HomeMy WebLinkAboutMIn - CC - 1940.12.1639s 0n motlon by Counol lnan Buck, secontletl by Counollnan Colenaa, aEd unalltrously carrlett, Cari T0!6110 ras Qpotnted Aotfag 01ty Englneorr-authollzing h1n to act 1n bohalf of the Ctty ln ionneqtlon-r1th the anneratlon to the Clty of Burlllgane of traot to be knor! as nBurllngoe Y111ag3t. Ihe aeetlng thereupoo atlJ ournett. APPBOVMs RoIl Call! ol Present Abs6nt C Bespe c tfu1ly subnl tted, v e ounol loen: Burrors-Colenan-Eunt-McDonald. ounclLmea: Buck. Burlltrgade, Calif.l Deoeobe! 16' 1940. A legula! neetlag of the Clty Couooll raa beld on the above glven data-- Itreetltrg odUea to ortler at 8300 P.M. - uayol tr[cDonald ln the chalr. .C-c Tbe nlnuteE of the prevlous neet1!g of DeoabEr 9,-1940, -as-sub-Dltted to n@bers o? the Councll and as postetl on Bulletln Boarfl la the Clty Eall, we!6 Qproveal. Resolutlon acoeptlnS deed frm !hos. J. & rsthleetr F. cullt8an to tle Ctty of Burllngene for 1.8856 aore? of land, more or 1es6, for Clty pirk slte 1o-trBurLlngane Y1llager, ',a-s passod, otr motlo!- ti Couniffaan Coleaaa, seoonded by Councllian Hgnt, aatl unaalmously oar r1eai. Ordlaance No. 556 ltrtroaluc6d Decenber 9, 1940, and entltled nAn grtlinaaoe Approvlag AnnexatloD of tbe Uilnoorporated area ksonn ae;BdiGian;'ttirigi' to the clty of BurJ.lngam-n, rae glYen seoond riaafnfana adoptEil otr motlon by Oounc1166g Eunt, second"l by Councl lman Colenaa, atl uaantmously oarrled. coonunloatlon !6ce1vBal fron cblef clr Po11o6 Earp€! reooumea<l1n9 tlal Oak Orovs Ayanue froo th€ llterE€ct1ou of EL C arotno ReaI and the later- segflonguy Sbore Hl8hray be rleclared a lrafflo Artery.antl.be. lncluded 1n Ordlaanoe tgoi gSi Eor up for adoptloa. 0n notlo1 by Couaollnan C;GBaB, seoondBd by Coirncllnan-Eunt, qnq Pan199us1y oarrled, --Seottoa'6 of Oraltra;ce No. 219 1s an6nded by addlng to Sectlon 19-A, under subsootloa (I). "oak Grove Ave aue rron the lntersectlotl ot ff Ca fno Real to-ti5 lnterseotlon of Bay Shore Hlghregr' ortllaano e No. 557 lntrocluood D6c@ber 9, 1940, a<l entltled iAa OrAlnatroo .Anenal trg SeotloBs 1, 28 an<l 50 of ordlnarlce No. 2I9 of the C1W of Burllngame' a[d aietrdlng salci ordlnanc6-No. 219 !Y -aditlng ibereto cer{ala'aer seetloua, ed repoallng seotlons^?t-7, 9- L5: 14. 16. 19. 25. 26. 2t and 53 of 8a1al ordlnPnce No. 219xt ii an6na"6 ti'aaaine io s5ctlor 19-A gubseStton (I), Yas glven aeoond readtig and id.opted on notlon by Councllman Bullors t geconcled by Counc 1lnaa colenaa, ad u[arllmously carr16tl' chlefEarperrsrequestforcoaslileratloolnfurtherstudyto'ar.ls 396 Iastallatlo! of Autonatlc frafflo slgnal at callfolala Drlv Oak. Grove Avetruo towards eLlnlnatlng trafflc hazard, ta8 pu u[tll such tlme as Oak Grov€ Ave true East of Ca]-lforala Drlv rldened, actlou torartls rhlch ls expected to be takeD rltbt months. o 1 a et e D atrd Yer'.i g few 0rdlnance No. 358 lntroduced December 9, 1940, aa 0rtllnanoe Repeallng Certatn Parts of ordlnatrcos o Burllngame, to-ttlt: Sectlon 4 of oldlnanco No. 17of ordlnance No. 2t9 as adaled thereto by oralnanc Sectlons 5, 4 and 5 of 0rdlnance No. 108rr waa glven seoond readlng aaa adopted on ootion by counol lman Coleoaa, secontled by Coulrol lnan Eunt, an cI unatrtmously oarr16d. ncrohutlotr applo"1Dg aooeptaaoe by the clty of Map of Sub- tltvlsloa to be knonr as nBurllngaoo Vll1agef, laa passeil on motlon by Counol 1na! Burroxa r seoonded by Councl loaa Hunt, and uaanlmous lY oar r16d. Beport of Three Cltlea Moaqulto Abateneat Dlstrict for perlod NovBBbq I to Deoember I5, 1940, ras read antl o!cle!6d flletl. Mayor McDonald announoe(l that tho Oallfornla Motor Veblole Departaont rltl have a representatlvo ln Burl lngae oD }tronday and luegday of each teok betreen the hourc of gloo A.l[. a.d 5300 P.M. as soon aB hgaAqus ters oatr be hail for tbetr aooolLoaa- tlon - for the purpose of rcrrerlng autotsoblle ltooaseE. 0lalns,.,egatngt-,thBr0tty.'Nos;*86a to 4984, 1ao. were read atral Earrants older€ d. alrarn oD the Clty treasury fo! thelr respectlyo anou[ts. ll€e t1ag theleupoa adJournetl. d entltled nAn f the Clty of2; S6ctlon 25-Ae No. 225 anal Reepectfutrly suboltted, ty e_ Mqyor