HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.09.03381 Burllngame, Ca1 if., September 5, 1940. A regular meeting of the Citras held on the above glven 8:00 P.NI. - I{ayor LlcDonaL d i Bur llngame Lodge No. 470, I.0. look into tho matter of provld TIre Clty Clerk was lnstructed lnforming them that aflbul anceation by the CounclL for some appreclatloI1 of thel! lntere st BurIlng ouncll of the C itye - Meetlng c alleal he Chal r. of to yC dattrt Burl ingameorder at Bo11 Cal1 ! Present - Counci.Imen! Buc k-Burrows -C oleman-Hunt -JcDona1d.Absent - Councilmeni i',lone. The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of t"ugust 19, 1940, as sub-nltted to members of the Council and as posted on Bulletln Board. 1tr the Clty HalI, were approved. IBttor read. fron Geo. E. ltohler, sec ret ary-Trea surer of the Coyote Polnt G61f CIub, asklng the Counoll to sponsor theFBulllngame I'11ghtn ln the forthcomiBg satr Mateo county Golf Chanplonship. on motion by Councllman Cololtarx, seconded by Councllrxan Hunt, and unanlf,oualy oarr16d, an approprlatlon of $25.00 was ordereal made to the Club to assist 1n putti.ng overthe ilI'Ilghtn.. Petltion presented, wlth 14 slgnatures of property owners adjacent to Broadway, requestlng that the Clty trlo the trees along Broadway from EI Csnolno ReaI to the l'fe st ead of the street,to remove danger now exlstlng because of faIllng I1mbs. - Iliat ter refemed to tr'rank Anderson, Superlntendent of Parks, for attentlon. Petltlon Bresenteti, s lg.ne d by s1x property owners 1n Burllngables subd.lvlsion, requestlng that the Clty prooeed with publ1o 1m- proveEent proJect to do necessary street tnprovement work on Dwlght Rogd from lntersectlon at Lexlngton Y[ay to lntersectionat Burllrrgane Avenue and the unflnlshed portlon of Concorti WayIast of Dnlght Road, aa per map subnltted. Mattor refered to Ceo 11 Longson, Superintend,e nt of Public l'{orks, to f urnl shreport on estimated oost gf this work. 0.into se l,li F. petitloned the Council tog ambulance servlce for the City. $rrlte a letter to the I-odge rvi.ce has been unoer consider- 0,e and expresslng the 0ouncllrsn this mat t er. The Annual Report of the Burllngao.e Publ1c iibrary for 1939-40 was reao and orclered. filed. Reports of the lrlater department, Building Inspector, and City Judge, for month of August, were read. anal ordered flIed. 0n motlon by Councllnan Buck, seconded. by Counci lin8n Hunt, and unanlmously carrled, a Resolution was passed flxlng the Tax Rateof the Clty of Burllngame for the Fiscal Year 1940-41 at +I.30per ;l-00 .00 assessed. valuation. Ordlnance lIo. 547 nAn ordlnance Deflnlng Nulsanoes; Provldlngfor thelr Abateme[t, and the Penalty for liaintalning anti Contlnulng Nulsances wlthln the Clty of tsurlingamer, reas glvetr flrst re ad.lng - Introductlon by Councllnan Buck. oldlnance No. 348 An ordlnance Amandlng Sectlons ?.4r 29r 33, 36L, O'l ,49r 54 antl 71 of ordlnanco No. 178 of the Clty of tsuxllngame an al RolroaLlEg aIL ordlnenoes or Part8 of ordlnances 1n confllcttherewlthl, was given flrst readlng - Eatroduction by Councllman Eunt. 0n motlon by Counc ilman H1g1t, seconded by Counc ilman Coleman, ana unanlmously oarrled, meeting was adJourned to September 25, 1940, so as to permlt the CounclL to attend the Convetrtlotr of League of CaliGornla Clttes ln San Diego, September 16& to lgth 1940; and ad jourruoent was taker out of respect to thp departed Grant luomis who rvas the flrst ?oLlc e Jutlge of the C it y of APPR Mayor Re spe c tfull ty CI t