HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.07.08374 i Burtlngame, CaIif., July 8, 1940. A meetitrg of the City Councl 1 of the CIW on the above given date at 8:00 P.M., as 1940. - Mayor L1cDonalti ln the Chalr. RoIl CaIl: - Present - Councilmen: Buck -Burrows-Coleman-Hunt- and McDonald. S,bsent - Councllmen! None. The mi,nutes of the previous meetings of June 17th and July lst, 1940. as submitted to members of the Counc1l, were approved, havine dlspensed. with the readlng of sarye. for revocable was re fe rred of Burtingame was heltl per atl J ournment July I, . I€tter froa Cl-audo Keck, property owner at tIO6 EI ,Canlno Real' requesting ";;-;i-"1i;y'rioo'' carirellta Avenue for ingreBs and egress rn ,Jiiuiie-eu"ie"" rnstead of from El Camino ReaL. ]{otion by counci lm;-ffi;?";;; -;"Jo"o"a by counci rrlru'^PY"kl that pennlsslon be granted owner tn such form as lpprovea by city irttorney end under . such crnAftion!-as- requirea by Lhe'bepartment of Public florks. - So dered. nqrL, {""ter read from the }ralning_comnls sion_approving s. Grlf f lths ' request ror;;;;"i;; oi-Gii"s-und 6,in Bro-ck.9' Burringame Grove' to f ace o"oo"-l*""8 lnstead of Californi a Dri'v6 ' liloti on by councitman iJr;iiii,-""oonaua by councilman Hunt, alI votlng AY:E, that oatter-tJ raii over to next oeet ing pendini; receipt of letter from owner d;";iG in.i tn" rear line or- ouilatngs that may be ereotedwlllnotbetrearertaan15feettothelotllneofl"ot4, owned by n.-ll'parfterson, which.Iot would be keyed' Also map showing resubdlvision must be filed' ThoPlanningCorunissionrecommendedthatrequestofGrovePedersen'u7An1tal(oad,Burlingame'tor--permissign!ofacelotsNos.Iand 2,Brock ro,"iiirii-eil18;;;" iexinston ay instead of lJwlght Rcad, be granted, .""aiilrtur inat conseit be obtained from owner of Lot 1g in "u*"--ulock wtrose lot rvould be keyed If the lots vtere turned around. L[otlon by councilman Colemin, seconded by Councll- 6s1 rlunt, iii"i *.it"i be raid ou.r to !.ext m6etlng pending recelpt of letter iro^ o*"", oj Lot 19, and. also map showi.ng resuballvlslon' Appllcatlon of S. TaorBlno, 1455 Capuchlno Avenue, p6-rnit to drll} a well for water for personal uset to H. W. gchuok, Water Superlntendont. IBttor read fron Burllngab'tree-Oak Grove Ma.no! Impro veoent club ildi""tine-ceri.fn Gpr6vencnts ln connectlon nlth the x€oetrtly aoi'[irea dunst Estat". - f,fghtfrg - IrproYement at Dead Ends cf 6ii.6ia-wiv "na ?"rnori vitay r guodt]ptgs Treea on East edge an(I ffia;at oo"A""t 64ge. - R6forred t6-tne v*,lous clty Co,r.lttees to Look lnto. Ictter read from Fratrk M. Cbapman, t5O Hazel Avenue'. M1llbraet - ltr ooori"otio" wtth accldenf occu'"fon6a ty a Loose street s18! at the N;;in;;;i oorour of rf iao:.no Real anb nur*ngs@ Ar/e.ue^fa,llng i;A-ii;'siandard and strlklng h1s alaugbter' and asking-for. attendant expenses. M;ii;n Ui Councllman C6lenan that llab111ty be denled arat the mati"r- iurn6d- ov* to the Insurance Conpany by F. A. Btoon, Purchaslng egent ' Mrs. l'i. B. Isaacsr owner of- Lot -1s, ElockGittionea for reioning of lot from flrst hef erretl t o Plaruring Commlecion. a, to Bur llngane Terraoe, second resltiont1aL - Notlfication of Llquor License application to John Garbulo & Geo. Garbui o, 3L7 :-oiio"--i'*-nuu r- ina to Lulsa alonso' t4Ob Broadway' were ordered'glven the usual routine' Reports of Water Department, Flre r',epartmentt Chlef 9f-I91i:"' Bullding Inspector, ciiy .r"6gt, and ioundmasier' were read and ordered. fi led. 37s ResoLutlon passed acceptlng Easement for a Sanitary Sewergranted by f,. A. Tlmpe, Jr. and lvlarie Tlmpe, to the C j.ty" of Burllngame, on the Southeast 5 feet of the 1r property, Lot J.2, Block 55, Easton. - iviotl on by Councl lman Buck, seconded by Cou-nc11man Hunt, a1I vo til. ng AYE. Resolutlon passed approvlng and authorlzlng the execut j,on of the Nlemorand.um of Agre eme nt to provl aie for the expendltureof tbe L/4 cent gas tar fund for stieets of maJor lmportancofor the l94L flscal yesr. Motlon by Councilman Buck, seconded.by Councilman Coleman, a].l vottng AYE. Dr. W. H. litacomber was reappolnted. to the Plannlng Commlssion. The Counoi.l thereupon adJourned to neet JuIy 15, 1940, at8:00 P.l,i. Respectfully, v er SPPRO or RESOLUTIoN lntroduced by Counci lman Bu.rrows, secordeal by Councilman Buck, all voting AYE, grarting C1aude R. KeckperBi,ssion to use alleyl[ay 1n the resr of Lots 16 and 17, BIock 5, .daston Addition, for vehlcular egress and. lngressto hls apartr0ents.y'/ --la