HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.03.18359 Burllngame, March 18, C all fornla 1940 A regular ureettng of the City Council of the Clty of Burlingamewas held on the above given date. The meeting ,ras ca11ed tcgetherat B:00 P.M., Mayor Hunt in the Chalr. Rol1 Call-: Pre s ent-Counelhnen Buck, Colenan, Hives, Hunt, McDonald. Absent - Councll-men, none. The nlnutes of the prevlous meeting of March 4, lg4o were approvedas submitted to the Counc11, the readlng being di,spensed with. A letter was read from the Chanber of Commerce urging reltef 1nthe provldlng of parklng space on Burllngame Avenue betweenPrtmrose Road and E1 Canino Beal between 12 Noon and b P.M., Sundays and hol1days. The same was referred to Councllmen Buck and McDonald. The State Board of Equalization submltted appllcation of JosephKrohn for beer and wlne to be sold at premises, 1319 BurllngameAvenue. The same was dlsapproved on vote of the Council; the CityAttorney belng lnstructed to oppose the grantlng of permit. The State Board of Equalization reported grantlng of liquor permitsas follovrs; the same being prevlously opposed by the Council. ---Jack Flsher, 211 Park Road Il. McDonald, 1238 Burllngame Ave. Rose Landi, 1405 Broadway.Ihe actlon of the Board of Equallzation was ordered incorporatedin the minutes of the meeting. The Easton Realty Conpany subnltted prlces on cerrear of Broadway buslness frontages as aval1ableand suggested purehase of sane by the City.--Lot Burllngame crcve-$2500.00--Lot Z, Block 16, Bur1lLot I Block 15, Burllngane Grove, prlce not quoterefered to the Superlntegdent of Pub1lc Works foreport. taln lots to thefor parking sites 2?, Block 15, ngame Grove, S2500.00--d. The matter wasr i-nfornatlon arrd The Civil Service Commlssion submitted l_aborerSt ellgi.ble Li.st vrhlchwas created on March 15, 1938 and which would normally expire onMarch 14, 1940. It was thelr recommendation tnat thls eligible11st be continued for an ariclltional year, to expi,re on March 14,1941. The names as appear ln sequence are:1- Percy Lee Va1len 7- Leo E. Swett2- Edwin F. lilirelsen 8- Robert S. Czapkay3- J otur Kldd Jr. 9- Chas. B. Schreckengast 4-Jean Biscay 10- Frank J. Dupps5- Chas. F. Loudon L1- Robert W. no111ns6- Edward L. Burrcrs 12- Carlos V. Sanjlnes. The actlon of the Clvll Service Commisslon was approved on vote ofthe Counc11. Chief of Police llar;:er submitteri letter from G.T. McCoy, AssistantState Hlghv{ay bngineer approvlng the withdrawel of 45 ml1e zoneslgn ln line with the Council-rs protest. The CounclL asked t i.Iatl-etter be acknoviledged with toa.nks. A letter was read from Superlntendent J.J. Jordan of the SouthernPaciflc Conpany wlth reference to the hazardous eonditlon of taLltrees growlng on Clty property on the Southerly side of tracks betweenNorth Lane and a short dlstanee west of Morrell Avenue; also aletter from Eugene Bowers offerlng cooperation wltn the Council inellninatLng thls hazard should they elect to have trees trlnmed.The natter was referred to Councilmen Buck and MeDonald. City Attorney Karnel subnltted letter wlth reference to codifyingand prlntlng city ordinances statlng he believed 1t would consl,xnethree nonths tlee of an assistant and a stenographer at a cost notto exceed $1000.00 and recorurended that ihls iatter be approved asa nost worth wh11e proJect. A notlon to this effect was offered !Y Councllnan Colenan and seconded by Councllman Eives--Carried, all votlng AYE. 3tio Ordinance No. 344 amendlng 0rdlnance No. 5, seetlons nRtr and rtv?r wlth referenee to settlng ahead the date for meetlngs of the Clty Board of Eciuallzatlon v/as given flrst reading. Introductlon by Councllnan ELves. Pollce Chief Earper subnitted 11st of proposed changes relatlve toparklng zones such as one hour parklng on South Lane fron CallfornlaDrlve to the yresterly boundary of the Southern Paclflc Conpany; changes ln certaln arterlals etc. tr[r. Earper was lnstructed to collaborate wlth City Attorney Karmel and the Street Conolttee to revlew changes as proposed as sone of the changes nay lnvolvelntra trafflc with nelghboring connunlties. Denands agai,nst the Clty #4065 to #4L34 Ln'cJ-lrslve were read and approved and warrants wexe ordered drawn on the Clty Treasury forthelr respective amounts. The Counell, thereupon, adJourned. Respect ltted, ty Clerk. Approved: Mayor. Burllngame, CallfornlaAprl1 1, 1940 A regular meetlng of the City Counell of the Clty of Burllngame was heLd on the above glven date. The neetlng was calfed togetherat B:00 P.M., Mayor llunt in the Chalr. Rolf Ca11: Pres ent-CounclLnen Buck, Coleman, Hlves, Ilunt, McDonald. Absent -Councl1men, None. The uinutes of the prevlous meeting of March 18, 1940 were approvedas subnltted to tire Council, the reading belng dlspensed with. The Stale Board of Equallzatlon submitted notlflcatlon ofrron sal-err beer and wlng, also dlstilled splrlts, applieci for byE.A. Mclntosh, 1461-65 BurJ-lngane Avenue; same belng transferedfrom A.C. and Frank Ingham. The notiflcatlon was referred to theClty Attorney for the custonary protest on part of the Councll. cr The hearlngAprll 2, 194 represent th on pro0at1 e Clty test of appllcatlon of Joseph Krohn set for 0 A.l[. Pol1ce Chlef Earper was lnstructed to durlng the temporary absence of the Clty Attorney. H. Lauder requested tree removal from front of apartment house at ?51 81 Camlno Rea1. It was ordered turned over to the Park Super-lntendent for approval. The amual report of San Mateo County Chapter, Amerlcan Beo Cross was read showlng 6223 members with a total collection of $11r6?1.00.The same was ordered recelved and fi1ed. The Planning Cotrlalsslon submltted approval of amended map of Subdivlslon #2 of Burungame Shore Land Conpany as presented by Leadley and L,ead1ey. They also approved rezonlng from llght indus-trlal to flrst resldentlal all real property lndlcated on sald aroended rDep except the followlng, towlt: Lots 1-2-5-4-5 ln Block #1r Lots 1 to 16 1n Block #2 andLots 1 and 2 1n Block #Ai all bf whlch lots are to rernalnas 11ght 1ndustr1aI. Thls subdlvlslon is to be lmown as BurllnganeCardens.