HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1941.01.06397 A re gular neetlng of the date - Moetlng calletl tothe Chalr. Bu!11ngame, CaI 1f., January 6, 1"941. Clty Coutrcl I tas..held on the above glven orde! at 8!00 P.M. - Mayor McDonald 1n - Eunt - Colenaa and McDonald. Boll Call3 Present! Counclloxen: Buck - Burrofs Absent 3 Councllnen: Non,. The x[ltrutes of the prevlous meetlag of Deceoberoltted to nembers of the Councll a nal as posted o 1n the Clty EaII, rmre approved. I6 n , 1940, as sub-BuIletiE Board Burllugables Oak Grove Manor Improvenent Club ln a coromunlcatlon stated thetr orga-nlzatlon oa December 15, 1940, adopted a ResoLutlon heartlly endorslng the poltcy of the Clty Councll 1n oultallment of rezotrlnS operationa whlch 1s etlectlvely J.llrlt lng the erectlon of nult1ple droIl1ngs 1n local resltlential aleas. Mayor McDonald on behalf of the Counc1l, thanked the Improvenent Club for thelr lett€r aad ordered same f llett' I€tter read from the P€nlnEula Chllairenrs Theater reportlng ontheir acttvltles for the yea! and asklng that Mlss Carolltre Flshgr, Dlrector, be p1ac6d on saLary ro11 of the Recreatton Department of tbe C1W of Bur llngame. The Clerk nas dlrected tolotlfy the Penlnsula Chlklrents Theatet that the Clty Courtcl1 1s now awaltlng C1v1I Servlce Exanlnatloa for Reoreatlon Dtr€ctor and es s@n as appolntment 1s made the natte 1111 be referred to the Rocreatlon Coonlttee and the CounolI 1111 thea aot on reoommotralat l olls naale. Co-operatlon Sponsorrs DroJeot Applloatlon of wolk ProJectalilmlnistratloa for Recreatlotr ProJects 1n Washlngton Park and Bur l1EgaB€ Coonunlty Conter, was referre(t to Clty Attorney KarBelto report or1 at trext ne€tlng of the Counc1l. Reports of the Wat6r, Flrs anal Pollce Departments, Bulldlng Iuspector atrd City Jutlge, for month of December! al so Annual Report of Flre Department for the year 1940, rele read, atrcl ordered f1led. Charle s Loudon, property owE e! 915 Llntlen Avenue, addressed tbe Couacll askltrg for better 11gbt1ng ln Bur)-lugane Garaiens subdivlslon.Uatte refered to LlghtlBg Connlttee. Eesolutlon acoeptlng grant of eagements fron Southe rn Paclflo Company and Southern Paolflc Rallroad Company, for coastructlon aud [alntor- aaoe,.:of a dralaage dltoh upon and slong the Ral}road Rlgbt of l[ay rear Broaahray Statlon tn the Clty of Br:rllngane, ras adopted on notlon by Counollnan Buck, seconded by Councllnan Eunt, and unanlmous-Iy carled. nesolutlon of IEtetrtlon to olo8o portlon of Channlng Roatl ln theClty of Burllngauo, rras adopteai on not lon by Councllme Errnti: seconded by Courcllman Buck, and unanlmously oaff1ed. An ordlnance entltLed iAn OrallEarto€ to Ametlal subsectlotr (a) of Seotloa 8-B of ordlrance No. 2I9 of the Clty of Burllngane as Anended by 0rdlnaac e No. 557n ras glven flrEt readhg - Iutroductlon by Councllman Hunt. An 0rdlnano€ entltleal nAn 0rdlnanoe Prooorlblng Regulatlons for the Prevontton of tr1les aaat safe Chrardlng Llfe aod Propertyi, was glven flrst roacllng - I[troduotlon by Counc l]-dar Eunt. An 0rd1!.ano6 etrttt1ed. nAo Olal1tranoe 1eendlBg sectlon 5 of ordltralce No. 16 of the C1W of Burllngamerllnltlng the use of Publlo ways' Streots or SlAeralks ln sal at Cltyir ras glvetr llrst roadlEg - Iltroauot 1oo by counclloan Bumors. An Ordlnalloe 6ntltl6al nAn ordlaanoe Regulat 1ng ObstructlonB of Vler oE Drlvers of Vehloles at Street and Elgbway Interseotlong 393 Iflthln the City of ButllllgsBei, was glven flrst readlng - Iatroduotlon by Coulol Lean Burrors. Raquest of lt. O. Iatr8 to lezone to Comerolajl Dlstrlctr- aloa ltr add-l tlon to Iot I, Blook 22, Burtlngablea, to agree- tlt| tbo untlor- statrgtng at the time of the-or181na1 prooeeillngs, May.21, 1994, tas referreal to the Plannlag Connlsslon fol fulther report. Itrayo! t[cDonald etated that at -thls t1m€ lt gave lln slnoere pl6asure to erpless the appreolatlon of tho Clty cgunoft to Chtef'wrrtre Dossla irad the nen6ere otr hls staff ttr the Bufllngame tr1re Departneat fo! the splendld task they aocompllshed at Chrlstoas, thls wlth leference to tbe lepalr anil dlstllbutlon of toys. Matry oonths of arduous rork oulnhatea 1n g1v1trg lastlug pleastue antl bapplness to roany uoclerprlvlleged chlldrea. The aDlllty-aad rliilngness to bilng bapplaegs 1g one of ths fiaest attllbutas of uaa and thls unselflgh iork 1111 endear the flrenen to thc ooonunlty. The Mayot aleo sald that 1f the ctttzetrs knct the eroellent rotkuan- ohlp airil palnstaklog oare shoru by the flleaon 1u thla labor of loyo, they rouLd be oagpr to see the toys. TLe e6et 1ng thereupon aclJ ourne d. a Respectfully subBltt etl, c e APPR c_ ay dr