HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.08.18424 Burllngarne, Callf., August 18, 1941. A rogula reetlng of the Clty oounoll ras hold on the abovo glvstr ilate. - Meotln8 oalleat to order ft 8s00 P.M. - Mayor Buok 1a the cha1r. I'tre mlnutes of tho prevlous oeet1tr8 of Augu st 41 1941r a8 submltteal to neabers of the Counoll anil as posted on Bullettn Boaral ln the Clty Eall, rere read anal approvoal. I€tt6r reatl from the Bloaallvay Developmotrt Assoo latlotr statir8 that at thelr laet regula! oB6t1tr8 a ResolutloE raE pasaed eatloralag tbe reoolerenclatl on of th6 Conposlto Conmlttee rhloh studleal tho expanslo! of tbe SoutherE Paclflc Coopatry depot at Broadray, Burltngaoe. I€ttor referrdal to stle€t Connlttee, Councllmm Burrors and UcDonalal. Iptter road floo the Burl lngame Chamb€ r of Coru06rce atatlng that at the last ueetlag of tholr Boalal of Dlreotors tt wag requeEted that tbe Clty Counoll take steps to acqulre eltber peroanently o! otr a leage basls the followlng propertloo - tba eamo to be placed 1n propor oondltloB for parklng purposes as a rellef to tho presettt Dalklrrg ooagestlon. BR0ADWAY BUSINESS DISIBIC! - Lots 1 antl 27, Block 15' BurJ.lngare Olove. (AIso lnprovement of lot 26, Blook 15, BurllagaBe crovo, leoontly DurohaBed by tho Clty of BulllBgame.) BITRLINCAIIE AVENITE BUSIIfESS DISBBIC! - ITo lots faclag the goutb s Pr€ s6lrt lnProred Park1ngIot at tho aolEer of Donnelly Avotlu€ anal Prlmrose Roaal. Lots 15 and 14, Blook 5, fori of Brrllngame. (lleo tnprovo lot 0, Block I, Tom of Brlrllnganeraor leaseal to the Clty of Butllngane as a parklng lot).Letter referred to StFet Comlttee, oouncl lmen Burrors alla McDonald. RoIl CaIL: Presont - Couao llmen;Buok - Burrors - Coleuaa - Euat & McDonaIdl. Notlcs reoelvoal fr@ the stato Boart of Eq\rallzatl on re transfer of Off, Sale B6er and iYlne Blcense from Rlchartl trohLer to cllffgra B. gtovotrs. - Notloe oldsred flled. tbe Paclflc Gas & Eleotrlc Company ln a letter requeated permlesloa to er6ot a eubstatlon on tho northeastorly elde of Ro1l1na lvetrue approxlnately 560 feet ttorthis ste rly froo Btoatlway. Iptter referedto the Plannlng Cooal3stotr. L€tter road f!@ superlltentlent of Str€ethat ln aocortlanoe rlth th€ provlsioas oflleA ln tbe Tr€asulerre Offtee a l1gt oof real tllvls 1o aents tfor theof thl s , W. A. Roll1ns, etatlng Resolutlon 4l-2d, he hail assesamentg agalnst Parcels ts eetate to be lnprovetl 1n Burllng blos-Oak Grovs Maa or sub- f f a ns - that effeotlve July 25lal thele reoatned unpatd 69 assegs- otallng $2sr54}.17 - antt thst 1t rlu be neoessary to provltlo lgsuanoe of bonds 1n that anouDt to oonpleto the fltraEclngproJect. Due publlcatlon has beaB loado of the foregolng. Letter road from F. a. Bloon. Treasurer, statlng the Clty had recelveti a ateposlt of $500.00 fron Hainaford & Talbot as a deposlt otr the Burllngableg-Oak Grove Manor bonds flhlcb are to be lsgued urale! the prooeedlnga enaoted May 5, 1941, uader BeEolutloa of Intentton 4l-A-and aeklnE the Councll to'authoilzo tbe Aellvely of those bonAs xhen prlnteat aad ready - Bontle t o bo tlatetl August 18, 1941, antl to bear laterest at the rate of 56. on motlon by Couaot Lnatr uoDotralalt sacondeal by CounolLoan llunt, anA unaqlmously oarrled, the offe! of Eauaford ii faltot ras aooelted - boads rere orilered lseued and to be dellvered at the,coaoluElon of tho lmproveneflt prooeedlags. CIa Lug agalnst the Clty Nos. 5584 to S&?8, 1no., ter€ rsaal atrd apploveal anat irar ralrts ordereal ilrarn on the clty Treasury for thslr respeotlve am ountg. r77 "Tro letters dated August 8, 1941, were read fr@ Jtto. H. SkeggerDlstrlot Englneer, State of Caltforirla Dti1s1on of Elgbwaysr ln oonnectlon rlth the prop6sed agtreement for the Cltyts qrproval of lhe eetabLlshmentof the Bay Shoie Elgbway as a free way through Burllngame Clty lrmlts and thslr- plan to use Dwlght Road. as an outLet from the Bay Shore Illgbvay. After qulte a lengthy dlsCuselon entered lnto by I. J. Roth and Blcbartl E. Ctafk of the BurLlngablas-0ak Grove Manor Improvement Club, Jno. E. Skeggs, E. G. Poss and-F, M. Beynolda of the Htgbway Conolsslon, and RonaLd-0aupbe11, Secretary of the Planntng Commlsslon of San Mateo County, the gubJeot rae put oror for further study. The CounclL theroupon adJourned to meet Monctay, Augr:st e5, L94L, 8t 8:00 P.M. Respeotfully *rbml ttecl, AFPBO\TED or Burllngame, Ca1lf., August 25, 1941. Meettag of the Clty Counall" of tbe Clty of Brullngewer 8s per adJorrtr- nent of Atgust 18, 194L. RolL Call: Present - Counclluen3 [one.Absent - Counctlmen: Buck - Burrows -Colesan -Hunt - tdcDonald No quorum being present adJournuent was taken to Tuesday, Septembet 2, 1941,, 8t 8100 P.M.r otr motton by ClW Clerk Oraee Hoey. Respec tfull. y suhltte cl, APPROVED or g€{F