HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1940.01.02352 A regular oeetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngame was held on the above given date. The meetlng was calleci together at B:00 P.M., Mayor tsunt ln the Chalr. RolI Cal-l: --Present-- Councllnen Buck, Coleman, Iiives, Hunt and McDonald. Absent--- None. The appllcatlon o rezonlng of Lots usage was referre The Councll pon AdJourned. Burllngame, Callfornla January 2, L940. bmltte The mlnutes of the prevlous neetlng of Deeember 18, 1939 were approved as submltted; the readlng belng dlspensed w1th. A tetter fron lltlm. McKe1lar, 1505 Bernal Avenue approvlng pro- posal to make parklng spaee avallable on Capuchlno Avenue aad Broadway was ordered turned over to the Plannlng Conlolsslon. fhe Cai[1forn1a Paciflc Tltle and Trust Conpany subnltted petltion and demand on the Treasurer of the Cl-ty for a refund of $1OO.SO, taxes for the flscal yea,r 1939-40 on Lots 4-5'6-L2-13- ind 14r'B1ock 6i property of the Unltett States of Amerlea to be used f6r a post olftie bul1dlng. Protest of papoent-of taxes was alleged- nade at tlme of paynent under Sectlon 3819 of the iofili""i Code of Ca1lforn1a. - It was noved by Councl]man McDonald ano seconaed by councilnan Buck that c1afun as set forth be denled ui-o*ne"infp wis vested ln the nane of others tban th-e governnent rhen the taies becane a l1en. CARRIED---aU votlng AYE' The rltorks Progress Admlnlstration subnltted budget of. supervlsed ""cr"uito.,.1 irogran for 1940 1n lYrshlngton Park and the varlous ;;h;i p1aygri,ends. The total anount allocated 1s $11820'00 of wiricn - tire Citv of Burllngane ls aske<i to ass'me as thelr portlon iii"-ur6ii"t-oi'$zao+.00. -0n motlon bv councllman Elves and seconoed by councllnan l[cDonal<i, the councll approved the c1tyr 5 ;h;;;-;; i6t rortrr ($2,564.00) ind empowered the xavor to enter lnto agreenent as Provlded. llrs.ophellaGrurstsubnlttedofferofsafeofT.S2aeresboundedoii-ini-ii"rtfi, eist and west by the lands of the carolans and on [ii"-iorit-ti'n""rrne;te lvenu! ror the prlee of $501000 payable ln iil" ,""""r ioffowfnli--$fOOO.OO at the tlme of the'acceptance of fi; ;il;;:-$rs,ooo.6o at trre tlne of dellverv or the,{:9d-9f th" orooertyonor-beforeJanuaryls,lg4oandtherenalnderofthe;;;;;;;; pir"E t"-r"-,oe evldlncei tv a pronlssorv rote 1n whlch I[;-fii;r;;i wlrl ue iater agreed u-pon;-sald note belng pavable on J'"-UEi"""-fune 80, ig+0. CoIncllman Buck noved the acceptance of il"-offe, as set iorth offerlng Resolutlon No' 269 whlch was r|i""a"a-ti-Councffnan lfcOonatd. --C^ARRIED on vote of the Counc11. tr[avor tsunt announced the appolntnent of councr9fl]fift! Comnlttee on FuLffe Safety, also Conmlttee on Bulldlng vlce forn-er nenDer iiiE"-wr"ai '6fso the appolntnent of-Coplcllnan Buck as Conmltteenan ii"-,irt"r, Streets and Siirers vlee Al1eq Ward, former nember ' Mayor Brmt boought up the natter of.the, annexatlon of Burltngame niifs Sofafvtsl6n to-surtfngame asklng-gr. Brownlng, Secretary of tfrE cirrruJr of Connerce for status as far as matters have gone' il;: B;;""i"g spoke t"r"fly statlng that the tax rate seemed to be p"r".ornt-q;esfuonr -.:-so inat wat6r rates be on a parlty trlth those ln Burltngan" propu.l--Councllnan Elves suggested- the appolntnent "i " "or.ittee by the l{ayor ln order,to nlron outtr any-1ltt1e arrir""iti that ilay ue pirtnteo out wlth the vlew of bringlng a nore i;i;;Ait ieeiltg ai,oni irrE ttter""ted partles' uavor Bynt appolnted Counclluaa Coleoan anE Ucponafd represLntlng the Councll-and suggested diiy-ltto""ey Karmei--arrd lnr. Browning of the Chanber of Conmerce to also slt 1n for ,"y-riie"tiioni-or advlce that they mtght have to offer' ThereportoftheClvllservlceexamlnatlonofllbraryasslstantandclerk was ordered tiii6a-"i'e"-io-ine Llbrary Board foi thelr approval' f J.A 4-5,dto . and Esther Farr and Catherlne C' Blttnan for irit'i r, -iiritln-*r fron apartment to conmerclal the Plannlng Commisslon. APPROVED: ther u Mayor Re spec Clty CIer