HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.02.16457 Burllngene, Callfornla, Fobruary 16, 1942. A !e gula! noetlng of th€ Clty Coutrcll wag held on the above glveadate. - Meetltrg aalled to"order at 8t00 P.U. - !{ayor Buok 1a the Cha1r. RoU CaUt PrB sont - Councllnen: Buck-Burrows-Coletran-Hunt-Roth.lbseut - CounolLoe!, None Ths mlnuteB of th6 prevlous rneetlng of trebruaty Z, L942, as sub-ntttetl to neo.bors of tho Counctl and as -posteat on Bulletla Board1n tho City EaIl, rere approved. ldayor Buek atrEounce al that as Mayo! of Burl ingarnethe Easter SeaL sale drlTE for Crlppled Childrenthls at-th6 roquest of San D. Merk, Prcsl(loBt ofCrlppled Chlldren, he 1a th Burllngare Chaqber of Cofiureloe 1n a lotto requstoal the Clty ofBurl,lngane- to aluplloate the prooedure of tast year ln th6 dlbolngof la0art lotg trloe - oloe la the early sprlag and agaln 1n the-sumer. Clty Attorney Kame3. raa lnstruotetl to draw up a resolutlonto c oTer thls and present sane for adopt lon at nert Beetlag of tbo Counol I.In the matter of settltlg aslcle a porttotl of th€ gas tax funds eaohyear untll 4roh a sur may be avallabls for th€ rabullatln8 ofBurllnganre Avetrue between tbe Soutbe !o paclflo Depot and E1 CamlnoRealr-tr61" f,as re$rr€d to 06011 Longson, Superlnteadent of pub11o YIorks. tlre blil of Mrs. Clara Fooppel ilhlf1er of t40O for a strlp of cltyproperty 1n Ray Dark Subdlvlslol adlJolnlng he! plopelty lt tS*O Drat<elv![uo, ras aleollneal on motion by c ouno 1lnaa Huntr- seconaled by councll-qan lurrora, ed una!lnously carrletl, as tlre grouira was purchasetlfor Park purposee only. lbe reqrrst of W-. A. -Rolllna, Street Supollntendent, for employnentof mole mon for hls tlepartneit, rae lald over for firrther tliscusslonby the Counc1l. George. Arthur & SoEa, Contraotors & Bul}alers, San Mateo, iE a letterrequested the Clty Couacll to allor theu to instaLl tn 6n approved Taogg! tbe rldely aooepted methocl of knob end tube eleotrlcit wlflng1n lleu-of rlglil.steel oon0ult 1n 40 Dupler Resldeaoes rhlcb theycont6nplate er€otlBg ltr Burlln8ables Su6aitvlslo!. In the absonoeof the Bullillng Inspootor, th16 Eatter ras 1alrl over untll nertnoetlrg of the Counc 11, February 24th. r€ttor of the Board'of Directols c1v1I1an Hospltarlty servlce rno. 1T- rs ddssolutlon, ailAreased to Mryor Buok, wls read- antt oral€rottf1led. Penlns ula DlvlElon Leagto of Cal.lfornla Cltlea gave noge9!1!B w111 be helal ln Sunnyval€, Thursday, Te5ruary6390.P.M., ln tbe Clty HaIl. May6r Buck requested tlapoaalblo attend. Repgr! of Three Cltles Mosqulto Abateoent DlEtrlct, January ISthto Sebruary 10, 1944, ras ieatt ca al oralerod flLeat. In regartl to the requaEt of the Mlof Bur11nge6 V11lage Contlact relaade of the Estate lylng betreenRallray Company, -1t was suggestod repro Eoutat lvs of tbe Mlt1s Istateneetltrg rltb the councll trext 1\ro s \I tesolutlon Authorlzlng the Satr Mateo County C1vil1an DefensoCouncll to use the Gunst Hone tn iTnehlngton park durlng tbo ra! omgrgenoy, to house a Seleotlve gerr .oo Board, ned CroBs Dlsaster roulil sponsor San Mateo County- o Soolety for tloc that next19, 1942, att aa maoy as llagere El Cbyc be dayr Estate Ino. to exteacl tornsrage systom to luclude theanlno Real and Markot Streetouncllnatr Burrorr that a askeA to be present at a Fobruary ?,4, L942. Coomtttee, lts orn fao1L1ty anA for suoh other purposes as thepregont tat oxlgenolea nay denand, was adopted otr tsotlon by Councl loaa Burlora, seconded by Councl Inan Cqleman, antl unanlmoud. yoarrled. Tbe Burllngoe Recreatlotr Co@1Bs1on oongenteal to the usc of sald bulldlng for tbe above mentloned purposes arral recommend- €d. that petulsslon therefor be grantod by the Counoll. C. A. Torello, Englnee! of i!,ork 1n oak GrorE Mano! & BurllngablesStreet Imprtveroents oonstrrrc ted by I. C. tulth under hls oo[tractf,lth the Clty of Burllngame, dated JuIy 15, 194I, under Re8olut1otrof Intentlon No. 41-2, ativkee that rort ras actually ooEpl€tod I'ebruary g, L9+2. A Resolutlo! Acoepting Work anA Autborlzlng Englneer to flle Notlces of Conplotlotr, was adopted on motlott by Councl Lmaa Burroror gecoaaled by Couso llman Coleman, and unanloousl y oarrled. Resolutlon Eettlng forth the Vot1trg places aB Offloers for the Munlclpe:L Eleotlon to be hel adoptecl oo motlon by Councllman Eutrt, seconde and unan lnously carrled. tl deslgnatlDg EleotloE al Aprl1 14, 1942, was d by Councllman Coleman, .All ordlEanoe entttleal nln Ordlnanoe lildlng New SeotloF4I0 ald 41I tothe orctlnaaae Code-of tbe Ctty, Provldlrg that Boad.of the Cltyclerk be flretl at $aOoo and tui salary be flred at $150 per noatbr"ras Blvon flrst !6a(UnB - Introduotlon by Couacl 1na! Burlots. Clahs Nos. 6155 to 628C, 1no., rere read aoA warrants orilsrod alratE on th6 Clty Troasurt for thelr respeotlTr aount8. Counctl theleupotr adJour!64 to nset fu6gAay, February24r 1944, at 8:00 P.l[. Respectfully subnlttetl, tv c er sPPROTED: Mqyo! 458