HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.12.02Burllngane, Ca11f., Decenber 2, 1940. A regular meotlng of the clty CounolL ras helal olr the abov6 gl"en date. - MeetlEg oa116al to order at 8100 PrMr - Mayor MoDonald ln the Chalr. Rotl CaLli Present - Couacllnetr! Buck-Burrows-Coleear-Eunt-tr{cDona1d. Absent - CouacllmeEi None. Ihe mlnutes of the prevloua meetlng of Nov:m.be r I8, mltteai to oembela of the Counoll a[ti as posteal on B 1tr th6 Clty HaII, rere approvetl. 1940, aa sub-ulletin Board Lstter reaal from the Burllngams Cheobor of Conmerce erprossllg approolatloo to th6 Clty CouDcll for thoi,r whole-hearted oo-operatlonln cotrnectlon wlth the Burllngene Coomunlty Chlldreas ChrlstoaEparty. Mayor MoDonald on behalf of tbe Counctl thankeil tbs €hamber of Commerce for tbslr Lettei ard for the Epl6Ed1A f,ork they d1d, the Mayor also expressed appreclstlon of the oo-operatloa antl work dotre by tbe dlffeletrt Clty employees ln belplng to nake the party such a succ€sso - Letter ordered flled. The Plannlng Coo!0lsslo! 1n a letter aleEled petltloB for rezonlagto seaoad 8eslaletltlal, Blooks 3, 4 & 6 1n VlL1a ?ark suballvlslolr,It belng the consensus of oplntoa bf nenbers of the ooomlsslonthat sufflclont alea bas already been classlfled for Aupl€r€s to take oare of tbe pleseEt aeeds, 1n l1ne wlth a pollcy atlopted by the Cooolsslo! on August 29, 1940. Tlxe Coomlsslotr, honevert reconnendatl that thls sootlon be glve.n flrst preforetrce 1f alal rhen the tlns 1s mature to extend Second Resldeatial olasslflcatlon. Ihe nrllng of the PLannlng Coromlsslon rag sustalnad, o! notlon by qouocll.osn Colemarr, secotraled by Counoiloalr Eunt, arld unarr16ou8ly o a!r1e al. Ibo Reports of the water, Flre and Polloe Departnrents, Bulldhg Ioapeotor, aad Clty Juclge, for month of Novenbor, rere read aa ordered f1led. Tbe Clvll servlce Coomlsslor ta a oommunlcatlou, recomnetlded that euglbLe llat for flan8ltmall created Docember 5, 1958, and explrlng Deoeubor 4, l-940, be ooatlaued for an addltlonal yea!, to 6xp1re Deoelober 4, 1941. otr &ot1or by Couno 1lnan Buok, aeconded by Councllloatr Hunt, and unaalmously oarrlsd, the teoommeaalatlo[ of the C1vlI S€rvlce Cornnl ssl on ras acoepted. The C1vlI Servloe Cornmlesloa 1n a ooonunlcatloa, re o @moaaleal thatollCbte 11st for Laborers createti Novaber a5, 1958, aEA erplrlng Nov6ube! 22, L94O, be contlnued for an atidltlonal year, to 6xp1ro November 82, 194L. 0n motlon by Coutrclloan Buck, secooded by Couxolloan Eunt, antl unaalmously oamled, the reoom.metrdatlon of the C1v11 Selvlce ConmlssloE ras acceptedl. Dre C1v11 S6rvlo6 Cooolsslon subtrltteal the followlng euglble l1stfor Clorloa1 workorr tn the Clty of BurllngaEe as a result of eramlnatlon helcl November 21 1940. - I - Mlldreil E. Bertley - Lg24 coltez Ava. 2 - EIIen l. E?aaa - 1481 Be]-levue Ave.5 - treanae T. Eunphley - aLL Arunrlel Roatl4 - lnu L. Churoh 810 Clossray Road+5 - trrederlok W. Rlokarilt-I528 cabrlll6 ave. Caadltlate No. 5 prov1glotrally aooeptod, but eubJeot to aedloal report. 0a motloa by oouno tl]latl CoIeEan, geoonaed by Councllnan Eunt, and unantmou8ly carrled, the ellglble 11gt ras oceptedl. s92 39:i Ree pectfully submlttetl, J AIPBO c_ ^rJor Ebe olvtL Serv1o6 Cornmlsslon ln a co,r'l,untoatloa, requestetl, lnasmuoh as the posltloo of Recreatlon Dlrector ls new ln Burllngane, a statement alescrlbltlg the dut16s atral Elnlnum requlreuents of the posltlon - the requllemetrts ag the Coomlsslon understands them belng outllned. The letter saa refeueal to the Reoreatlotr Coonlttee for report to tbe Councll as to any correctlons anal suggestlons to be made. .l alsougslon rds had a"6,to tbe. actloo of the Plannlng oo@l8slon 1n denylDg the rezool.trg to Seoonal Residentlal, Blooke g, 4 & 6, VlI1a Park Subdlvlsloa. !/[r. A. R. Gould I,rotestod th6 aotlon of the Plannlng ComBlsslotr 1n tienylng the appllcatlo! fo! rozonlttg, statlng be felt they atla1 notget a falr deal. Mr. Stuar"t Carmen al so stated he was notat all satlsfleal tlt ths leasons glven by the Plannlag Conmlsslon for the 1r recomrnendatlon aggl Est duplercs 1n thlepartlcular a!ea. Mayor MoDonaltl $rgge steil that some tlme 1n the futule the partles Ut6r6sted repetltlon the Plannltrg Conolsslon for anothgr hearlng 1B the matter. Tbe meetlng adJouraeil to Monday, Deeenber 9, 1940, at 8:00 P.M.to take up the natter of anneratlo.n of rBulllagane Ylllagpn to the Clty of Br]t llngane, and any other natters that nay come before the Cougollr