HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.09.233az Burllngame, Callf;, September 26, 1940. A regulax neeting of the Clty Councll was held on the ab ove glvendate, as per aclJournment September 5, 1940. Meetlng called toorder at 8:00 P.lir., i,iay o r l{cDonald in the Chair. BolI Ca1I! Present - Counci lneni Buc k-Burows-Coleman-Hunt -iv1cllonald.Absent: Councllrceni Nohe. The minutes of the previous meeting of Septeober 5, 1940, as sub-nltted to members of the Council and as posted. on Bulletin Boardin the City HalI , were approved. Letter read from Lawrence W. Newport, Jr. ,1104 Cambrldge Road,roquesting permisslon to use yrell dug on hls property - Referredto H. Iy. Schuck, Watex Superlntendent. Lette! read froo lgm. D. Handlos, Presiaent Burlingan's Soft ball Commission, thanklng the CLty Council for oooperation wlth the Commlsslon and Burllngaoe Soft balL Le ague durlng the past season and gl\ring a resuno of tho Leaguers actlvltles. L,etteroldered filed. Letter read frlm Edgar A. Bxoren, I125 Canbrldge Boad, Burllngame, suggesting that slgn nNot a Through Streetn lnstaIled at CallfornlaDrlve and Canbrldge Road be romoved anal placed at oxford Road antlCallfornj.a Drlve. Letter referred to Chlef Harper. L€tter read fron. Ealreard A. Barre!, e46l Poppy Drlve, as spoke$Ilanfor a group of resld.ents ltr 4500 block on Poppy Dr1v6, re garallEgthe necesslty of elimlaatlng the aunbe r of rats rhloh hava lnfestedthat area. Tb.e City Clerk was ordered to notlfy the Couoty Health Department to get in touch wlth tbe Clty Counoll and see what can be done regarding the natter. Letter read from San luateo County een erel Colltrac tors Assoclationsuggesting standard procealure be follo$eA Ehelrever ex1 sting rules applylng to bui.Iding construction are b be changed. Referredto Bulldlng Inspector for study and reconf,endat lon. Lettor read. from Burl lngame Flre Comml ss ion requesting ellglble1lst for SIeeBer personnel of the Bur Iingame I'1re lJepartment. 0nmotlon by Oouncllnan Colenan, seconded by Councllman Buck, and carxleai u.nanimously, the Clvil Servlce Cofimission was ordered toprovide such ollglble llst. On motion by Councilman Buok, seconded by Councllman CoLeman, an d. unan imously carried, the Council confirmed Chlef DesslErs action ln eoploylng two sleepersuntil such t i.oe as ellgible Ilst can be hatl. Plannlng Coromlsslonls letter regardlng resubdlvislon and 38, B)-ock 45, !;aston No. 4, waa referred back tofor check up end revlsed nap. Plannlng Comnission 1n letter stated that at 1ts Last meetlng voted agalnst rezotrlng to Second. Resldentlal' Iots 9, 10, LI & 14, Block 2, Burllngame Terraoe. liotd.on by Councllman l{unt, secondedby Counoilman Buck, gll1( rrnsaf&eusly carrletl, the Coultcil sustalnatlthe actio!, of the Plannlng Commissi.on. Plannlng Cosmlsslon 1n letter rec crnmendetl agalnst bulldlng two tluplexes on Iot 19, Corbltt Subdlvislon, owne d by I'. G. Saundersof 808 Maple Avenue. 0rr motion by 0ouncilnax Colemal, secotrded by Councllman HuUtr and unrnlmously carried, the Councll sUs- talned. the aotlon of the Plannlng Comrnisslon. Letter read from Coldwell, Banker & Co., Agents fo! l''rm. A. Goerlcke, requesting subdlvision of portion of Lots 35 and 36, Block 9, Burlingame ?ark No. 2, as per map srbmltted.. Referred to Planning C ommi s s1on. Letter read from Hobext c. MarshaII representlng Conray & Culllgan, regardlng 40 acre tract to be put on the market Just outside the North end of Clty llnlts, between Ral lroad track and f,1 CanlEo ReaI. ofth I"ote 57 e Commlssion 383 Mr. Er[ost W11son, Attorney for the Comp any, addrossed the Counoll 1n regard to the 1r plans and the deslrablllty of thls subdLvielon becoElng a part of Burllngame. I'he matter waerefslred to Coonltt€E conslst 1ng of Counollmen Buck aEd Buffore,H. iY. Schuck, iI/ater Superlntendent, Cecil Longsoll, Superlnteitlentof Publ j.c i'{orks and Cl ty Attorney Karmel, to meet wlth the Plannlng Coflmlsslol1 for dlscusslon, Thursday, Sopteober 2611940. Reports of Pol1ae tlepartne nt atral !'1re tlepar tment for Month of August, wero read and orderad f1lod. Resolution introd.uced by Counci tman llust, seconded by Counc i lman Buck, and unanlmous Iy oarrlod, was aalopted, regardlng agreementof l,Jarket Street Ral lrray Conpany granting Clty of Burllngame teoporary truok crosslng over tbei! ralls for the purpose oftransportlng eatexials for constructlon of storm d.rain. ResoLutlon lntroducoti by Councl lman Huntr second.ed. by Council- man Coleman, and unaDlmously carrled, was adopted - RESOLVEDthat contract be made fl1th EaIw. R. Martln to meke study andappralsal of lancl to be acqulred for establishment of alleylrays on the ltrortb and. South slties of Bur)- 1ngaflD AvE nue and Broadway from El Camino ReaI to Callfornia Drive en d. the posslble aoqulsltion of areas for parklng tn these buslness dlstrlots. See50.00 was fked as the naxlmus cost for thls appraisal - sun to be paltl out of General Funds upon c onpletion of the stutly and appralsement and report b the Clty Councll. oralltranc e No. 549 'tAn 0rd1[ance Establlshlng AdditlonalRegulatlons for lleotrlo lYlr 1ng and Apparatus by Aatopt i"ogby Reference the 1937 Natl onal Electrlc Cod.e as Reo omnendedby the lilat lona1 F1r€ Prot6ctlon Associatlon and Approve d.by the Amerloan Sta.ndards Assoclation, and Providlng for itsIntelfret8tionn was given llrst readlng - fntrotluctlon by Councllman Hunt . Ordinance lTo. 347 nAn orallnance Deflnlng Nulsances( wes glven second read.ing and pessed on motion by Counci Loan Hunt, second.ed by Councilrnan Buck, and unanimous1y carried. ordlnance l{o. 348 olnrendlng Sectlons 24, 29r 33,3r.A,37, 49 & 54 & 71 of ord.lnance I'Io. 178 of the City of Burllngar.e, was glven second reading and passed on motion by Counciloran Buok, seeonded by Councllman BUBt, and unanlmously carrled. 03.a1s€"- r,.tros. 4597 to 4681, lnclus ive, were read and approved and llarrant s or0er€d drawn on the City Treasury for theirrespectlve amount s. 0n rilotion by Councl Lnan Coleman, seconded by Councilnran tsuck,the Council adJourned. to meet i{Iond ay evening, Seotemter 30, }940,at 8300 P.[ll. City C APPRO lJayor