HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.10.18345 Burllngane, Callfornla 0ctober 18, 1939. A regular adJourned meetlng of the Clty Councll of the Ctty of Burllngame vuas held on the above glven date. The meetlng was ca11ed together at 8:O0 P.M., Mayor Hunt in the Chalr. Councllmen Buck, Hives, Hunt, McDonald and Ward answered to roLl ca1I.Absent: Councilmen, None. The mlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of 0ctober 16, 1939 were approved as submltted to the Corurcll, the feadlng belng dlspensed nith, The reslgnatlons of {.S. Grlstnger, P.R. Rorke and EarI Schmldt as menbers of the Clvll Servlce Comnlsslon. were read. 0n notlon byCounellnan Buck, the same were taken lnto conslderatlon Appl-lcatlon of Iva Ansara for rron salelt beer at ZZZ Primrose hoaciand troff salerr beer, wlne and distl11ed spirlts of Clay Morgan atBroeidway and Palona Avenues were referred. to the CLerk to wilte th.eBoard of Equallzertlon that the Counell looked nlth disfavor on theconstantly increaslng appllcatlons of thls sort and they deslrer.r tooffer protest to trre appllcations as read. 0n motlon by Councilman Buck, $500.00 was voted for street repalrson Lorton Avenue as approved by Superlntendent of publlc Vjorks Long son. The Councll, thereupon, adJ ourned. Approved: Be s pec fffrrilW subnl t t ed ty lerk. or.