HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1942.01.1945:l Bw1 lngae, Ca11f ., Januey 19, 1942. 4 regul8 ueetltrg of the Clty Counoll rae heltt on the abovc glvsldatc. - Meotlng oal-lert to order at 8300 P. . - liayor Buok 1tr-the Ch81 r. RoU CalI! Presert i Cgurollmeni Buck - Burrorg - Coleman - Eunt - Roth.lbsent - Counoilmetri NoB. llre nllutea gf !h6 prevloua neetlag of Jatruary A, L9LZ, as subBlttedto membere of the Couaoll, ad as posteA oa Bulla,tltr B6ar{ 1n theClty Hall, ,ere approvotl ag correoted by the order of the Councll. 4!!9T froB Burllngde Post No. 165, tbe .Anerlcsn Iagl.on, asklng foraildl t loral spaoe ln orale! to actd to-the1r Clubbouse. raa refsrrealto the- P1annlng aoal Reoreat 1on Comlsslona to rork 6ut some planfarorable an at sultable to all o oaoerned. Ur. Doss antt Mr. Brerorla person polEtaal out the lteeals of the Leglor for thls necessarygpaoe. lfayor Buok epolatett a coEnltt€o ooasl8tlng of Counc l1menBurrots aad Roth ana Ur. Stuart Abbott of the Rooreatlon Coonlsslonto rork, rlth tb8 L€glotr 1n devlelng soEe neans of sol"lng tbelrproblen. C6olI Longlon, Supt. of Publlc Works, ln a letter recornneadeal theadoptloa of the Map of trashlngton Paik prepered by tho RooroatlonConmlssloa show'lng proposed and exlgtlng iaollltles as platrned bytha-l Coomlsslon, rlth ore orceptlon - Z0NE I as shour oa-nap fal}itlthlE the area of rhlch portlone r11I b6 used fc approaohoss-ervlDg a graae soparatloB belag planned ltr thls v1cln1ty, aeal![r9.pogs9n. euggestetl that actlon-conoertrlag tbls area bL-postpoacduntll sucb tlme aB tbe looatlor atrd allgnnent of the under$ass- 1sdeflnltely aloterBlneat. Councl lnea Coleman move d, that the iasterpJ.au be-approvetl subJect to the erooptlon token by Mr. longsoa -secoadeal by Councl lman Buuors, anl unanlmous Iy cirrrled. Tbe reooomeadatioo of tbo Plannlng CooElsslon to the Cltto oonslaler the suggestloa of deaignatlng certatn strootthoroughfares for the uso of emergeno y vehlcles 1n caseuaa refelretl back to tbe Plannlng Comnlssloa to c oafer rEarper. coutro11m6n colemaa, Eunt alod Roth r6re appolnted a coomlttee to makea survey-anal report back to th6 cou[c11 bn tne plannlng coomlssloarstec ommendat 1on that parklng be baaned for a dlstanoe oi IOO feetback at all lntorseotlons, -when the new trafflc slgnala go lntoeffeot o! EL Camlno Real.' I! regard to the request of the penlnsular Ave nuc p.T.A. for noreadoquato -rarnlng Bchoo} slg[e aulr ountu. tlg the penlnsular AvE nuoScbool, Chlef Iarper roported that Scbool Zono s1g! 1s at preeeatlooated otr Lortoa Ave nue aear penlnsula! - a palnfed st gn 6aPerrlngular Ave true about 150 feet EasE of Lort6n Avenuo. and tbeState Hlghwqy Dtrtiil.ot havE a palntod scbool orosslng iten on $X Canlao Real North of Barrollhet Avenue, whlch he ie1lJves con-plles rlth.all.reguests oontalneA 1a theli 16tter. Cbief Earperraa requesteal to oontact tbe p.T.A. aoti flnd out lf what the 01tyhae done 1s satlsfactory to thee. port of the Pollce Depctmeat ras rsad tn rcgard to the 006-nt of Pen1trsu]ar OereraL Contractors & BulLd;ls Ass oc latlonrefelenoe to removal ad. arrest of ra tohman otr the ner Gatestllng. on Burllngae AvB nuo on tbe nigbt of Cctobe! 91, 1941.Clerk ras lnstructetl t o sead a oopy of thls leport t6 tUensular C'eneral Contractors & Bullhers Assoo tati oa. Report of Tbree Cltlos Mo8qulto Ababoeat Dlstrlct for perloalDecember 9, 194L, to Januar? 15, 1942, ra! reaai antt ordered f1l6d. Report und6r tlate of Jaanary I, 1942, of the Aotlvltlos of theBu!11rga6 F1!o D€partnent , rai re aal- and oraier€ d f 11ed. y Counolls aA One-rayof alr ra ltls ,1th Chlef Areplalrlth Bu11 The Penl 4'o4 Respe ctfuLly *rbm1tteil, v Notloe of.Conpletlon, slgaetl by Baa11 lr. lfate!8rJr., EEglreer,rolatlve to tbe cotrtract of EOwIB J. foblr for Sanliaey-aad Storm8€t6! rclk sd rater aystem 1np ro veme nt 1n nBurl lngan6 VUlagt i, rasor(lercal flled. Rcgolutloa Cotyeylug Dced fron the Clty of Burllngeno to tbeBurllagane EloEeotary SobooL Dlsttlot for the eum-of $SOOO. @ycr-lttg Parool 1 of 5 paroels as alesorlb€d 1n the agreenent enteretllgto June 2, L94L, by the Ctty of Br.rllogae aad tbe Bull$gameElen€Etary School D1strlct, nas ado pt ed on motlotr by Counc 1lnaaColoman, seconded by Councl In& Burrors, aBal unaBloously oarrleil. IBtte! subnltted bI E. F. Sohelilt of the Burltngae tr'lr6 Oonml8sloarecoonendlog tbe appolutneat of fltat l,ealstaAt 0hlcfjEoraco L.Jansren as F1r!€ 0h1ef to guooeed the late Chlef fllkle Dessla, aaaSeoond.lsslstart Chlef E. Iplc aE flrst Asglstant Chlef. CouBatlnatrBurlors noved that Eorao€ L.Sanggo! be appolatea F1re Chle/ te[Dorar-lly for a Dertod of nlnety d,qye antl tUat the C1v1I Servlce Coreiac- 1oa be requeted to boLil an exanllratlon for the purposo of oreat- 1ag an 611glb1e ltct for the poaltlon of Flre Chlef. - Seoonded by Councl ImaB Colenau, and uaan lmous Iy o rrietl. Iatter reaa fron Oeo. J. McMury, Chaplaln U.S. .l,ray Eeadquartera7th Infantry Dlvlslon tPO #7, San Jose, Callforllla, expreCalng thankg anil appreclatloa for the boepltallty exteaded by thoroslaont8 of Bur llngeo to .tbe Eembors of the arneal foroeg. -Iatter ordercal flLed. Clalna l{os. 6028 to 6}54, 1nco, rrre read and Warrants ordorcatdrasa on the Clty Treaaury lbr thelr t€speotlve amount8. The Counell tbertupoa adJourtreal.