HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.11.06Burl1[game, Caf if ., Novembe! 6, 1959. A rggular neetlng of the Clty CounclL of Burllngame was held on the above glven date. The meetlng was calle{l to order at 8100 P.M. - Mayo! Eunt 1tr the Chalr. RoLl Callt Prosent - Counol lmeE! Buok - Hlves - Hunt - McDoEald, .AbEent - Counollmen: Ward. Letter read. floB Ivan L. Peterson, Jr., petltlonlng the Counollthat as a ltar Veteratr and sol.e helr of h1s fatherrs w11.1, he bo alLorett $1000.00 exemptlon on Lot 50, Block 1, Burllngaue Park Subdlylslon No. 4, property now stancllng tb the naoe of h1s father, Ivan L. Petexsotr. 0n motion by Counollnan Hlves, seconaletl by Councllman Buck, th6 petltlon rraE denled - all votlng AYT. In the matte! of protest of the city councll agalnst the lssuatroelof Off Sale Beer & Iilln€ llcenso and tre[sfer of 0tr'F Sale dlet1lledsplrlts llcense to CIay Morgan, Broadray & Paloma Ave[ue, Burllngane; alld against the lsEuanoe of 0N Sale Beer llconse to Ivan Anaara, 222 Prlmro se Road, Burllngarne; the State Board of Equa].lzatlon hayenotlfled the Counctl that hearlngs otr th6 above tlescrlbeal DroteatEE1I1 be helti by a representatlve of the Board 1n the Clty EaU at Burllngame, on Thursday, November 9, 1959, at the hour of A!00 P.M. 0n motlon by Counclln0an H1v6s, secontled by Councllnar McDonalalrtheClty Attorney ras requestetl to represent the City and make a protest against the tro appllcatlons for Beer and ltine Llcensa. Notloe from the state Board of Equallzatlon statlng that the D. C. Caln applloatlon for off Sa16 of Boer and Wlne haal been rlenled., was ortloretl f1led. Letter !6ad, from Chlef Dessln of the Flre department asklng to be relieved. of all electrlcal flork wlth the exceptloa of theFlre aLam slgnals anal tbe Po1loe department slgnals. 0n motloll by Counallnan McDona1d, seconded by',0ounclIman Buck, aI1 votlngaE, th6 request of Chlef Dessln ras granted. Mr. Rolllns reas aeked to have soneono from hls department to look after the lubrloatlng of trafflc eignals and retlmlng slgaB. Pavlng of Callfornla Drlve at 1ts Northern oxtreo.lty belng c om-pleted, and. L. A. Cavalter, the effected property owEet havlngpalti b1s assessment, the work ras acoeptetl aocoldlng to speol-flcatlons on the request of C. L. Longson, superhtenalent of Publlc iilolks, on motlon by Courcl lnan Hlves, seconded by councll- malx McDona]d, all votlng 3.Y8. Letter reacl from Chas. McDonald, Secretary of the PIEnnlrI8 Cosmlsslon, reoonmendlng that petltlon for ohange ln cl-aselftca-tlon of portloE of Lot 1-A, B]-ock 2, Town of Burllngeme, for use as a gasolitr€ station, be denled. 0n motlon by Councllnarr Buck, seconded by CounclLman Hives, ell voting AYE, the Couacll sus- talned the actlon of the P1annlng Comnlssion. Resolution passetl acoeptlng gratrt of easeoent fr@ Earry Ballouto tbe Clty of Burl ingame, on Lot 7, Block 15, Easton, for the pulpose of carrylng away flooa wate!s oaused by excesslvo lalns,or naturaL tlrainage. Motlon by Cou.txcll-oan Buok, secondeal by CouncllmaE McDoEaId, all yotlEg AfE. orallnanco No. 540 amelld.lng 0rdlnance No. 227 ohanglng o].asslfleatlon oG Lot 5, Block 5, EastoD No. 1, from Apartme nt to Conmelala1tllstrlct, was glven second readlng andl atiopteal on motloE by 346 The minutoe of the previous meetlag of October 18, J-959, were approveal ae submltted to the Councll, readlng belng dlspensetl rlth. Letter read from Dr. P. C. Guyselman, 2119 Roosevelt Avenue, Burllngamo, expresslng bls eppreolatlon of courtegles extended to h1n by Mr. KarBel, Clty Attorney; Mr. LongsoD, Superlntendent of PubLlc Works, atrd Mr. Watson, Buildlng fnspeotor, 1n conneotlouwlth obtaltr1ng bulldlng permlt. 347 Counc llman Buck, secondett by Courlcllman Mclionalcl, all voting AE. department, read antl by amendlng Sectl otrthe City ofof property lngiven flrst read.- Reports of Ylater department, Flre departmeat, PollceClty Judge, BulIdlng Inspeotor, and Poundmaster, wereorderetl f iled.. L€tte! read fron Plannlng ComnlssloE rltb refereEoe to therequest flcm J. H. Dore, to conplete nork on builtllng alreadystarted on RoILlBs Roa<[ 1n the l"lgbt Inalustrlal s6ctiotl.Mr. 9636 was granted pormlssloll to conplete the structure aftersubnlttlng to the Plannlng Colnmisslon any further lmprovenents c ont emp lat ed. 0rdlnance No. 54I amentllng ortllnance No. AA?9-A thereof as adopted by Ordlnanco No. Zgg ofBurIlngame, regulating and. controlli.ng the usethe Industrial and, Unrestrlcted rllstricts, was 1nB - Introductlon by Councl lmaE H1ves. Reslgnatlonsof nrombers of the Clv1l Servlce Conmlsslon f,oregccepte(l on motlon by Counc llnan H1ves, secondeal by Councl)_manMcDouald, al- I votltrg AYE. Mayor Hu.rtt ippolntedl nei Commlsslonto take effect lEn6d1atelyB. E. trorre11, 1810 Barrollhet Avenuo, to sucoeeal W. S. Grlslngerwhose Commlsslon erplres JuIy 5, 1940; 4. J. Cawley, 1450 Columbus- ATenue, to succegA p.R.Rorke, f,hoseCo(nmlsslor explres July 5, L941. NorBan_E. Dole, L415-Flotlbynda Ave[ue, to succeed Earl tr',Sohmldt,rrhose Commlssioa explres July 5, Ig4Z.- 0a:. notl ol by Counollman_Buck, seconded by Couno il-oan E1ves, aIIvotlng AE, Notlo_e for Examliatlon f or tle offlce of CltyReeord-er-or.City Po11c9 Jutlge, and Clty Attorney, ras oracodpubJ.lshect at ono6 1n the BurI inga". Advaace. Bltls for llashlngton Park Grart tanal were reoelveat arrd openeal, vlzi Co. ,298 ,+ag ,851 ,975 Sundqul8t Bros. Janes B. AllenR. A. McI€aB & Co.C. C. W. & E. H. EauE Irtr. J. Henry Cbas Pealersentr. J. Rollly Co.MartlEeIIl ConstructlotrC. II. Bessatt BLdg. Co. iI1, 264 11,788 L2,Z4O !2,284 72 L<. 12l2 15 r 094 Bids rere t aken under c onslderat lon and refomedto Superintenclent of public tlorks for hls lnstructionsanal rlU be acted on at the next regular meeting, Itrovember 20, 1999 0n motion by Councllna? Buok, seconded by Counci.Iman [{cDona1d., -t-he meeting g.d.Journed. ln resiect to the memory of forner tvlayori,{yron G. McC I lnt on. Respectfully subnlt pu yc ATT em. ayor d,