HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.07.01373 Burllegame, CaIif ornla. JuJ-y 1, 1940. 4 regular rxeeting of the City Council was heIC. on the above given dato - meeting callecl together at 8:00 P.lvl. - Iuayor lvicDonald 1n the chai r . Roll Call - ProseEt - Councllnen Buck - Co1eoatr - Hunt - McDonaltl Absent - Counc l1Ban Burrowg. ivlayox McDonald delivered the foll-owlng touohing eulogy on the passlngof Clty C1erk, Jame s H. Murphy - motlon by Councilman Buck that same be mad.e part of the mlnutes of, the meeting an ai a oopy be forward.ed tohls wldow and childron - second.ed by Councilman Hunt - oo ordered. At tbese assorablages our reguJ-ar procedure ls roII caII. Tonlght,a dear frlend, whose task it wes to perform that duty, has answered hlsIast ro11 call-, and 1t ls our deslre at thls t 1me to pay our last respectsto the memory of Jaees R. Murphy, affectlonately known to us as rJlm'. As Chalrman of the Councll lt has falIen to my lot to speak afew words as a nelI-merlted trlbuta -to the memory of a Ioan who rastruly synbollc of Burllngame. He has beon a resident of San luateo9 years, but lt remalned. for Bur)_lngame, the city he lovedoy his efforts and taLents for the last 30 years. , love for hls fellow-peop1e, gualltles of gentle[ess and-'these rare qualities were centralt.zetl in J1n. Toleranceand u+d.e^rs t and.ing, too, were 1n that gentle heart, and no man everexempllfied the warmth of generoslty and ktndline!s of friendshlpbetter than he. - Synonymous wlth him were the best attrj.butes of life -- Ioyaltyand friendship. J1m never refused any task or favor no matter how - great or s0a11 1f it was helpful to anyone, and he d1d it ln the nameof friand.ship. partlcularly thls synpattretic understanding touard.his neighbors will always be lovingl y- remembe re d 'rithin t |re rast yeer his strength was impi-irec.r, but with sincerity,resoruteness, anu steadfest courage, he perfoimed his offlciaL duty ln'an efficient and. uncomptalning mann6r. iie roight wel_I be rlkened to aman fwith the heart of a Viking and the sinple feith of a childr. -1?g:.o! of friends and ne.ighbors wh-o knew Jlm ldurphy, the membersof the off ic la1 f mily, those wl th wnom Lre vrorked ana matirtiinect associa-tlons and -the City Council of_ -Burllngane, are grieved at his passing,and extend to his sorrowing wldow anct chlidren iheir deepest s-ympathf._ In saying HaiI and Farewell, Jim, we may epltomize bur es t.imate- ofa rong time friend and neighbor Ly emlroying-th6 followi.ng shakesperianquot at i on :rfHls life was gentle; and the eleme nts So mixed in hlm, that nature might st.nd up,And say to all the world, This was a o.an. r - No further buslness r8x beiflg transacted., the Oounc ir adJourned lnme-aory of nJrLIr. on_motlon by ]iunt, second.ed. by colernan] the council ad journed to meet JuIy 8, 1940 at I'p.t,l. County fobest, to C oursimplicit APPB r6 enJ a8e eput y Ci.ty ,r*fu I Mayor