HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.02.24459 Burllngao, Callf., Fobruary 24, L942. The mlnutec of th6 prevlous meetlng of trebruary 1.6, 194a, as sub-n1tt6d to oeobors of the Counc11, and as postod on Bulletln Boaral ltrthe 01ty Hall, wore leatl an ti approved. Coutrcl1ma Burrows moveal the aAoptloE of enabl1trg resoLutloa grantltrg the $111s Estate Inc. tbe use of the Ray Park-Burllngae Vll1agoserer fo! <llspo saL of sef,ago fron propcty of the E8tato adJolnlng Burllngamo VlLIaBe aud bstreen EI Canlno Real an dl the Market StreetRalJ.ray, anondlng?dut of the resolutloa aE presented the iBroportlonate raten olause as to sllooatlon of costs so that the emoutrt of cost to be bolne by M1IIs Estate Ino. roulal be doter!0ln6il by nogottatl on. - Seoonaled by Counol lman Coleean ald unaleously oar116d. Ibe Speclal Conmltteets leo @mendat los on request of emerloan leglonPoat 165 to ooggpy adilltlonal 25 feet at the r6ar of thelr bu1ld1ag,ras ordered heLdl 1n abeyance. BurI lE8abl es-oak OrovB Maao! Iopro vemea t Club presentBal a p6tltloE bearlng 515 slgnatures, obJeotlng to the contemplated oorstruotlonby Creo. Arthur & Sons of San Mat eo, of ttuplox ty}€ reslalotrce bullallngsln Burllngables Dlstrlot. Dlsousslon ras enteretl lnto by Mr. Cal lorayand !Ir. Wootle, property orne rs ln thE tllstrlct. Oa motlon by Councll- man Coleman, seoondetl by Counol lnan llunt, and unanlmousdy oarrleat, lt was tleolded to hold an lnformal meetlng or th6 caso wlth the Plannlng Conmlsololr at tbelr f,6et1ng Fe bnrary 26tb., ad a1 1 property ornera 1ntbe dlBtrlot were lnvtted to be present. fhe Boart of Flre Coomlsslonere ln a letter, ilue to the gravlty of theerletlng gBergenoy, reoonmendetl to the Councll that the bulldlng ofthe boAy aEal the Bountlrg of the n6w pump be rushe d to ooopletlon, anal that aE the present shops of the flre departnent are not equlirpedto have thts work done, that s aoe be do!6 by some outslde party experlenoed 1n bullaUng flre apparatus. - Reforretl to ?urchslng AgeEtto get p!1oe on sam6 and report back to the Councl 1. A Beotlng of tbe Cl.by Coutrotl of the Clty of Burtlngaee ras held onthe-above glven date, as pe! aalJouBment February 16, I94A. MeetlngoaLled to order at 8:00 P.M. - Mayor Buok la the'Chair. RoIl, OaU : Plosent - CounolLoea! Buck-Burro$s-Col@an-Hunt-Both.Abs€nt - Counol Lnon: Nono ltle !'1re Coomlsslotr also requestetl a olalnum of flve aatl preferabl.y s1xre gular palcl ftrenen be appolnted to the tiepartnent at the aarllettposslble date for tho purpos of manEtng tbe new statlon at Meroy HlghSchool GJmnaslum, o ontlnulng flre proventlon rork, and the malntenanceof th6 flre alarm system. A 8p6o1a1 msetlng of tho Flre CommlsslonaBd Flre Chlsf rlth th€ Clty Councll w111 be arrangetl, alat e to be setl ater . .Ino E._Skeggs, Dlstrlct Engtneer, Dlvlslon of lllghwayEr ldatecl February 18th, lequestea advlce as to the present ztbe goutherly slale of the Bay Shore Hlghway fron a polntof Toyon Drlvs to a polnt 500 ft. East of l,arkspur Dllve, Gartlens Subdlvision. - Referred to Mr. F. A. Blooa. C1a1n of Geo lge Lemperopuloa for damage to plato glasa ElTror atBogver Ha1.L, was referrea to f. A. Bloom, turchaslng AgoEt, for at tentl or1. City Attoruey Ka:me 1 was lnstruoted to prepare antl present at nextmo6t1ug, a regolutlon 1n cotrlloctlon rith tle o onveya[oe by the Cltyof Bu4lngame to the State of Callfornla,oL strtp of land 14.5 ft.ln llont of the seragc punplng plart on Bay Shore Hlgbway. 4n ortllnance Anendlng the Orallnenco Code of the Clty of Burl lngaoe n let teronlng on 8O ft. East Burlltrg@e by adtllng a ner Sectlon to be known as Sectlon 1278unlarful for any pers o.a to clrlnk any lntorlcatlng 1publlc street, lane, allsy, public park o! other pu City of BurLlogame, Fa6 glven flrst readln8 - Iatro Counclloan Colenan. eaklog lt quor upon a 11o plaoe ln the uctlon by , 1 b .I 4tio Resolutlon Doclarltrg Norlous a[d Dan gorous lteeale a Nulaance, ras adopted on motlon by Counc l lnan Burrora, seoonaleal by Counollman 0o1€[Bal1, al1tl unanlmous ly carrled. Petltlotr prosonted by tbe Clty knpl-oyeea requestlng the Clty Counollto pass ordlnaEce or ortlhaacea ln oonreotlon tltb retlremot plan. It was atealtled to have reprosentat lves of the Clty hployo€s neet 1I itodnesday, March 4th, to dlscuss tbe subJect, NeIson, Aotuary of StatB Employeee Retilemontto glve ao tuarlel oosts. wltb the Clty Councat whlch m€etlllg Ra I !'utrd, 1111 be presen pht Mayor Buck naale the announo en1e rrt that ltr vler of present condltlotrglt roulai be ro11 for the people ln thls ooromunlty to nnak e frlendawlth your ne lghborsn. the Councll theFupon adJ ouraed. Rospec tfully submit tetl, D or