HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.12.04350 for ,ton sale'r 11quor license stating that there shoulci be no referenoo to hls applicatlon tn the protest of the beer license asked for by John Burke whlch had been filed by the Clty Attorney; asserting that the saJne rnay have a tend.ency to injure his case before the Board. of .llquallzation. Attorney liarmel replied that the CounciltB letter to the Statp Board merely stated that objection was on the same ground.s as ln the flsher GBS€o Iie stated there was no intention to connect the two applications or to jeopardlzs lvir. tr'lsherts application. The CounclL thereupon adJourned. \ iiespec Iy ubmitted, Approved.:q v er yor. Burllngame, Callfornia. Dec. 4, 1933. A regular neeting of the City Council of the Clty of Burl-ingame was hel,d on the above given date. The meeting lvas called to- gether at 8:00 P.M., Mayor HUnt in the Chair. Ro1l call: Present-- Councllmen, Buek, Eives Hunt a.nd MeDonald. Absent=-- Councllmen, none The minutes of the previous meeting of November 27, 1359 were approved eis submitted to the Council; the readlng being dlspensed with. Letters were read from Stanley Ke11y anci R.L. Stone extol1lng the Council in the ai:poi-ntments of I. Karmel- as City Attorney eind A.J. iluard as City Judge at rueeting of Novermber Z?tn, LgZ?. The sane v"ere ordered placed on file. A letter was read from the Pacific Greyhound Lines acquiescing to the Couneilts request to make future bus stops at the N.W. corner of Burlingame Avenue and Californi-a Drive. The same v;as ordered f11ed. Poli-ce Chief Hariter brought up the matter of taxi control at the nevr Greyhound Depot in the way of parklng. He stated tliat Super- intendent KrUg was lnclined to fa,vor rChecker Cabrf in the v;ay of a stand on a.ccount of a ntle-1nttvrith the Bus Compa.ny. City Attorney Karmel reported that the seme would be discrinnatory. Ttre matter was referred to a committee consistlng of Messrs. Harper, Karmel and Krug to tr irontr out. Poliee Chief Harper subnitted report covering compiaint of T,I1. Kllbourne, 1460 Cortez Avenue wlth refererice to speed of buses and lack of signalllng oevices; Chief Harper reportlng that bus companies operate under a francirise from the State Railroad Commission vrhieh body s6ts the schedule for all trips which the buses must naintain.- The Clerk v,ras lnstructeq to meiil Mr. Kilbourne a copy of Mr. Harperfs report. The San Mateo County Trafflc Safety Comnrisslon advised of a pub1le meetlng to be held in the Supervisorsl Room at the County Court House Friciay evenlng, December 8, 1939 at 8:00 P.M. Mayor Hunt requested as m&ny to attend as een spare tire tlme. The Sar1 Mateo County Tubercular a.nd Health rrssociation submltted requesffer Slb.00 donatlon ln behalf of Christmeis sea.Is. The s.ime lvas appboved on motion by Councilma.n Hlves and seconded by Couneilman McDonaLd. It was moved by Councilman Buck ano seconded by Councilman IvlcDonald that the bond of Sundquist Bros. for ttre ereetlon of grandstand 1n Yiashlngton Park be acce.oted.---CAFEIITD. The Counc adjourned. ,ATtprowed thereurpon, r Bespec submi t ty Clerk.