HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.11.24443 . furthor rocofttrentle that as the PenlnsuLa Ave nue orosslng 1s ln loth !!9 City.of BurLlngar06 antl Clty of San Mateo, the matte oflnstalllng gates at thls crosslog be takeD up rlth tbe Clty of San \rateo. 0D Eotlon by Councllman Coleoaa, seoonded by Councll- Ean McDonald, and unanlmousll y carrl€al, the Clty Attorney waslnstructed to dratr up the neoessary applloat1on. {he-C9gn9lt thereupon adJournecl b meet Montlay [oyember 24, 194L,at 8:00 P.M. Rosp eotfully submltt 6d, -d_._lLeweryr iu ltrtsclxExtif rlrlercchlrxg*lxlt*t. Burl lngame, Ca1lf., November pl,1941. /o trr,b Mayor A neotlng.of the Clty Counol1 waE heltt on the above glvenaf peT adJourtrEent November lZ, l94I;-- lleet:.nt cuif8a- ioat 8:00 P.M. - Mayor Buck in-tie-Cnair. ' date, order BurLlngablee-Oak Grove. MatroI - rnFro veflren t crub in a retter re_queste(t that conslrieratron or t[e-ioiindrr r"-ei;"; ;; -iiiuiioe the.new pathray throush tne suriini"ne-nid-s8h;;i e;"ilEl'r"o,cbathan Road to the sa'rvice ro"a-at=Jn"- reer of tne-nign-ioioor,qnrl also providlng safe ltlunioutio"-i"or-that polnt oa througbtue grou,ais to caroran -avenue. r.e tier-rererrea'to-iouneilienColenan and McDonala or tne liehti;;-cor*1ssion. The.Flrgt Baptlst Church.in a letter made request for a trafflcofflcer to oontroL trsfflo at sr Cinrni-n"ar-ana-pA; ;"i;;.sutrday mornln8a from-9390 to siSo-a;a"io;ao to Lrs15. on mot1onby councl lnan McDonald, s eo ondea- uy -co-rri.i r.man Hunt, and unanlmous_1y carrleal. Chlef Harpor was authoilzed to.onploy tie necessaryherp to tdie care or tnrs cro""ini-at--irre bouxs Bentlonsar. 0-n. the_ re con&enalatl on of C. L. Longson, Supt. publlc orks. the if l:f; i:'J H, i:f3 Tr,ii:" iliil fi ; =ifi i:+i;+' il's:r;. :,1*,;ihtr",Broatlnay and Cak Grove.Avenuo; and t.-C. Srnf tn was glven aaortenslon of 50 daya ture wririrn-rniin-io comprete the Burringablegcontract an'r arso an__extensl-on of.-so aats trne o! Burllnga,s vll,ageoontract' - Motlon by counclloan u-ooniic, seconded by counclrma,coleman, aad unanimoirsay carried.----"- Ehe Burllngsme R6creatlon conmlssl0n ln a retter requested favor-able actlotr on the follorlng r"cJr*"aiition": 1- oT9 recortiend with regard to organlzatlonE uslng the facll-Itles or the Bur1lnsire necreati;;";;t.Jiil.tiii .-i"r.-anont_policy be establlshed at ittts t tne, tfr.i "o-p"fo'.i"olganlzation be s:IloEed exoluslvB. ulpoiti-n-oi-*y-uoriaroee ;;n-il;uiaJi"ui{ ttL o}iiultfiaril" antt grounds bolonglng fo tne-crfv # aurltnganJl-""a-iii_sld.ereti to be for. redreatlon puriosus be under in"--"oi"'JurlsttlctioB of the necreaiioi-o6pirtru"t oi-iir"-ciii-JrBurllngane, wlth ttue conslderatioi,-io o" given to-tn6 "ii"t-1ng rtgbts of the Arerlcall laglon.i APPROI/ED ! 444 2 - {Ile r€oonmend tbat the City councll hold I Clvl1 Selvloe examj.tratl oE to establieh a recreatloa leatier ellglble 11st.i 5. - nIYe reooomoarl that tbe clty councll approprlate $150 for the pulohaso of a sultable publlc add!6Es slstem wlth turatabl'e for clepartmental aotlvltles. n On ootlon by Couxcll&Fn Burrots, seaorded by Councl lnal McDonaLdt and unanlmously oarrieal, the re oonoendatl ons of the Coomlsslon rere accepted, a[d ii150.0O wis ortlered approprlated for the purchase of the publlc aaldroEs syEtets. The Clty Councll approved the rtcomrnendatlon o Commlssion that the appllcatlon of LouLs B. & for the reclasslfylag of Lot 11, Block I0, Bur permlt a varlance use tbe!6of for a tliortuary e dealatt. - llotion by Counclloan Coleoan, second McDonaltl, and unanimously carrled. Mr. Chas. present to represeDt the protestants 1f necess iere not present. Tbls closed the hearlng on 0n the recorunendatton of C. L. Longson, Supt. Public Works, contract for the oonstructiotr of Retalnlng walle and Head walls fo! BrltlSeg on Davls Dllve, Bernal ATenue and Balboa Avenu€r ln lay.Park Sub- li# "lifu "x*,. ji3Stl" 3, j3*tli,'3 h ilis|"a"Tfun'fip3u#0tifisft s$tug$", secon(bd by Councliman l,lcDoniltl , antl 'unanlmously carrled. f'lre Councll thereupon adj ourne d. ft Gla 1in sta ed J. he Planning dys s. Saryer garoe Land Co. to bllshment, be by Councl Ima[ Wlseman ur asary. The pet ltlonersthls appl lcatl on. Respeotfully srbmltted, 1 yC APPROI/ED; or ta