HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.10.21386 A regular meetlng of the d.ate - }(leetlng caIIed to the Cha ir. Burllngame, Cal j.f ., 0ctober 2I, 1940. City Councll was held on the above given ord.er at 8:00 P.i.,. - rrlayo r lUcDonald in RolI CaII: lhe minutes of the previous meeting of 0ctobermitted to members of the Council and as posted in the Oity HaII, were appi:cved,. trNothlng ln this ordlnanoe shall b hlblt or lnterfere wlth a.try lavful a Labor organlzation or other body peaoefully d.lssenlnat 1118 1Ef ormat i nembers, to the Publio, or to tndl the exlstsnce of a Labor disPute o of lnterest to the Public or to 811 conducting such actlvitles. rr Present - Councilmen: Buc k-Burror,/s -C o leman-Ilunt-l,tcDona1d. ]rb s e nt - Councilmen: None Letter read from Joseph Day, i{ayor of i,Ienlo Park, extending anlnvitation to members of the C j.ty Council to partioipate lntheir ermistice Day celebration }iovember 1I , 1940. The Clerk was instructed. to write Llayor Day thanking him for the lnvltatlon and stating the Council would endeavor to have some representation at the ce lebrat ion. Letter xead from WoodaII Rodgers, Ivlayor of the Clty of Dallas, Toxas, extending lnvltation to the City Councll to attend the 15th National Asphdt Conference to be held ln Dallas durlng the neek of December 9th. L€tt6r ordered fl1et. Letter reaL fron the Golden Gate Delphian Assembly of California expressing thelr apBreciation and gratitude for services rendered them in connection wlth their feshion show and tea at the Gunst Park on septemberz5th 1940. - I€tter ordered flIed. Conmunicatlon from Central Lab or CounciI, Sen Nateo, reo.uestlng that in event of Antl-loltering ordlnance being drawn up by the Clty of Burllngame, the following clause be lncluded in 1t. Thls request is made so that advantage w111 not be taken to make the word nloiteringtr oean'rAnti-Picketingtr 'l , 1940, as sub- on Bulletin tsoard e deemed to pro- actlvlties ofof c itlzens ln on to thelr own viduals, regardi.ngr any other mat ter y body of c it i zens I€tter ordered flled for future reference. cofftunic8tion from construction & General laborers loc al I'io. 389 of sun \Iateo County notlfying the City of Bu-r l lngaoe that they have recently negOitated d new agreenrcnt with the San llateo gounty Generel Contiactors Association establishing neYr wage rates on aII building and construction proJects 1n San l,[ateo county^, effectlve on and ifter November 1. 16+0. Ihe minimura wage rates have been lncreased. to .81{y' per iiour and i6.50 per day ard the-concrete Iabor scale has been lncreased to .85r' per hour and $6.80 per 'Iay'Letter referred. to Engineering d,epartment for fil1n8. Corir$unlcation from the Railroad Commi ssion of the State of Californla announclng red.uction in Pacific Gas & Electric cors Electrlo and Oas servide rates 6f,fectlve Oct ober 8th and October AZndr respectlve- Iy. Ietter ordered flled. Applloation received from L{arvin -3. Purk' 850 Ge ary. Strset, Sin rrancisco, asklng ior llcense to operate an Archery Range at 312+ Lorton Ai'enue. Letter referr€d to Ohlef Harper for lnvest- lgat ion ard recommend'atio[. IBtter read. from the San Mateo-Burllngae Transit regardiBg. extension of transpore.tioB facillties in Burlingame. 0n motion by Counci.lman Hurtl seconded by Coulcllnan Buck, and unanimously carrietl, a Resolution was passed endorslng the extenslon'- . 'rirsolrEDt Thet the city council of the 0ity of Burlln6aoe does hereby favor and enaiorse the proJect of 38? 6xtend.i[g the transportatlon servlce now retrdered by San l{ate o-Bur11ng@e Translt, as the sare has teen applled for 1n the applloation now pendlng before the Railroad. Coimlsslon of the state of Callfornla.n Chlef Earperts plan for BUS SToP signs at Broa dwey and CalifornlaDrlve, alxd at California ]lrlve and South Lane, was approved., on motio$ by Councilrrran Buck, seconded by Counciknan Hunt, and unanimously carrl,ed.. ,A,FTTR STOP Chlef Harperrs recorffaendation for four signs IiIGHT^HAIiD TURN Lr\Jto be installed at Burllngame Avenue and EI Camiiffiea1 and. Broadway and 11 Carntno Real, was ryproved on motion by Counci loan Burrows, secotrded by Councilman tsu&., and unani!0ousl y cBrried. I{otlfication received from State iJoard of lqualization re transfer Llquor license from Hobert I'. Eddy to Joseph [i. Peterson at 1448 Burllnge.lne Avenue. Notice ordered f11ed. liotlfication received irora State Board of Equa1ization retransfer of Llquor license from Il. K. Rlchardson to Charles Drayer, 900 )3ay Shore llighway. Ordered held 1n ab-'yance for further investigation. Clalm in arf,ount 62500 presented. by Attorney Dodal McRae, I18e i[arket Street, san f'rancisco, 1n behalf of Gertrude Peters for lnJuries sustalnod by reason of defective sidewalk adJacent to properties 1209 & 12L5 Bernal Avenue, Burlingeme. Clty denies responslbillty and rofers matter to the Insurance Cornpa ny. Report of three Citles Ii'losqu1to abatement District - Septeober 14th to 0ctober 11, 1940, was re.id and ordered filed. 0rdinanoe entltled nAn oralnatrce Changlng the Classlflcet ion of Certain Property ln the Clty of Bur llngame from f'lrst Resldential to s6cond. Resldentlaln wao glven flrst reaalltlg - Introductlon by Cou.nc l lmal Hunt. Ordinance entitled. 'tAn Ordinance Repeallng ordlna!ce iio. ztl4 of the City of tsurlingame entltled lAn ordinance Anencl ing Ordlnance ilo,. 22? of the City ol' Burlinga,ne by ?rovj.d.ing a Provisional Zoning in the CommercLal Dlstrlctr tr was given flrst readlng - Introducti on by Councilraan Hunt. Ordinance entltled 'rAn Ordinance Alrenoing crdinence ilo. 345 by Charylng the /oning Classification of uertain !rr,perty 1n the Cit"- of Burlingamerr vlas given first readiflg - Introductj-on by L: .rrncilrxan Coleman. 'Jrdinance entitled 'rAn 0rdinance Repealing Ordlnance I'lo. 535 of the Clty of ilurlingame entltled rAn ordlnance Cha@ng oertaln Classification of Cextain lroperty 1n the Oity of Burlingerne from Flrst Hesldentlal to Second HesldentiBl I n was given flrst reading - Introductlon by CounclInan Buck. Ordlnance ilo. 550 entltled 'rAn ordlnance Hepeallng Certain Oralj.nances and Parts of 0rdlnances of the Oity of Burlingame,to-wit: Ordinances l{unbers L, 2, 5, L2, L3, 14, 19, 2]-r?3, 26t 2'7 '28, 29A, 3]-, 44, 49, 56, 58, 70, 77r 78 Excepting Seotj'on 4 Thereof as Amended by Ordj.nance I{o. 87, 85, 92, 9'7, 98, 99, 101' 105, 106, 113, 115, LLg, ].,27r 134, 155, L57,l4!. L42, L13, !46, L461, lLi, LAIA, L49, 150, 150A, 154, 16I, 162, I71, I74, 175, 181, 182r'L83, Section 2 Onty of I'lo. 190, 197, 199, 203, 2OB,2L7t Section 39 Only of I{o. 2L9r 226, ZZB,22L,24!,242,24e,255,264, 267, ?.84, 299, 3O3,306, at1 of Secti on I of 0rdlnance l{o. 345, and' all of Ordlnance 75, Exoept Section l of Subsection C, Section 7 of Subsection D and Sectlon 1of Subsection G.n-was glven second reading and. passed. on notion by Counci lflan Coleruan, second.ed by CounciL,ran liunt, and Luianimousl y cerried.. 388 The proposed agreement of Collway, cullj.gan and [iarshall wlth the Clty of Burllngane provldlng for tho annexatlon of an area \Iorthof the present City ltnlts and provlailng for the develop&ent ofthe tract with satisfactory improvements, was adopted subJectto the ad.d.ltiona1 conditlons, to-wit: That the frontage along the lll Camino ReaI be lmproved wlth a decoratlve heaige s(ffif,rirafier>tff!& jeodxloqfisemircrd(*qxeetM:ryt t4aElFi:t*E:sedrirsftr:boH2iipi[siJq)s]g{e(srmdzineEmcxffi tr ffftt-igffiitx*Ir$i,ild#rP9rresh&ro&Slrqrt:n:acficilasr.heuthat the restrlctions for buildlng and use of the propert v made in favor of the developers ard elI 1ot o\?ners 1n the tract qnd that the contract be flnally approved by the Oity Attorney of'Burlingame.- ilotion by Counc iIna"n Buffovrs, seconded by Councilman Buck, and. unanimously c ar ri ec1. Claims against the City I{os. 4682 to 4'767, inclusive, reero approved and i?affents ordered d.raun on the Clty Treasury iortheir respective amount s. The meeting thereupon adj ourned. Re spe ctfuLly, submit t ed, Clt y APPROVTTD: a_ Mayor That a satisfactory bond be fuxnished by the d.evelopers conditioned. as follows: In the event that the ])o','elopers decide to nake iiaproverirent s uncrer the Inprovement Bond Act of 1915, then the City of Bulrl ingame is to be held harnrless from any 11abi1ity because of thet ,rocedureful// "l/r" %A