HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.11.18391 Burllngae, Cal1t., Nove0xb6r 18, 1940. I regular meetlng of the Clty 0ouno11 ras held on the above glventlate. - Moetlng oalleal to order at 8t00 P.M.- Mayor McDoatlat lathe Ohalr. rove d.r Respec tfuIly, Ro1I CaLl| Preseat - CouEcllneni Buck - Eunt - McDonald.Absent - Counollmen3 Burors - Coleoan. The mlnutes of Drevlous meetltrr November 4. 1940. were aDDIptter read froh BurLlngame CoEnuters Club'erpre'ss1ue ttre1appreclatlon to the Clty Counoll for offerlng CounclL loom aE a meetlng plaoe for thelr CLub ana exteEdlng lnvltatlolr to the Councllmen aad Clty off1c1als to be guests of th6 Club at allof the regular meetlnga. - I€tt* oralerea flled. Report of meetltrg Novenber 15, 1.940, of the Energency Defensc Orga.nlzatlon for tbree Clt1es, San Mateo, BurLlngame aad E111aborough, was read. Councl loan Buck moved that the platrs suggoste(l by Mr. E. l. Norberg, Aotltrg Chalrman, prorlallng volunteer gloup8 and eohoollng of sa[g to act as aurillarles toloaal trlre, Polloe, and Eagloeeriog Departoenta, be put lntoeff ect, - second€al by Councl lna! Huat aod unanlmously earr1etl. Clvll Seryloe Coomlsslon subtr1tt6d arr e1lglbIe ].1st for Sleepers1! the Burllngane trtre DepartmeDt, as a resuLt of the exanlnatlonheld octobe! 22, 1940. Councl lmatr Hunt noved that the etlglbleIlgt be approved, wlth the consetrt of trlre Ch1ef, Desslo, at trextrBgular mootlng, - aeoonded by Couno llnan Buok sntl unanlaously o arrleA. Polloe Departo.ert reporterl regardlng threo tlaltr hazartl atolosslog oear Burlltrgane Depot 1n @nneotlon wlth Elgh Schoot'ltudeats, that looal, busseE ar€ nory d lsoharglng Etudents at oak Grovo AvBnue anal Ca1lfolnla Drlve rhere there 1s an offlcer otr aluty for thet! protectlon, tbus ellnlaatlng hazard et NorthLane. - Report ord,eled f llecl. leport of Three Cltlee Moaqulto Abatenent Dlstrlot for perlodootober lItb to Novembor 8, L940, ras real qnq orderetl ilIed.. Ordlaance No. 555 fntroaucea fovuru"r g%r, entltleil n0rdlnanoe .loentilDg ordlnance No. 221 of the Clty of Burlingame by Addlngto S€ot1on 2 thereof a ProrlsloB Reolaeolfylng CertalE PropBrtyrslthln the Conmorclsl Dlsttlot of sald Cltyi, ras g1v6n seconal!eaa1!lg an tl adoptetl on notlon by Councl Iman Buok, secoocletl by Councllnau Eunt, and unaalnously oarrletl. Petltloa ftom Thonas J. Cu1tlgaa Jr. and Kathleen Culllga.tr, foraunsratlon of iBurllngane Vtllage, to the Clty of Burllngame, nas rea0. Resolutlon Alr6cttng glvlng trot1c6 of proposotl annexatlon oftBurllngame, Ylllagei antl deolgnatlng the tlme and place for shorltrg oause to the 01ty Councll why suoh terrltory should not be anneled,ras lraEsod oa motlon by Counc tlman Buck, seooBdeat by Couacl lmanEuDt, and unanlmously c grrled. Olalrirs agaltrst tbe City Nos. 4i6B 0o 48( Mee t 1trs f,heroupoo . a; i ;il;;: -' tgB"fflEh+iEgrHgil+5"#gfitEg85fi9gt " APP}IO or a-;&*at/( C 1ty