HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.02.19356 Burllngame, Callfornla February 19, 1940 A regular meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngame was held on the above given date. The meetlng was ca1led togetherat 8:00 P.M., Mayor llunt 1n the Chair. Ro11 Ca11: Present-Councllmen Buck, Coleman, Hives, Hunt, McDona1d Absent -Courtcilmen, None. The rolnute s approved as of the prevlous neeting of February 5, 1940 weresubnitted to the Counc11, the readlng belng dlspensed ulth. The Board of liquallzatlon advlsed of the hearlng of the appllcatlonof Jack Flsher for t?On Salerr llquor pernlt to be held ln the CltyIlall, Februaty 23, 1940 at 2 P.M. Clty Attorney Karnel was lnstructedto attend meetlng to protest grantlng of permlt. P a A letter was read from the Connunl ty Beautiflcatlon Comnlttee thank-lng the Council for the rubblsh plck-up servLce. The same was ordered fl]ed. A letter was read from Geo. !I. Gates cal11ng attentlon to a dangerousplne tree on premlses, L424 Burlingane Avenue and suggestlng that ttreClty abate sane 1f poss1b1e. The natter was referred to Park Superlntendent Anderson for lnvesltgation and report. hlef tsarper reported 1n the matter of trafflc regulatlon Canlno Real that the Eighwr.y Commlsslon dlsapproved the an of regulatlon on account of St. Pau1r s Church and Oxford lald on the table for the time belng. A Resolutlon consolldatlng votlng precincts for the munlclpalelectlon, Aprl1 9, 1940 fron 44 as establlshed by the County to and nanlng the electlon offlcers thereof, was passed on motlon b Councllman McDonald and seconded by Councllnan Buck.--CARRIED. Ordinanee No. 342 prohibltlng the dlscharge of a1r guns etc. wasglven second readlng and was adopted on notion by Counellman Buck and seconded by Councllman Hlves. Ordlnance No. S4Srauendlng OrdlnancesNo. 328 and No. 22?, creating asecond resldentlal district was lntroduced by Councilman Hlves andtook f j,r st readlng. Under new business, Councllnan Buck dren the Councllts attentlon tothe dunplng of raw garbsge along the Bayshore Hlghway near the nush- room p1ant. Chlef Iiarper was asked to lnvestlgate and abate lfcondltlon exlsts as presented. Demands agalnst the Clty #sggO to #4064 lneluslve were read and .approved and warrants were ordered drawn on the Treasury for thelrrespectlve amounts. The Counc11, thereupon, adJourned. Re s pec y submltted, City C1erk. ollce Clong E1ltr s pl chool b elng partly on slde streets. Ee stated that a statetatlve lnformed hlm that a resurvey had been made and routetechnlcally qualify as a resldentlal zone and unless furtherls presented, nothlng further can be done. The matter was represen does not evl d enc e I1 Approved: or.