HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.08.05377 Burllngaer Oalif., August 5, 1940. A regular meetilg of the City Council of the Clty of Burl lngame wa8 held on the ab ove glven d.ate - Meetlng calIed to order at 8:00 P.l,(. - Iuayor McDonald 1n the Chalr. RoIl CaU : Present - Councllmens Buck-Burrows-Coleman-Eunt-M::Donaltl Absent - Councilmens None.1 fhe nlnutes of the pre r"lous moeting of July 15to Eoobors of the CounclL and as poEteal on Bul Clty HaII, were approved. Petltlor of propertln classlfication oto Second Class Res Commtss1on. , 1940, as submittedIetln Board ln the An approprlation of $100.00 was made for advertlslng 1n San Mateo Countyts Productg & Flora1 tr'lesta Irerspaper ed.ltlon to be publlshod this year by the Redwood clty Trlburle - Motion by Couno ilnan Buck, seconded by Counc 1lman Hunt, aia mddlmouBly carxled. AJl approprlatlotr of l$I50.00 was made to tbe Callfornla Mlsslon Tra1ls Assoclatlon,Ltd. for lts advetlslng budget for the oomlllg flscal- year - ldotion by Counc 1lman liunt, seoonded by Councllnan Colsmalr, atr0 Ea at lmousflr carrled. wners of V1Ila Park Suballvlslon for chanse hree blocks from Flrst Class Reslalentlalntial, was refemed to the Clty Plannltrg yoft 1de Orove Pealersen was granted pertlasion to faoe Lots Nos. L & 2, Block 16, Burllngables, on Lerlngt on Avetrue lnstead of Dwight Road, letter hdvlng been recelved bearlng proper slgtratures of owners of Lot 19, sane block, and rho stated they had no obJection to the change. - Motlon by Councllnan Burrows, seoondetl by Counc ilman Buck, ' and undri lnouSIY oarrled. State Board of EquaLlzatiotr Notlflcatlon of Llquor Llcense catlotr for transfer froe Mlchaol Rloralan & Robert V. Dunne Broadway CreamorleB, 1561 Bro adway. Pollce Chlef Harper r no protest neoessarjr as the c hange was only 1tr name, Rlord DunEe havlng lncorporated and deslred llcense changed to t of Broadway Creamerie srr. neport of Superlntendent of Three Cltles Mosqulto Abatemsnt Dlstrlctfrom June l4th to July 16, 1940rread. and ordered flled. Chlef of Police Ilarperrs recomrnendat ion for installation of dCautlon Slgnal Ahead Slgnstr to be lnstalled at the lntersectlons of Bayswater Avenue, Burlingame Avenue, and Broadvray, was approved. and order was given to install the neoessary slgnals, on motion by C ounc1l-oran Buck, seconded. by Councllman Hunt, and unanlmously carrled. Reports of Water department, Pol-ice department, tr'1re depart+ent, Bu1ld1ng Inspector, and. Clty Judge, we re reEd and ordered flled. app to e por an&hen t1- ted ame r{: ltL Counclloan Burrows reported progres!, oparklng lots proJect bding atlvoc atetl brelatlve to proced,ure to be followed.prel-lmlnary cost#when assessments axe oxpressed. approval. and agreement and c Buck on this Corrnlttee rvlth lnstructlofor an aBpralser to do the prellmlllary ResolutLon passed acoepting deed from n study of allelnvays andy the Chamber of Commerc - Suggested Clty advancetiotermlnod. I{qyor McDo ontltrued I\,{e s srs Burrows ns to negotiate wlth and vey w nal d and ,yl,lI1 / to the City of Burllngeme, Lot 6, Block 1, VIIIa Park subdlvislon -Introaluotlon by Councllman Hunt, soconded by Councilmen Burrows, anai unanLmously o errleal. Resolution passed adoptlng Budget of the C1W of Burl lngame forthe fiscal year l-940-41. - Total estlmatod requlrements ii284,624.46. Motlon by Counci Iman Colenan, secontled by Councllmen Hunt' anA unanlmously c ar rie d. Ordinance No. 545 lntroducod ,uly 15, 1940, nAn ordlnence CharEl.ng the zoning Classlflcation of Certain Property ln the city of !, 3Ya Burllnganen was given secontl readltrg and adopted oE motion by CounciLman Buck, seconded by Councl lBan Ilunt, a.nd unanlmously c arrled.. 0rdinance I'lo. 546 rrAn Ordinance Provlding a Penalty for the Commlssion of any Act Declared to be Unlawful by any Ordinanceof the Clty of Burllngare, or for the Vlolation of the Provlsions,of trqllure to Cooply wlth the l{andatory Requlrements of sny analall Ordinances of the City of Burllngame ard Repeallng a1I ord.lnances or Parts of Ord.inances ln Confllct thercwithn, wasgiven flrst reading - Introductlon by Councilman I{unt. Demand.s against the City, Nos. 4412 to 4509, inclusive, were read and aDproved and Hsrrants were orderod tirawn on the City Treasury for thelr respectlve anounts. Mayor lltcDonal-d urged. a1I members of the City Council to attendthe Conventlon of the League of Ca11f omia Citles to be held,at San Dlego, September 16th to l9thrl-940. The Councl} thereupon adjourned. APPR \ or *of surveys, appraisals, "o"t" /lL etc. and. that the districtr absorb these L (-)"\