6 to gracle the athl€tlo llelil area ln Ray Park platt cotlst ruot a modest f leltl house; aril to 1sgtaIl treoeasaly plunblng ane satrltatloa faoll-It1ee, all as ooEtalnrai ll1 th6 follorllg estltsatr! ar prepaleal by l[essls Long8otr and Watsoa: Oradtag- - $ fsOPltIoblng - 500BulldlEg - 510 TIIE6' PlratlEr - C,to- firffi'It 1s uoderBtooa that approrloatefy $900 ts avallabl!fron the Eale of tLe Iagt'na ArEnuG lott to largely pay forthls elt1nat6A oost d $1500. il O! ootloa by Courollnaa Eunt, s€oonded by Councllnatl ColcEarl, ard unanlnowly oa$led, tho lroo@endatt on of the Rcoreatlorr ColoEtsslotrraa aiproveil and $1500 oraleroal epmprlatcd for the lnpmvensnt la Ray Park Rec!6at1otr Center. The Plrat S€Bl-An|tuaI Report of the BurllngsE€ Eeoreatloa Ecparteent,as leoeltlgtl and ortlels aI flIed. 0n motlon by Coutrcl InaB CoIeEan, secotrdeal by Councl lman IIun t, aEal unanlmousl,y oarrleal, Barry B. Goetz, Contractor for the constructionof relnforced coacrete headwalls anil oulvert 1n the Ray Park Sub- dlv1s1on, nas granted an adalltlonal thlrty day8 fo! conplotlon ofhls contract - thls request due to unfa vorab Ie and unstable grouud o on dl t 1oBs. Notlce froo the State Board of Equallzatlon re off Sa16 Boer & lflne Llc€Ese ard flholEsale Beer & Wlae Llcense to Lanpros llalokldeE dba Oo1den Brantl Bottllng at 528 Lor ton Avenu6, Burllnganc, raa oldereA f 11ed,. - No protest. Reporta of the water, Flre anal Pollce DepartoBnts, Clty Judge, aad Bu1ld1ng Inspeotor, for th6 tson th of Februery, were read and oraler€d f11ed. orallnance No. 382 trAn 0!a11nane6 lEelld 1ng tbe orcllnano€ Cod6 of the Clty of BurlJ.ngane by Ad.aUng a Ner Sectlon to be Knorn as Sectlol 1278, ldaklng lt Utrlarful for any Pelson to Drink any Intorloatllg Llquor upo! a Publ,lc stre6t, Lane, Alley, Publlo Park or othe! Pub1lo Pl&€la the clty of BuruogaB iF ras adopted otr ootlolr by Coulrol LoaB CoLeEan, secondod by Couacllman Euut, aEal unanlmously carrled. Ordlnaoce No. 585 iln Oraitnance lnend 1ng the 0rdlnaace Code of th€Clty of Bur11ngar0.6 by Lddlng iro Ner Seotlons to Altlole IY, to be Knoro aa Seotloa 410 and Seotlon dII, Flxlng the Penal Sum of tbeofflolal Bonil of the Clty CI6rk a.nd al.so !'1x1[g tbe CoGpeasatloB ofthe Clty Clerki, was adopted on motlon by Councl lmarr CoLenaa, seoonded by Couacl lnan Eutrt, an al un anlno usl y carrled. lday or Buok arnoutrceal the appointoert of Dr. WllIlaB 0tlg Ca llaway as a neDbe r of tbe 01v11 Servloo Coftnlsslon to suoceod ADtboay t.Carley, reelgned, thls appotatnent to be ratlfled at nert Beetlngof tba Clty CouBcll to teke plaoe March 9th. The Counoll tbersupon atljourned to me6t i{ar ch 9, 1942, at 8:00 P.M. Re spe ct fu1I s ubol tt ed Mayor clw c t