HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.06.1642L Burllngame, Cal lfornla, June 16, L94I. a regular meetlng of the City Council was held on the above Sivend.ato. - ! eeting called to order at 8:00 P.}i. - i{ayor i3uck 1n the Chalr. Rol} CaIL:Present - Counc llmen 3 Absent - Couac 11men: The mlnutes of the provlous ooetlng of to members of the Couno1l, and as poste Clty EaII, were approved. Buck, Burrows, Coleman, LlcDonal d. Hun t. Noma Aotoinette Par! Patrlcia Jean Clark Madellno Goldsmlth ltYatt Ka ther.lne Marguerlte CassidYfllnlfred A. Snedtietr Car o1 E. Y{heeler Z, L94L, as subml t t edBulletln Board in the urrows,ervice int ed he re- June don Peninsula Dlvision League of Californla Cltles 1n a letter advised that the next meeting of the Di.vl slon w1Il be heltl Thursaiayt June 19, 1941 - 6!50 P.M. at V1I1a i'{ateo, Daly C1ty. I'Iayor Buck urged mirmbors of the Council and other City offlclals to attend. Mrs. Ellzabetb 11. Seager, 2701 Easton Drlve, in a letter to the Corurcil, corir"mended Offlcer Thomas on hls excellent work ln connectlon wlth traffic patrol. Letter ordered f1Ied. fhe Clvi.l Servlce Commlsslon in a letter subnltted the following e11gi.ble list for position of Junior Llbrarian, examinatlon for rehich wa s ho Id i;ray 27 , 19 41. - No. No. Ir-o . i{o . No. No. 1- 2- 4-5-6- on motioti by Councllnan McDonatdr seconded by Counoilma and unanlmously carri6d, the recommsltdatlon of the Clvl Comnlss.lon leas approved and llorca Antolnette Parr was a to the posltlon of Junlor Llbrarlan, subJeot, hooverr t qulred medlcal examinat ion. E. Chrlstenson, Po1lce Off1oer, was granted leave of absence from JuIy t6th to Jrily 5)-st, lncluslve, as he plans to leave the state. H. W. Schuck, Water Superlntendent, for appolntment of -tta to a perfuane nt posltlon; and also request of several f Water Departglent for increase 1n salaryr was set over '1on at exeoutlve se s si on. t'lottce received fror:o the State tsoard of Equellzation re transfer of Ilcense off Sale Dlstllled Splrits fron John Milramontes end J. J. tr'rancls to Joseph i,ii. Peterson, dba Blt of fnglatrd, 1448 tsurllngame Avenue. I,lo protest. Notlce ordered filed.. The Planning Com.rnlsslon in a letter advised that at their meetlng June 5, 1941, they recommended the ad.opti.on of a Varia[ce System ln rel6tion to zoning. Matter was referred to the Clty Attorney for hls consideration and action. The Planning Comnlssion 1n letter dated June 6, 194I, approved and r6c oomend.eal that Latr8 Realty Corporation be granted permisslon to resubtilvlde certain lots ln Blocks 1? and 18, Burllngables No. 2, as per blueprlnt suboltted, the frontages of these lots belng lncieased tiom 44 ft. to 50 ft' rith the u'nderstandlng that ldap showlng changos must be fil-ed for rscord purposes.. Cogncllnan BurrowE noved that ths lec oome ndat 1on of the Plannlng Commisslotr be auEtalned - seconded by Councllman l{cDonald and unanlmousLy carrled. nB1S ppoot Request of lY. M1rag1lo employees ofor dl scuss 422 fhe request of Carrle Aokernlan, 309 Golden Gate B1dg., 25 laylorStreet, San tr'ranclsoo, for pemlsslon to resubdlvide property atthe corner of Cypress and Barrollhet Avenues, lnto seven 1ots, waareferred back to the Planning CommlssioE for further allscusslor1 and mod.1f ic atl on of plans. Ehe PLannlng Com.olssion Bubmltted report 16 the development ofthe new Recreatlon center ln tsurllngame VlIIage Subdlvision. AIso suggesteti that ln connectlon f,1th the construotloE of new park ltrthe RAY TRACT, a hlghly oolrpetent landsoape arohlteot be enployedto work 1n close collaborqtloD wlth the Park Coonission, schoolauthorltles, and. the Park Superlntendent. fbese matters were oldered taken under col1slderation and dlscussed wlth th6 Park analR€oreation Co@mi ssions. Three Ci.ties lr{osqulto Abatement Dlstrict report for perlod froo May 9 to June 15r was read and ordered ?fteA. i{aters to the Clty of BurJ-ingeme,VlIIa Park, this as a part of a p Averlue from oak Grove Ave nue to Broadway o pa om AS un SC lvlarvln & Golda Rtphardson5, Block 1, Burllngamertension of Carolan I!1ot1on by Councllnoan 33 $u H,"8t itf us];ruger ri ed' Block 1, L(o t 1on Rasolution was adopted acceptlng d.eed fron end ii/. a. Vanalswark to[he City of Burllngamo, for ].ot,1 Burllngame V1lIa Park, for the opening of Carolan Avenu f or trot l-an for e Resolution was adopted, accepting deed from iI. Brllce Vatrdewark , by Cbuncl lman IvIcDonald orades... b unanimousiv carried.collected by the Stat and to be pald. for from Gas Tar funtlse. Resolutlon was ad.opted acceptlng eagenent from Callfoxnla PsclflcTltle & Trust Co. to the City of Bur lJ"ngame, for rlght of way forexcavatlng, laylng, constructlng, repalrlng, malntai-[1ng plpesfor sanltary sewers and wate.r mains ovax, along, under aEd througlra strlp of land flve fest in wldth, the center Line of l[hichLlos twelve fset d.lstant from and parallel to the present Southerly -]llne of the Bayshore lllghway, through the ldortherly portions of II.ots l- to 8, -inc1uslve, and Lot 80, Blook 2p, Lots 1to 41, incluslve-_'Block 19, and through the Northerly portlon 6f Block 5, as'saitl loteand blocks aro dellneated and so deslgnated upon that i:e rtaln m.apentltloti tiMap l\io. 2 of Burlingables, conprlslng Blooks g, andL6 to 22, lnclusive, and portlons of Blocks g to 11, lnoluslve,Burlingame, CallforEla,rrflled September 16, 19ts5, 1n Book 80. of Maps-r_ pages 55 anrl 56 recolds of San Mateo County, Ca]lfornia. The Mayor was authorlzed to execute thls acceptairce for and onbehalf of- the C j.ty of Burllngane. - Ivlo tl on by Counollman l,[oDonalal, second.ed by Councllman Burrors, and unaulmously carried. Councllman Burrows moved that Hesolution of June 2, L94L, enter-lng lnto agreeoattrlth the Burllngame Elementary Sahool Dlstrlctfor purchase of property ln liay Parkln lts stead a similar Resolutlon daby CouncilmaE lilcDonald and unanimousco[f lmrs agreemat slgned by the Trus Sohoo} Distrlct on June 16, 194]. , be rosclnded and lntrod,ucedted June 16, 194L - secondealIy camled. Thl s Resolutlon tEes of the Burllngame ELementary There belng no protest f1led against Ioprovements in Burlingables&-oak Grove l[anor, Councilman Burro[a introduced aEfuAoteal.iedopt lonof Resolution No. 4L-Zd - a Resolutlon and order adoptlng the-report of the Lrepartment of publlc lyorks, as a whoLe,-niti'outootllflcatlon or change, flnally confirulirg the assesiment andorderlng the workrrsecondeat by Counoilman McDonald end unanlmouslycarrled. The Clerk was ordered to aaivertlse for blds for thls woik and. July 'l , L94L, yras set as the date for recelvlng and opanlngof b1ds. The CounolL deslgnatetl Mr. Jasle s Portar, Presldent of th6 Chamberof Coomerce, as Chalrman of a oltlzens ooemlttee to trork 1troonJunction wlth Councllrnan McDonald to formulate plans for theoarryl.ng on of Unlted Servlce 0rganlzation Defenss prograrn lnBurllngarne. The 01erk was lnstructed to wrlte Mr. Porter to thiseffec t. 42:t Rosolutlon acceptlng deed ftora the Estate of Mary M. Halke, Deoeased, to the Clty of tsuxllogaroe, for Lot 26, Blook 15, BurLlngame Grove Subd[1v1slo!, for ]-ot 26, Bl-ook I5, Burllugamo Grove Subdlvlslo[, was adopted on motlon by Counclfuoan Burrors, seconded by Counclloan McDonaLd, eod unan lmously carrled. Thlsproporty aoqulretl for parklng purposes. Mayor Buok announoed ths oew Recreatlo!1 Commlsslon, vlzl Mr. Ralph McCllntonl,hs. Johr DayMrs. Fred lfyokof f Mr. Stewart AbbottIur. iu. D. Clawsotr The meetlng theroupon ad Journe d. Respec tfully submltt ed., Clty C Ier A}?0 Llayor BurI ingae, Callfornla, July ?, 194I. A regulal xaeeting of the Clty Council was held, on the above givetr clate. - Meeting callod to order at 8100 P.\{. - Ilayor Buck ln theChalr. Claims Nos. 5593 to 541p, lncluslve, were read and Warrants ordered alr arvn on the Clty Treasuly for thelr respectlve amount s. RoI1 Ca1I! Presetrt - Councilmen: Buck - Bumows and iv{cDona1d.Absetrt - Councl lmen: None. the mlnutes of the previous rmeting of June 16,to members of the Councll and as posted on tsullClty Hal-1, were ap pr ove d. - Coleman - Hunt 1941, as s ubmitt edetin 3oard in the W. A. Rollitrs, Supt. of Streets, ln a letter thanked the CttyCouncil for grantlng him an extra two tseeks vacation. Request of itr. I". Dicklnson, 815 idgeh j.11 Drlve, Burllngame, forpermlsslon to hold a Cartrlval sponsored by the Burlingame Post 3322, Yelerans of Forelgn Wars - Augusb 18 to 23, 1nc1us1ve, onM Camino Real Irear ni1l1brae Town llne, yras grenteal, subJect, however, to the approval of the Chlef of Police. i;otion by Council- man lvlcDona1d, secontled by Counctlmen Hunt, and unanimously carrled. $/aIdo H. Hunt & Jack lrlcNaught on 1n a letter subroltted proposltionfor ourb block narklngs on the streets of Burlingame. Ietterrefemod to Mr. Bloom, Purchas ing Agent, f or at tentlon. BUrl lngane Chambe r of Commeroe 1n a communloat lon statetl that at areceBt meetlng of Clty offlola Is, Chamber of Commerce dlrectoI.s,representatives of the Burllngame Co.cmuterrs C1ub, and Broaaway Development Assoclatlon, it vas agreed and rec oruaended: (1) That the shelter capacity of the Broadray depot be enLarged to aooonoalate a sufflc lent number of commuters; and that