HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.06.03370 Burlingame, Callf ornla June 5, 1940. A xegular meeting of the Ci.ty Council of the Ci'ty of Burllngarne *u" Eefa on the ibovo gLven date. The meeting was calletl together at 8:OO P.i,l., Mayor l,{cDona1d in the Chair' RoII CaI1! Pre sent -Counc i' lmen Buck, Burrows, Ccleman, Hunt and McDonald Absent - None. The mlnutes of the prevlous meeting of ivlay 20, 1940 were-approved as submitted to the Council; the ieading being dlspensed with' City Superlntendent Loogson reported that pursua":: !9 instructions' Dreliminarv maps had-beEn prepired and a sludy maoo as.to.parklng ;;;;;*;;;-;rrev-rt"irities in the two major distrig!" il the 0itv; this has been carried, out with the ooopeiatlon of the Chamber of Coftnerce and informally approved by the planning 99mn1::iol: To ;;ila-t; u "oropr"t" ina rihar 1.on1'for actlon by the city_counclI, it wiII be necessary- iilat an a],'praisal be na cle and a commlttee be uppoi"t"a in tne nelr future. Action was deferred for the tlme [6ing p""oing costs, etc. and methods of financing; Counc i'Imen Buck and tsumows "n,i ciiV sup 'rint endent Longsotr were aBpointed to Iook into the alley situatlon. Thomas D. Church, landscape en8lneert Dresented application for hls services iere was ordered. PIaceaI on file. 4oA Jackson Strest' san tr'xanclsco on landscape drawings and the Counc i l man Bumows reporte oool open at the high scho ireexs of s u.oIne r when 1t wl opening a little later in starts. Patronage was dis night be workeal out that s not been determined a:: Yetlnto costs and the rental Un(ierunfinishedbusinessthePacificGas&Electriccompanyprojectii-Aroua*ay was taid-ovei for further survey of condj-tions and left in care of ldr. Longson. oj.ty Councilloan Iiunt was given leave.of absence to i'lew York for two weei<s, effective Thursday June 6, 1940. Engineer Longson iniormed Council that he had been notlfled that the Callfornia State Departoent of Publlc l'iorks has approved the follorlng ;t;;;t" of maJor imioriance previously aooroved in Burllngame' namely Burllngame Avenue r""r-gi-c.ilno to fly bnore Boulevard' Penlnsula Avenue from park noaa to-cj.ty linitsr- ind carolan Avenue from Burllngame avenue to Bxoadr,ray. -rne""-sIreets will consequently share in thelr participation of gas tax allowance. The Plannlng Commission advised of the rehearing on tle -rezoning of ;;;p;rti;;-5r-aaeerliri--urive from lst residential to Znd residential ino'ir,u it - uplrovil oi-th" ".*". The council approving or hearing as c oncluc t ed. H. J. Otto rnenber of Iightlng comBittee urged lights -at the. intersectlon oi L.xineton anu Dwight-uta dotcord and Channing Roads, stating that. the ""i-shi";f;""a was aar[. T.r.e request- was order,eo turned cver to ]ighting cosuoittee, IJessrrs. Coleman and Buck' PoIice Chief Harper recomoended against the granting-of. a permlt for a ;;;i ;"a uirriurh. roor-io Granger and Nartin at 264 Lorton Avenue be- Ileving the neighborrrood-i"-*uil enough served as is. Attorney P. tg. iucr."oi represeitine Grung." and ivlartln spoke in..th:-i*!:I::t of the l"iiiion"ri. a rnotion to sustain the reDort of Chiel' Harper was offered by Councilmuo Col"ruo, the same being duly seconded and carried' al that lt has been p).anned to keep swimmlng of ,itl, tbe exceptlZrn of tbe past 5 or- 4 Ii ciose for repiirs; the San Mateo School ih" "ut*" r and continulng on t1I1 school. cussed and if varranted. ionothing possible troufa ;ustify the nlan of expense' This has--ueing- goveriect largely by factors enterlng received f rom the same. The Council Iy suboitted, fr q thereupon, adJ ourned. lie sp ec t Clty CIer