HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.02.05354 Demands agalnst the Clty, #fgOS to #3989 lncluslve, were read and approved and warrants were ordered drawn on the City Treasuryfor thelr respective amounts. The Council, thereupon, ad J ourned. Respect VS mitte<i, APPNOVED: Clty C1erk.or. Burllngame, Callfornla February 5, L94O A regular neetlng of the Ci.ty Councll of the Clty of Burlingame was held on the above glven date. The meeting was ca11edtogether at 8:00 P.M., Mayor flunt 1n the Chalr. Ro1l Cal-I: Present, Counellmen Buck, Coleroan, Hlves, Hunt, McDonald.Absent, Councilnan, none. The minutes of the previous treetlng of January 15, 1940 were approvedas subnltted to the Counel1, the reading belng dlspensed wlth. The Planning Commisslon submltted 1ts recommendatlon and approvalon the fol1ow1ng appllcatlons to rezone properties to-wit: C.H. Bessett---from first to second resldentlal , Block ff4, Oak Grove Manor, Lots 1 to 1C lnclusive andtots 21 and 22. Lang Realtv'"'Bi3l;-;r5:'fi"1iffi,li"::";3t"'i'13"i3'il;1uslve. Followlng the recornmendatlons as set forth, Clty Clerk Murphy read two petltions embodylng 50? names protestlng the change tnclasslflcatlon as set forth by the Plannlng Comml,ssion.Mr. A.1,. Van Bo1t, Conmlttee Chalrnan, addressed the Counell lntro- duclng Mr. George A. Brown as spokesman for the petltloners. Mr. Brovm presented arguBent that petltioners had bought thelr homes wlth the unders tandlng that the classlflcation would remalnthe same and desired 1t shoulo so continue. Messrs. Lang and Bessett presented nhat they had proposed to dostatlng no property would be lnlJured thereby.Clty Councilnan and Plannlng Conmlsslon menber Coleman presented tothe petltloners the Cityts slde of the plcture ealling attenti.on tothelr reslstance to the openlng of the Bayshore Hlghway to business;also to the establlshrnent of a 15 foot setback for future wldenlng;that the Clty believed no hazards should be lmpgsed that rvould havean effect of destroylng values, cltlng the Clty's handling of propernotels agalnst lmproper use of cheap aparttsents along State hlghways.0n the order of Mayor Hunt as to foregolng 'dea11ng wlth rezoning, sane was referred to the Plannlng ComnlsslcD for resubmisslon on Thursday, February 29, 1940 at 7z3O P.M.r----Carrled. The Plannlng Comnlssion submltted their approval to the rezoning ofthe followlng property fron flrst resldentlal to second residentlal--Blocks 6-7-8-9-12-15-14-15-16, Easton #1.There belng no protests, same was concurred ln on notlon by Councllnan Hlves and seconded by Councllnan Buck. Tbe State Compensatlon Insurance Fund advlsed that they have obtalnedpermlsslon fron the Callfornla Inspection Ratlng Bureau to reduce ratesln Clty po\lcy, 19fr. The sane was ordered received and flled. The renoval of several trees ln front of St. Paults Church, alleged dangerous, was ref,erred to Camnltteenen Buck and McDonald for report. rOff Salen pernlts for sale of wlne and beer for Mr. McDonald, 1298 Burllngame Avenue and Rose Landl, 1405 Broadway, submltted by the State Board of Equallzatlon, were dlsapproved and were ordered referred to the Clty Attorney to flle protest. 35s Purchaslng Agent Feertaln street slg arard of $25.00 fovlolators on a nls Request of Mr. G.ll. Brewer, 1540 Vaneouver Avenue, for the cancel-1at1on of back taxes, 1938-39 on Lot 16, Block 56, Easton #b, j-rt the name of the Veteranst Welfare Bureau, was dlsal-lowed on theadtlce of -the Clty Attorney due to the fact that transfer wqs notrecorded untl1 May 20, 1339 when due date was ldarch 6, L940. .A. Bloom reported damage and destruction tons ln the Clty e.nd suggested the placlng of anr lnforeation leadlng to the apprehensi.on of deaeanor charge for ma1lc1ous nlschlef. The sane waa approved on vote of the Council; all clty property to comewlthin the scope. A letter was reaci fror:r Mr. E.Il. Cosgrlff in the lnterest of hlsclient, Mrs. A.M. Blumer, to rezone the property known as Lot 1A,Block 2, Town of Burllngame, to permit a nursery business thereon;the sane havlng the Plannlng Conmisslonts approval . the matter was di,scussed and was ordered laid over for the next treetlng forflnal dispos 1tlon. Counetlnan Buck advlsed that gror:nd had been prepared for theplantlng of geranluns as asked for by the Burllngame-San Mateo Garden Club. The rork 1s belng done between Burllngame Avenue and Oak Orove Avenue. llr. Plnther, a club member, reported thatthe plan was to cover betv{een Burlingane Avenue and Broadway.Thls brought up the matter of tetalning walls by Superittendent Anderson who stated considerable expense would be lnvolved Lf thework was to be done rlght. Coeel tteemen Buck and McDonald were asked to go further tnto the natter. Ordlnance No. 542 prohibltlng the dlscharge of alr guns andpossesslon and use of s1lng shots was glven flrst readlng.Introductlon by Councllman Buck. The Counell protested the changlng of speed slgns on maJor streetsthrough certaln church and school zones whlch pernits notorlsts speed at 45 m1les per hour. The Courrcll was of the oplnlon thatthe regulatlons heretofore practiced were very satlsfactory astrafflc y,ias kept moving wlthout hazard to l1fe or property wh11ethe new reguJ-atlon 1s fraught vr,lth nany dangers. It was urgentlyrequested that the Elghway Connlsslon direct the dlvision 1n chargeto renove the signs recently 1nsta11ed and permlt a contlnuanceof the regulatlons heretofore ealntalned. The same was referred to the Chief of Polioe and the City Attorneyto address a letter to the Elghway Commlssion along the 11heslndl ca ted. The Councll, thereupon, adJ ourned, Respect subnl tt ed Clty C1 er k. A pproved:q Mayor. ,