HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.04.214LZ Burllngame, Cali.f., apx1l 21, 1941. A regul8 reetlng of tho clty coutrcll was held on the above glven tlate. - Meetlng calleil to order at 8!00 P.M. - Mayor McDona1il la the Cha1r. Itol] CaI1 :iresent - Co unc llmen : Buck-Buuorss-Coleoatr-Hunt-McDonalti. Absont - Councllmeni None. Tbe mlnutes. of the previous meetlnto members of the Councll and es p City Hal1, were ap proved. Letter reari from the Burllngama Chanbe! of Commerce reporting on vote taken at l-ast Cornmunity Dlnner la regard to corusunl ty teproro- oents wbish Eere glvetr substantlal subport. The Councll took' und.er conslderatlon the suggestfion of the Chanber of 0onoelc€that the Clty provlde potlce patrol oar and ambulance, ard g1Y€ the Clty Streel Commlttee porer to reguLate the pLantlng' malnt- etrance and removel 0f trees. Apr1l 7, 194)., as subnltteAti on Bul]etln Boartl 1n the The regular order of buslness was dlspenseti with to open end lead blds for Ioprovements ln "Burlingame Yi1lagen. fhe followlng blds were recei'veti' - ,"o"uur" *n" gof ost e L. C. solth - Union Pavlng Company- CharLes L. Ilarney- Marshall S. Hanrahan- sche d.ule (B r tr41,9e4.18 43,585.65 56 , 160 .48 56,878.52 - Sag,gzs.oe- z5r0?1.o2 - 25,065.66 - asr840.90 $64a. 15 642.25 884.05 974.58 Ersklne Electrioal construc t loE, IIi-o. $2?06. 9 4 Central' Electrlc Co. - 6222.5A Cbarlos L. Earney - 9240.6?L. C. Srolth - 2940.40 a Eclwln J. Tobin W. J. Tobln L.C. Selth Conner &.Brant Scbedule'fCn Sched g nDr B. U. BullockEl Padre Nursery Petelg & wllson NurserY- West Coast Nureery Co. - Resolutlon of Awartl. of Contracte to the lowest bldders naa atiopted on motlon by Counciloan Eunt, seconded by Councllman Coleman, and u.nanlnousl"y cerrled. - L0r bldders were as follows: Sohedule 'rAo L. C. smlth -$41r944.18|l nBn Edwln J. Tobln 451979.06o non Ersklne Electrloal Constr.Irlc.' 8r?06,92il nDtt I'red lt. Bullook 649.15 Blde, ohecke and bonale of aext lower bldtler unde! each acbeduls at'e to ba h6Ld unt1l aontract for each sohetlule to respeottve l-ow bld.aierE ls slgned and labor and materlal bontle are furnlEhed. Iotter fl.oe Recreation Cornmlttee comrnendlng C1v11 Servlce CooBlsElotl oo tholr 6ff1a1ent antl sclentlflc work done pursuant to thE appotnt- oe[t of a Superlntend.ant of Recreatlon for the Clty of Burllngame, {as road and ordered f llett. 4',13 Letter from Reoxeatlon Coonlttee oommending Clty Attorney Karoe I onthe excsllent work done 1n preparation of ord,lnance conc6rnlng thoappolntment of a Rooreatlon Conmlsslon for the Clty of Burllngame,was read an ti ord.eredl f lleal. Lette! frcm. Recreatioa Commltt6e regardlng reqrro st of Freal Cav1gl1afor approprlatlon for the Burllngcne Baseball tean, was read andput over for conslderatlon as a buclget ltem. L,etter from Rocreatlon Commlttoe and Reoreatlon llepartnent request- 1Bg C1vll Selv1ce Commlsslon b6 enlowered to provlale examlnatfonfor 2 part t lme recreatloa leadels analI fulI tlme ooablnatlon recreatlotr dlrecto! atr<l leatler ofspeclal actlvltles, traE- read, aod otr motion by Councllmdr Hu!,t, seoonded by Councl lmanBuok, and unanlnously caxrletl, the CLerk wds Lnstructed to notlfythe Clvll Servloo Conmlssion to hold the- examlnatlon as requested. fbo Burllnga]'F Llbrary Board ln a letter requested $5000 adAltlonal1lr th61r lext buAget to asslgt 1tr taklng cane of the cost of oneoora f,loor of stacke for the Llbrary. 0u motlon by Councllma[ Buok, seoondetl by Counclloan Hunt, &d unanlmously carrled, the requestfor thls 95000 was gratrtetl. The Peerless Larrndry & Zorlo Dry rCleanlng Conpany ln a letter,asked for a yell-ow zone lE front of thelr p:Lace of buglneea at 150? Howarcl Avenue. Letter roferred to Chief of Pollce. Notlce recelved from 0n SaIe Ba6r Llcenso G. Granger. - No prot Notloe froro State Board of, Equallzatlon Beer Lloense from 1405 Broattway to 1224 ordered f lIeat. ":l:H ?ii;$r$d#$#:'A:\ff . I;"t"i:i,;'- Notice ordexed f 1Ied. to est re transfer of 0n Sale Broarlway, Burllngame. Notlce Notlce from State Board of Equallzation re Llquor Llcensos ofDavlti-Su11ng & San Rame y at 14g+-1436 Burllngame Avenue, waa re- f erred to Captaln Hartnett. Roport of Pounclmaster for January, February and i,,iarch, 1941, wasread and oxdereal f 1Ied.. Report of Three Clties idosqulto Abatement Dlstrtct ir{arch 14 toApr1l 11, 1941, was read and, ordered flIed. Plannlng Commlsslon ln a letter dated Aprll el, 1941, recommendedthat the Councll provlde means to cover the cost of 1nstalllngadditlonal trafflc slgnals on EJ:rCamlno Real.. Letter referred. toCec1l Longsorl, Superlntendont of Publ1c Triorks. Councllnarr Coleman lntroalucoal and moved aaloptlotr of BesolutlonUrglng the Enactment of Leglslation for the Acqulsltlon by tho Stateof the Sen lrdateo and Dunb artoB Brlalgos - Sec ond6d by Counc 1fu.ran Hunt, and unanlnousl y oarrleti. ortllnanc e No. 367 - A[ ord,inanoe regulatlng and deflnlog leaves of absonce for employees of the Clty of Bur3. ingame rh1le engaged ln theperfomanco of ivl1l-1tary ox Naval duty unaler c oopetent ordlra, Easglven flrst readLnS. - Introcluotlon by Councllman Bumows. I I Ordlnance I,Io. 568 - An ordlnanoo amendlng the 0rd1trance Cotle:Creating a Recreatlon CoonlgBrtoni Provldlng for lts organizatlon,te]ms of 1ts member8, offlcers, powers and alutles, was glven flrstreadlng. - Introtluct 1on by Counc 1lman Hunt. otdlnance No. 569 - An ortllnanoe anen tll ng the ortllnance Code of theClty of Burllnge.e by Snenttlng Sectlon 401 of saltl oode by actdlngtbereto nSuperlntendent of Recreatloai, tras glven flrst readlngi-Introduotlon by Councllman Coleman. ordltrance No. 570 - An ord.lnance amendlng the orcllnatrce Code of theClty of Bur llngase by amendlng Sectlon 501 of sglti Code by adtllng theroto trsuperlntende!.t of Recreatlon and fuployees 1n the Rooreatlon Departmenttr, was glvetr flrst readltrg - Iatroduotlon by Councl Iman CoIeman. 4L4 Orallnance No. 57L - An ordlnance amendlng the ordlnance Code of the Clty of Burllngame by addlng a new sectlon to be nuebered 410 ancl provldlug for th6 creatlotr of the offlce of Suparlntendent of Recreatlon, was gLven ftrst readlng. - Introductlon by Counclloan Eunt. Cl-alus Nos. 5201 to 5489, lnolusive, were read atrd lYaxrants ordereal drawn on the City Treasury for thelr respectlve "nounts. Mayor McDona1d callod the attentlon of members of the Clty Councll aad Clty 0ff1c1a1s to the meeting of the League of Callfornla Clties to be held at San Bruno, Thursday evenlng, Aprll 24, I941t urged all posslble to attend. and Mayor ivlcDonaltl as retlrlng Chalrmar, at thls tlme, cltecl aa maJor accoopllohaents alurlng h1s tenure of offlco the Anaexatlon of th6 'tBurltngano Vlllage' and Ray Parkn tracts ln the Mll1g Estate Aoqutstlon of n€w parks - Cotllflcatlon of the Cltyrs ordlnances - and the AppraisaL Suxvey for ths olty wlde Alley ard Parklng area progrgrr. He €xpr€ssetl tleep gratltutie anal appreclatlon of the oo-opsratlon glven by the CounclI, Clty 0ff1olaLs and eoployeee, organlzatlons, the Press anal lndlvlduaL oltlzens. Mayor l{cDonalcl thereupon vacatecl the Chalr end nomlnat lous were 1rl orde! for Mayo! for the onsultrg year. Counc llman Colematr nomlnat ed C. A. Buck - Councilnan Burrows seconded. the Bomitratlog and Counc lIman Hunt moved that nomlnatlons be closeal and C.A. Buck b6 made l,,Iayo r. Mr. Buck rose to accept the dutles of Mayor for th€-comtng. teru and spoke brlefly of Lls sonse of responslbility 9+d hls obserla- iion"-oi the oit-y tturlng 1ts entlre 1"1fe, havlng llvett here .si!3e1is lncorporatioi. Iie pald trlbute to Clty Clerk J..R. Ivlurphy, recetrtfy heceased, and io the organlzatlon of the clty,government. Ee hrghilgbted thi: great eoergenoy faclng the world today.anti stated tndt we must-expect it-to affect each of our lntllvldual weilb"ing", and furthei stated that for tb1 s year our attltu'ie wtlI ue 5n6 of carefully nurturlng our resources and spe[dtng nothlng not rea1ly rrec e ssar]o Bonal of Conway & Culllgan for S10r000 to the ci'ty of Bur f-ingene on use of Impi ovenent Bond Act of 1915 1n nBurl lngame Vlllage'r was ordered iiled after lt had the check up and approval of City Attorney Karmel. The meeting theroupon adjourned. Be spectfully submitt ed' V APPROVJD ! Mayor