HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.09.05340 Burllngoe, Cal1fornla, September 5, 1959. r/ A regular moetlng of the Clty Councll was held on the above tlate - Mayor Hunt la the Chal!. Prese.nt: councllmeE3 Buck - Hlves - Eurt and McDona Id.5D8ent3 CounolLllen3 Ward. The mlnutes of the prevloua reetlng, as subnlttetl to tho Couxoll, were approved, readlng belng dlspensed wlth. Letter reatl from Burllngane Chambe r of Conmerce 1e whloh thel! Board of DlrectoxE oortllally lavlteal the members of the Clty Councll to attend thelr tutlaheoa to be held Septonber 22ntl at i2 otclock noon 1n Burl-lnga[or for tbe purpose of open tllscusslou of probleus colflotrtlDgnthe Sia I'lano 1sc o antl tbe Pentnsula,relitlve to lnter-olty-transportatlotr faollltteE - Mayor Ro8s1 nntl menbors of the Board of Supervlsors of SaIr I'ranclsco are erpected to at tentl. Lottet read froB the Burllng@'e Chamber of Connerce requestlng the Clty when repalatlng the parklng l1tres otr Burllngame Avonuo, to retuin theo ti the 60 degrEe angto. 0n motlon by Counellnan I{cDonaltl, seoordeal by Coutrcunan Buck, all votlng ASr. Chlef Haioer r6s reouested- to lnstruct Mr. Ro111ns to have the angle of iarklng on-a11 buslnesE ploperty ln the clw of Burllrgame changecl to 60 alogree s. Letter read ftlorB oal.ifortrla serage works assoclatlon of oaklantl Jiienafae oolal1al 111yitatlo' to afl pubtlc offlclals lnteresteal 1a sewagE rorks problems, to attend IZth .g,nnual Convsntlolr to be held-ltr 0aklaid Septefrber 18th and 19th. Mr. Sohuck and Mx. Klnsnan rere authbrlzed to attetrd the conventlon - Motlor W c-o:uncifiae ElveEr secondeal by CouaclLnan Buok, all votlng AY:E' Letter reatl flom Llbrary Board expresslng appreclatloa for sub- itantlal lncrease 1n lts budget; also R€port of Burllngane Publlc Llbraly for 1958-59 received - botJr ordereA f11ed. Lette! recoiveal f ro!0 Paolflc Coast Bulld1ng 0fflc1a18 Congles8 wiiU iee.ra to 1te l?th Annua1 Meetlng fron octobor 5rd to 6th fn oaftinA. 0n notlon by councllnlan Buck, seco!de'l by Counoll- man McDoraltl, a3.1 votlng- AYE - Mr. Watsou, Bulld1ag l[apectol, was authorlzed to attend thlo neeting. BulLetlo No. 6 - San Mateo County Trafflo Safety Coomlsslon, wa8 reaA. urelng the tunlng ln on prbgran of the Callfornta State lutofiobtle Issoclatloa, rnurgaay evenlng, september 7th at 7:15 P.M. Notlfloatlon of l,lquo! Ilcense Applloation from State Board of Equallzatton, regafdlng transf or--of lrlcense from I[. J. Llddertlale a'Ednuna Sue'to iaok Ffsher at I5I0 Eoward AYenue. - cblef Uarper iooonnenaled agalnst thls,llcense, and on motion by Councllman Elves. seoondid, by councilrnan McDoEaIa' all votlng a$r lt-was oraer5a that a moit vlgorouE protest be macle to the stato BaarA of Equallzatton agalnst Sranting thls llcense. IBtter recelvod from John tr'. Davls subnlttlng hls reslgnatlon as clty attorney of Burlln8aoe, to take offeot sgPterob_er 11 1959. O" notion by coirnollnan Buck, ieconded by Counollnan McDoEal6, ilJ- votlng JrYE, Mr. Davlsr r6slgnatlon was acoepted. I! -ioo"pif"e"t[e i'egfenatlon Mayor-Hunt satd that Mr. Davls bad Ueen'wtti the Clty-for a n,nier of years err6 he hopoal-he woultl oonifnue 1n good Leattb and be with uE a llng tlne and }opetlhe woulal feel at llberty to o oo€ around and be as soclable as he always has been. s41_ ResoLutlor passed flxlng the tax ratfor the flscal year 1959-40 at $1.90 Gene ral Llbrary Park Malntena.noo - - - - flxe councll thereupon adJourned.. for the Clty of Burllngeme aLza .90 .145 .15 RespectfuLly submltted, u v v e , * General Bond.. Interest ) .lo5 anA ^Amortlzitton -fotal $1.50 on 9100 Assesoetl Valuat i. on.Introiluotlon by oounollman Elvea, ElL votlng AyE, A1I blde on plopossd lmpro vemeu t of CaLlfornla Drlve fromM1IIg Cleek to the Northw66t Clty llnltg, reoelved at lastrloetitrB, were _ordoreil reJeoterl account too hlgb cost andohecks oralereal returned to bldders, on motl on-by OounclLma[Buok, seconfed by Counollnan McDonald, a1t votlig AIT. T,heClty was authorlzod to.do_the work as-proposed b! C. L. Longaotr,Superltrtenaient of Publlo forkg. ResoLutlon passeil on ootloa by Councllnan Buck, secondeti by Councllman McDonalal, a1L votlng AYE, for tb6 flltlng of theposltlon of CltybAttorney. Resolwd that the ClvlI Servlce Conrnlsslon oroato an ellglble Ilst of persons for Clty Attolneyfor the 01ty of Burllngaue as provlaled by Sectlon 4, Rule 5,ClvlL Servlce Ruloa, and the Clty Clork be dlrocted to botlfythe ClylL Servlce Commisslon to proceetl 1n acoordallcs wlththls Resolutlon, and the Clv1l Servlce Cotnmlsslon was to state el[ong th6 tsln leum requlremeEtd that the appllcaEt fo! theposltlon of Clty Attomey must have be6n a resldent anal quall- fleal oloctor of the Clty of Burll.ngal[o for at least one yearprlor to the fl1lng of t1s airpLicatlon ard must have beetr 1n the actuaL practloe as an attolney at Lar for at least flve yeare before the fll1ng of appllcatlon. 0E motion by CounolLnran Elves, seconded by Counollman McDonalat, the clvll servlce conmlsBloE rvas dlrectett to oertlfy to the Courroll an eltglble applicant for the posltloa of Captaln of Pollce from the ro11 Eow ln thelr custody. Thls posltlon was oreateat ln the budget for the cument flsoal yea!, and lt 1sthelr deslrs to f111 lt lrnnedlately fron ellglb1e personnel. C. I,.- Ionesgg,. Superlntendent of Pub1lc Works, ras authorlzealto ask for blde to be opend at nert meetlng, ior the lmprove-ment of El Canlno BeaI from Broadway to tha'flestern Cltt 11mlts -Motlon by Courlcllmalr Elv6s, seoonded by Councllnan Buok-, allvotlng AYT. Reports-of Water Departeenrt, Bu1ld1ng Inspeotor, Clty Juttge, Gb,lef of Pollo€, and I'116 Departnent, rere reaal'and ordered.'f1Ied. AP ove Mayor