HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.09.02q30 Burllngame, Callfolniar Septeobe! e, 1941. A regular Beetlng of the Clty Councll of Burllngan abovi glven date. - Meetlng called to o!ao! at 8:0 ln the Chalr. Ro1l CaIt! Prese.Bt - Couao llnea: Buok - Burrora - Coleman - Eunt. Absdat . - Counclloelt McDonalcl. The ulnutes of the prevlous neetlngs of auguEt 18tb-aEd lugg"!.2511941,aa submltted to nen6ers of the Counoll, atrd aa posted on Bullet1n Board 1a the 01ty EaU, were aPProved. llbe r egular order of buslness rae dlspensed rlth ln orde! to take up ine roa[fer of the Bay Shg1,e Elgbway Fieeray Agre@oltr.aal-the openlng oi Ufae for the Inpr6vem6nt of-Ocoldental Ave[uo aatl Wltlenlng of BroaalEay and oak Glove lvenue Crosslngs. ef, OP as held on tbe .M. - Mayor Buck Bay shor tbe Clty Mayor torlth the D1vl s1onlng 1!to by Counc e Elgbway tr'reeray AgrseEent. - Counc ilman Burror8 novecl that e{iIney-ue lnstiucf,ecl to prepare resolutloo authorlzturg the ereout6 agteement on the part of the Clty of Bur ).1D'9 en-e .state of dallfornla throug! the Departnent of Publlc Borke, of Hl gbways, as per nel nap subnltted- rhlch shors tho oBen-pwtehf,noitl'ag cioseal to tiafflc on the Freetay. - Seoondeil 1lnan Colenaa ,n(l unanlnously oauletl. Blds rere !6oe1vea1 aod opeaed for ;IfproTsment of 0o o ldetltal AveBue, flldening Broadway antl Wlctenlag oak Grove ATetruo, as followE: Utllor Pavlng Company, San Franolsco - Sag!1.?9L. C. Smltb. San Mateo - 8622.60 0n notlon iy Corootfriua Eunt, secontled by Conncllgtan Burloss anrl qnaninousfy- car!1ed, oontraci nas asarded to the 1or blAderr tho Uuton Pavlig Conpani, at the blcl eubnttted. Letter read from the Paolflo coast Bulldlng 0fftclals colfelenco oiiffoe aiteatloa to thoi! 19th Annual Conventlon to be hel4 ln sint"-E""6iri, -c"f lro"nlar september 50th to Oatober 5, -1941, . antl ureiof in" adilsabllfty of au-thorlzlng the at tendanoe of Burllngame suiiding Inspeotor at ihese segslons. on notlon by Oouno1llen Uunt - s6cona6a Uv Counc 1lman Coleuan and unanloously oarrie6, tranes wats6n, SuitA 1ne- Inspector, wag authorlzed to attentl th18 Corventlolt at the-expense of the Clty of BurllnSame. Latter reatl from the coyote Polnt GoLf club, san L{aleor alnounolng. iUe Sev"atn,Annual San-ftateo County GoLf Chinploashlp to ba held at tfe san Mateo Go],f Course Septenbei 6th to 10th, lnclug]ver- anti asklng alonati on for the fortbooulng togrnamont. on ootion Dy Councifrar, Burlows, seconded by Counc llnan Hunt and. unanlmously oarifea, the lettei sas ordered turned over to the Recreatlotr Conmlssion for er o oulhdailat 1on. Letter reaal f!@ th6 country concert Assoclatloa of san llateo l€ t-u6 financfng of ono thlra 6f the cost of a ooverlng for the Wooatand Thedtre ln Elllsborougb, the other ttro thlrds to be ;inarcea ui san Mateo and EllJ"ibirrough. Understgndlgs that [ifGi,oioub and San Mateo rou16 not contrlbute ln the nattelr !oiction "ai-takeB by the Councll anal the letter waE o1.alered flled. I. fatmel, Clty Attorney, 1n a letter to the Counotl atlvlsed that o" eoi*t'zo, ie+f, thei; was f1led wlth tbe County clerk of the 6unii ot sah Mate6 a DtsrolssaL of s1r several actloae brought "nnriiify aurlag the past s1r years by the Paolflc Telephone & Telegralb CompEny, a-Corporatlon, agalnst the Clty-of Burlingame, io ritoi'ir taies-fa1d unter protirst. Mr. Karnel advlseal that the cont1llgsBt llabluty of tb€ -clty rnlch was mountlnEr ha1-!bls been abatedlud that tbeie nee6 be nL further concgm 1n'regartl to these aotiona. Istter oldsrsd f1Ied. Beports of the and CltY Judge, Water and PoIlce Departments, Bulldlng - Inspoc tor, .-ior tne montb of eugust, weie read and ordered flIed' 43L ThB Annual lieport of the Burllngane Publlc Llblary for 1940-41 was !€ad anal ordered flled. Resolutlon tr1xhg the Tar Rate of tbe Clty of Burllngoe for the F1sca1 Yes! 194L-43, at $I.50 per $loo Yaluatlotr, xas atlopteal on motloo by Couno 1loai Hunt, seo-onile<l by Counoi lnan Burors and unan lmously oarrletl. t(arvllr Kahn, Superttlt enaielt of Recreat lonr o! tho reoooosrdatlon of Mr. Stewart'Abb-ott of the Hecreatlon oommieslon, tra8 authorlzed to att€nd the Natl onal Reoreatlon Osgoclatlon Itrgtltute to be hel'd at Santa Barbara Novenber II, 1g atrat l5r 1941, expenge t-o E borne by th6 city - oB rrotlo! by Ciruno 1lnan Bulrota r secondeal by Councllnan Hunt and unanl&ously carrl ed. Resotutlon to approve agreeeout and enploylng H. B. Eaml11 as Englne er for Br-eparln8 plans and speclflcatlons antl supervlsloa la thE construction-of tEr6e brldgeg Loross M111s Creek at BornaL Avenua, Balboa ATt nug, aott Davls Drlve, aB alnonde d by Counol unan Burtorsr- ras aalopteal on notloa by Couac lLulai Colenan, $conil6d by couna llman Hunt anil- unanlmously oariled. .Anondnen t ras to the effect that lf fol aDy reaso! th6 Clty woulal be. unab le to prooe60 rlth oontraot, Mr. Eamlll ls to iecatcS}fi of stlpulated fees fo! h16 servlo68. Resolutloa that tbe Clty of Burllagrc purohaso ftom J. P. snlth ana Kay A. Snltb, hls wlfe, Lot 2, BloCk 1, vlLla Park suballvlsloE' arlA tbat the clty of Burlligane rird.ve the'oonveyancos of eald property subJeot to tie terne set foltb lE the deed oonvoylnB the tLtle to sald proporty to the Clty of Burllngame, waE adopted on rnotlon by Counailnin gf1sn.n, secoided by Councl}iaa Eunt, and unanlmously car11ed. Besolutlone acoeptlng the foltotlng tar Aeeds from F. A. Bloon, lar ool1ootor of the-C1ti of Bul1ltrgancr to the Clty of Burllnganer rere artopted otr notloa by Couacllnaa Coliuaa, secotrtled by Counollnan Hunt, and unanfuiously oarrletl. -Iots I & 10. Blook 2' Do Coulou Subdtvls[on.x/r * or Ioi s; 10 ft. Lot 5i all of rtrt 4i Block II,' Burlltr8bomo Subd1v181or.Iot 4, Blook 45' Easton No. 3. - ?.5?8'actes, being portloa Bay shore Etgbray, 1n Burllngane. AD Ordltratloo AneEAtng the Ordlnanco Cotle of the Clty of BuillE8€mo by Begulatlng tho Eelgb,t of I'eaces autl IIaIls on o! A0Jaoetrt to -Lot Llnec ltr-the Cliy of Burllngaoe, and Repeallttg Sectlotr 1276 of salal orallnance oode, wae blvan flrst readlng - Itrtrotluctlon by Councllnan lhrnt. An Ordlnanoc Amenallng the Zonln8 Oode of the Clty of Burllngamer Part I (Clty planntne) Arttcte 50 (zonee), uy laa4g Thereto Dlvlslon 14 Providlng for zotre chatrg€E, and Dlvls.oo 15 Provtillng-for var1ano66,. aatt Proo66ur6 to Obtaltr-the Sano and a ScheAule of f1utrg tr€oB AppsltalE- 1Eg Theroto, ras glvea flrst !e aal1ng - rntloduatlon by councllnan Colenan' Sept@ber 2, 1941, rar the tlne set for hearlng proteste agalnst tho Asiee$oent ior Inlroveoetts ln Oak ir0rove Maror atrd Bur llagab J-es. No proteate !eoelvad. ls8es@ent ras approlBd to support BotrAs provldea la the prooeedlngs. Upo! recelvlng a favorable reconmenalatloa of the Plann1tl8 Commlssloa aad on notlotr-of Councllnan Burrora r seoonaleal by Counc llman Botraan,lt wao uranlmously oarrlstl that the Paolfla Gas & Electrlc Company- bs rraat otl permlgglon to oonstruot ad nralnt a1n a sub-gtatlon 1n North Eurttngafo , aa requestetl. fhe neetlng thereupon adJ ourned.y s ubm ![ayo r Respectfu I1 itv tt €d,