HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.12.1544'.7 Burllngam, Ca1lf ., Deoember 15, 194I. A rogular neetlng of the Clty Counoll ras helal on tbe above glvea Aate. Xegtlng oalled to order at 8100 P.M. p Mayor Buck tD the Chalr. BoIl Oall : Ere so[t t 0ou!c1 IEen s Buok.rBurrors-Col6nan-Eunt-![cDoaa1d.AbEo[ti Councllmen, No[e. me olautos of the prevlous meetlagto nomb6 rs of ths Coulcll Bnd as poEHalI, tels anproved. 194I, as aubnltted n Board 1n th6 Clty I,tlof te Deo eobet al otl Bu1le TLa Paolflo Telol,hoao & ?€Iograph Co. 1B a lettor requested porrlsslotrfor plac1ag poles atrd anohora 1n Burllaga6 Vlllage as pct rk€tohsubElttod. Befcrred to Strset Departoeat. leport of Three C1t1es Mosqutto Ababont Dlstrtot, November l3 to Deoember 9, 1941, tas read ald oraLlled flIed. the Planulng CmmlsaloB la letter datetl Novembet tl , 1941, reooonendedthat la the loterest of trafflc safcty, rh6[ tbe tror trafflo Blgnal6ri go ilato effeot otr EI Cao1no Real, that parktng be barueA for a dlstarc€ of 100 tset baok at all lntereeotlons. - Referretl to Po11ce Departnont. lhe Planalag Cooolaslo[ ttr letter alatoA Novoobar 27, 1941, reoomnendcdtbat Lots I to 5 ln Blook 8, I to 16 1n Blook 9, I aatl 2 ln Blook 10,Burllagane Gardene Subdllvlslon, be reclasslftsa to lpartnent zoa6 lnsteadof Ltght InAustrlal ZooE, to oonform f,lth tbe balanoo of t8y SborefroataSg throug[ to Burllngane AyoEuor 0n Botton by oouaor.lnan Coleoan, aeooaded by Couno 1lnan McDonald, atral unanlnous ly oarrted, tbe Couno 1I allreoted tho Plannltrg Cmnlsslon to hold a heallng la the matter JaAuary 89, L942. Tbe Burllngane Reareatloa Cmlsgloa advlsed that at a! emorgency[eetlE8 heltl Decenbe! lO, I94I, tbe fol1orlag resolutloB raa unealmously atlopt ed. -nTbat thls ooomlsslon 18 wbolly cognlzaat of the lonedlat6 defe!,so omo rge DfI/, anposslble; that 1t a1s otr an lntelelve recreln tbe event thts alo lnaalvlsablo to oarry nee d ls deglrous of oo-operatlng la every way o bellevea there 1s gleaA for oar4t1tlg atlonal progr@ to bolster pubIlo Eorale; tbat a 1! uDA€r enemy attaok 1t w11I probably be oE €foup aeetlaggi that to neot the u!8eot Iu regard to tb€ oreatlotr of aa ellglble Llst for Beoreatlon I€aAe!, tE acgordance tltb reoomendatloa of the 01v11 SErvloe Comn1selotr, Rule 5, Seotlo! 2, of tbe 01v11 Sorvloe Coon1sc1on, raa atselrded to read ag fo11ot83 "494. [o appllcant shall be e].191b1o for appolotnort to th€Clasclfleil servtoc rho ls lege thaa 81 years of agg eroept applloants for th6 posltlo! of Ilblaty pagc, Junlor ololloalposltlone, Junlor reoreatloa 1ea0eru, or ruoh othor poa1tlotr! as nay be deonoal cleglrable.iIhe Clty AttorEey ras hatructed to preBare tbe leoeEsary resolut 10!to blltrg thls lnto effeot, o! notlon by Counollmatr Colomatr, sooondod by Cou.no llnan EuDt, and uaanlnouoly oafrled.tbe otber roo oonetrdatloae d tb,e Clyll Servl.oo 0o@1ss1oB as to rate of Day a.Ba BlDlnum roqulrenBrrts rere aleo approvad. The requeat of Chlef of f,oltoe Earper for appolntment of tto addltlonaloffloots, purcbaso of trd raallo oErs aril otber oqutpnetrt and lnstall-atlon of a aex truok tEloDhotre llae ae a rerult of the ra! ensrggloy,rar roferr€al to oreoutlve gesEloo. Letter read fron the .Anelloa! Ipgton Arrluary Burllngam Pogt No. 163plerlglng tbelr oooperatloD rlth tbe authorlt16s of tbo 01ty of Burllnganeto stana ready.for seryloe l! any omorgolrofr I.€tter ordered aokaor1sAgea ana ref€rrod to Defeuse ooEnlttee. I€ttcr road, froE oallfornla-PenlasuLa S€otlo!, Natlonal Counoll of Jerlch lYonetr, I tatlng they lror€ aarlous to cooperate 11 th aIL the alepart4oatr of our defee8e DrograE atrd offellng thel! !,€rvloes forl@odlate tork. L€tt6r ordatoal aoknorledged asd refemed to Defense Comlttee. Iptter lead fro[ I€on Eonder8oB, Ad.oltrlatratot, offlce of PrlosAahlnlstratloa, f,ashlagtoa, D. 0o1 !€ Natloaal ll{aste Paper Conselvatton CaoDalgB not urtlor ray througbout the Ualtetl state8. lbe press ras askod to glvo th€ prop€r publlolty in thtg matte!. 448' aocds of th€ san Mate o -colraty Defaase couooll, thls colonlss 1oo t:ooonoopdsthat the rower floor of tb6 Gunst hoe be maitir avallable to that couaolr.rlth th€ unaierstatralqg that 1f rlthln a reasonabre tlre lt aeviropc-ihii'thle area ls not uaal€r attaok and lt lg thereiore poaslbie to oarryon a nomal leoleatlonar p!o8ran, tha Defense ooun611 1111 ecck otlerquerters so ag to oak€ the Gunst-property fully ava1labIe for !6cr6stlo[Bal purposes; antt that beoause of tbr; reiuefioi ta-"pice aviitirie------"for reoreatlonal^purpoeea, the Biltl8h l9ar Berlef orlantzitio! shouratDe requested to flad.other quartsls so aE to make the- oottage avatiaute -for rooreatlonal ao t lvlt 10 8. i CounollBalr Burror8 moved that the Resolutloo of the R€oleatloBco nlasloa b6 ref6rr6d to the Defense counall for 1te reoonaeadatton -aeoosaleal by Counol lman Huat aad unanlmousl y oarrled. rptter read frots the Penlaeula General contractorB & BullalelgAssoc 1at1oa r€ trouble erperlenoed betroon Jans D. M111er, algbt-ratobman for Eernatr t. Folahelr st the Bor Gates Burldiag 6a B[rltagane ave.o,ue , and off loers Prloe ard- sran of t he Burl lngae poiloe Departient .on.th6 alght of 0otober gr, 1941. rGyor Buok ann6uacett tlai iu6------'Battea rould be tholouebly'lnvestlgatLd by th€ Glty Councii. Regolutlon. oorveyllg iteed for tot 29, Blook Z, Burl_ lnsao Grove,fron the clty of Burrlnga8o to Eerbeit x. rhlte ead virelnla white-h1e wlf,e, ln Jolnt Teaaaoy, for the Bum d $ieO.oO.,yig"iaoptea---'on &otloB by counollnan coieman, seooaled u! counci tman llcD-caald, aadunan lmouely oar16al. B:aolutlon^aooeptlng deed fmn ltrlltoa S. Ray & Ros6 Oarolyn Ray totry -91!y of Burllngano, for tr1E6 acrea Eore or less ln nqi larlsubdlrlsloa to be ueed-as publlc qafk aSg sohooi iite--proieiiy, raaadopteil, . on motlotl by coulrollean frcDonald, aecooaio ty-coiacri,ian-Euntead uaaalnously c arrlecl. Seaolved by the clty oounoll that the tleett ereoutod by F. A. 8100,rar coll€ctor of the_clly oI Brrrlltlgcoor_o! the-loth lai-oi-peoenuir,l94lr.conveylng Iot E, Blook 48, Ly6n &'Eoag suUaivleloi. be and tbesaBe ls-hereby aooeptea by the 6fti, of Burllngane. iute'aeed tgcrcouted, by F. A, Blgon, t?r.Colteotor, and.li aooepted-Uy tne-Cfty tsof 8urllng:aug to replaoe alnllar iteed 5reouted by sine to'tlr.:sanc qi:, oB tho 90th day of tury, 1928r-an<r to oomeot aoy aerroriaoy-t[at- e&gar hayg beea preeelt li that-tBstlu,6Et. uotloi ty couaorinau g,El{cDonal<I, secoaaea by couoollnan Eunt, and unaaj.mouirrv oimreal fi': Copy of letter addreeseal by tr. A. Bloo. Clty Treasurer, to tbc E;stato Pnployeesr_Betlreueat systen, Eas-readl rhereln ii,. Sfoo .Estate he ras aendrng.a lret oi arr-preaent eiptoy-eiof-iuJ-crw dii ?l.,lqtilff*",_3Td.thoe rho have tif t r5" 6,,,iroi oi ine citi-iincc k.f1I_rI rr.Igu?r E-nd olso s€.Ealltrg a oaral for eaoh eaployee glylag H;Dcrao[ar alata from Jury 1, 1909, to June 30, 1942. 6opy-ora;a flled. 3l Resolutlon_accept 1ng rork aad autholtzlrg Eaglaeer of rork to flle *'Nolloe,or c-onpletloE, uatler the ooatract of E. J, Tobla rlth the o.: clty_of_purl1ngaue, alat€d lprl.r 60, 1941 - Reaorution-ot inientron l -Ilo: ar:+ adopted uarch r7, 1941 - rae adopteil on eotloa by counclrmaa .! EucDooald, seooudeal by couircllnan E,nt ana',ninrnouJii-c"rhia;---- Eili Ordlnaaoe sntlttrcd n& ordlnancE of the cltt of gurllogane Belatrogl8to l'lr Ral0,rPreoauatlong"ras glvea flrst reaatf,g-- fatroafiotfo"-[i--- B,Counolloan Buuors. A.: ru the Eatt6! of the petltlon of i[u. s. Nlekoa actlng aa ageat; for IElS: & l{"..Theo auga and Mrg. John auga, aa['inE ior-tfie-[J-of .ase.c.t r1arongaloo-lie tlef,-poEtofflao buudlng at Broadiayr for tho use of the c -u. ii. 'nalr ltuok for roaall Bg and uul0a<tlng, 00uai i fuaaa Burrora novca -4that tbe ctty graot perolscloa in a forn f,ri be prepared tv ih; Eii;- onlttoraoy, - seooraletl by councl lnan ltc Doual,d and- uninluoueiy oarrieE. .i lt thi s t 1f,e counc lloer i{cDoaald anrt Buuora xer6 erouaoa to at te[d EpeetlEg of tbo 4osrloaE Iagloa !|a119^Nog. {svrto -6027 li'c. rer€ read ad f,auants olderoat drarn ou ttbo Clty Ireasury for thel! reapoctlve mognta. iIbo Couaoll thereuBoa adJourned.t" ""fiJ"f3f$ifu,Deoeober 22subnl Mayor c1 d , 1941-8 P.M. ,