HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.04.1536s Burllngame, Cal-lforniaAprll 15, 1940. A regular meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Ci.ty of Burlingame was held on the above given date. The meeting wers ca.Iled togetherat 8:00 P.M., Mayor llunt in the Chair. RoIl Ca.l,1: ?resent- Councilnen Buek, Ilives, Ilunt, ivlcDona..l-u. Absent - Coulcllmen Col-eman. The mlnutes of the .,rrevicus meeting of Apr11 1, 1340 viere approvedas subnitted to tne CounclJ-, the reaoing belng dispensed vuith. The order of business uas waLved. Mayor Hwrt yielded to CltyAttorney Karmel who announced the death of Mlss Janet P. Eodgerseuloglzing her character as a ci.tizen and as a member of the CityPlanntng eommission. Ee asked that when the Council adJourn, 1t doso ln her memory which was approved. A letter was read fron A. McDonald representlng petltloners whorequested the planting of a hedge on the north slde of CallfornlaDrlve below Ml1ls Avenue, thanklng the Council for havlng the workdone. the same was ordered f1led. The Clvl1 Servlce Commlsslon 1n a letter suggested the cuttlng domof age 1imlt to 18 years on labor proJect to start thls summer andthat they proeeed at once on exanlnatlons for the creation oftenporary jobs. The sane was approved on notlon by Councllmern Elves. The Clvl1 Servlce Comnlsslon announeed the result of examlnatlonsfor the creatlon of an el1!lb1e 1lst for flre departnent nembers;the follovring belng createdi(1) uarvey Ldward Johnson ((z) Harry H. Morehead ((3) Janes Raymond Davls ( 4 o Edward W1l11an Matt Joseph John Fena Wl1l1an YJ. Stremme 0n motlon by Councllman Elves and seconded by Councllnan McDonald, Ilarvey Edward Johnson recelved appolntment and eandldate #3 on the11st, Janes Baymond Davis, was provlslonally accepted but subJect toflnal medical report. Mrq. R. Ilelmann advlsed the Councll that San Mateo County Unit ofPro America was sponsoring a dinner for John Ph1l11ps of Bannlng,Callfornla at the Ben Franklln Hotel, San Mateo, Apr11 18, 1940. She invlted the Councll and others lnterested to attend. Mayor llunt urged those lnterested to bear the date 1n mlnd. A letter was read fron E1liott, Atklnson and Sutton, Attorneys of San Francisco, relative to drainage prcblem in land formerly ownedby T.H. Mul1en in Block 6, Easton No. 1, requesting to knovr ifthe former ovmer had receLved permit from the Clty to divert courseof the water. The communicatlon was ordered turneci over toMr, Longson, Superlntendent of Publlc Works for a rep1y. Clty Treasurer Bloom requested transfer of $2000 from the waterfund to the park fund to take care of demands whlch exirenseincidental to the openlng ceremonles w111 make necessary. The sane was approved, motlon by Councli.man llives and seconded by Councilnan McDonald. Counci,lnan lilves lntroduced Resolution deliverlng deed fron theClty of Burlingame for Lot 15, Block 40, to George J. and Fachel EC1lne, the sane havlng been prevlously taken by tax deed on Apr11 19, 1937. CARRIED, all voting .hYI;.1. Demands against the City, #4l1b to #4225 j.ncl-us 1ve were read and approved and warrants were ordered drawn on the City Treasury fortheir respectlve amounts. Mayor Ilunt called for a canvass of votes cast at the municlpalelectlon on tr-prll 9, 19*0 and reciuested Counciloen Buck and llcDonald to act as telLers. City Clerk Murphy proceeded wlth the openlng of ta11y sheets and the deposlt of absentee voterstballots which were counted with the followlng results: A B D E F G EI J K CAST-ffi ol_o 380 324 276 363 264' 307 282 348 294 2L1 104 182 zLO 143 190 155 193 210 234 218 174 180 \79 185 176 203 145 185 t34 185 L46 194 168 169 18? L24 159 150 147 t84 2t6 207 109 76 112 94 92 r02 91 109 B1tzl 72 209 152 181 737 9B 1?1 1L? L<a 1,47 155 146 'tt4l g8 23 13 34 3L L7 l-u 62 73 101 77 109 48 45 45 56 3B 3497 2l3,8 1059 1892 1905 1635 403 727 ote cast, the number ecelvlng such votes That at each consolldated preclnct, the totaof votes received by each person, the personfor the offlce of Clty Clerk was as follows: PRECINCT TOTAI, -MURPHY -FEARY -OFFIELD 1vsr A B c D E F t HI J K CAST 376 31. 380 a24 276ltaz 264 50? 242 344 294 286 24I 311 274 210 27L 209 24L 229 284 267 1 1 3497 279.5 11 That at each consolldated precinct the total vote cast, the numberof votes receLved by eacp person, the persons receivlng such votes for the offlce of Treasurer, was as follows: PRI.]CINCT-TOTAL -BLOOM DESSIN A D c D E F 0 EI J|. CAST 376 313 580 324 276 633 264 307 282 648 294 219 195 264 231 l'13 19? 164 227 205 24t ?.09 156 107 122 82 82 126 91 70 6B f99 783497 2293 1161 That the absentee ballots canvassed and counted show the follwolngresults: Geo. W. Coleman - 16 Frank F. Burrows - 4For Wm. V{. Hives - 15 L. Herbert llarris - B Counc i1 A1lan F. Eunt - 19 Geo. Lernperopulos - O Archle 0ffleld Jr. - O For T r ea surer Janes B. Murphy - Y/m. J . Feary Archle 0ffleLd Jr- Frank Bloom - 12 Earry W. Dessln - 6 19 U That the total vote recelved by eactl candldate at sald electlon was as folfows: Geo. W. Coleman - Wm. llrr. Hives Allan F. Eunt Frank I'. BurrowsL. Eerbert Harrls G eo. Lenperopulos Archle Offield Jr. For the Councll 2l-54 to14 1911 1909 ),643 403 728 364 pRECTNC[-T0TAL-g0LEMAN-EIVns-n!Nt-Eq8WS-HARRTS-LEUEEE9ES.Lqg-9!ELE!D ForCity Clerk. 36s For Trea surer James R. Murphy - 28 Y{n. J. Feary ArcLrie Offleld Jr.- Frank A. Bloon - 2305 Earry W. Dessln 116? 12 1 1 That at sald general nuniclpal eleetlon, Geo. W. Coleman,Allan F. Eunt, and Frank F. Burrows were elected Councilmenof the Clty of Burllngame for the fulL tern of four (a) years; J.R. Murphy, Clty Clerk; Frank B1oon, Treasurer of the Clty of Burllngame; all for the full tern of four (4) years. The foregolng was adopted ln the forn of a Besolutlon by Councllnan Buck and seconded by Councllman Elves. Approved/ ^dllnfflfi^N* The Council, thereupon, adJourned slne-die. Clty Clerk Elect James R. Murphy took the oath of office before Notary Carl Thonas and adninlstered the oath of office to Councllmen Elect Allan F. Eunt and Frank F. Burrows, ca1l1ng the new Council together and asklng for the nomination of a Mayor pro-teu. Councilman Buck was placed 1n nomlnation by Councllnen Hunt. Nomination was duly seconded a.nd earrled. Councilman Hunt, thereupon, placed in nomlnatlon for Mayor Elect for one year, Councilman McDonald. The nomlnation was seconded by Councllnan Burrows. ---CABRIED. Felleltatlons vJere exchanged by the new Mayor and Councilmen i!1ect pledging thelr support to the betterment of the Clty. AdJournment was taken ln memory of Mlss Janet P. Bodgers. Respectf ly submitted, City 1er Mayor. ForClty Clerk