HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.06.19a-- 3:12 The closing report of Judge R"L. stoners office 'u,'as submittedby Auditor R.L. Sehwerln and everythlng was founcr in proper order.The report was aceepted on vote cf the Counell, Reports of tkie lYater Department, Poliee and Fire Depa.rtment, and.Buildlng Inspector for the montir of May r,vere read and same uereordered plaeed on fl1e: The Council, tnereu.oon, adjourned. Besp 1y submltted. r Approved: Mayor, Burllngane, Callfornla June 19, 1969. A regular meetlng of the clty cor:ncll of the clty of Burrlngameras held on the above glven date. ?he meetlng was calledtogether at 8:00 P.M.rllayor flunt 1n the chalr. Councllmen Buek, Illves, Eunt, McDonald and Vrrard answered toro11 caIl.Absent: Councllmen, None. The nlnutes of the prevlous meetlng of Jr:ne 5, 1969 were approvedas subultted to the Coune1l, the readlng belng dlspensed rlth. A letter was read fron B.C. Chrlsttansen, 1436 BaLboa Avenueexpresslng thanks to the Cor:ncll for the cleanlng of lots 1nBurllngame. Ihe same was ordered flled. .A letter was read from J.W. Krug, Superlntendent of Paelflc Oroyhound Llnes advlslng they are havlng thelr englneers sketchthe necessary plans for the proposed new depot the flrst of the week and when completed they w111 be subnltted to the Councllfor constdsrat{on. lhe uatter rras referred to Actlng CltyAttorney Karnel to confer wlth Corunltteemen Buck and McDonald when same ls up for conslderatlon. l l q The request of the San Mateo County Flesta-Rodeo for a controf $50.00 for a Burllngame dlsplay at the comlng Fiesta was Councllmen lllves and Buck were appolnted a covpnlttee to supethe exhlblt. ibu apprvl tLon roved. se Two blds for reflector slgns deslgnatlng the Burllngame Avenue andthe Broadway buslness dlstrlets were referred to Councllmen Buck and McDonald for conslderatlon. The blos weres PAWE, MAHONEY CoMPANY Burllngame Avenue sign Broadway slgn K.E. ERICKSON CoMPANY, rNC. Burllnga&e fivenue slgn----- Broadway sign --$e4.90 --$eg.60 --$z1.oo --$2P,50 A request from the San Mateo County Trafflc Assoelatlon that theCtty of Burllngame adopt an Ordlnanee regulatlng and lieenslngblcycles sinllar to that ln effect ln Redwood Clty was referredto Pol1ce chlef Harper and Actlng clty Attorney for report andrecommendatlon. V 333 The Plannlng Connlsslon recommended that a pernlt be granted Charles llaskell, 951 Bayshore Boulevard to operate a fl111ngstatlon as per applicatlon. The sane was concurred ln on voteof the Councll. Supertntendent of Publlc Ulorks tongson 1n a counnunlcatlon approved the nfll1n of a trlangular area at the S.T,i. corner of Broadway and the Bayshore Boulevard whlch the Burlingame Shore Laad Conpany has offered to deed to the C1ty. fhe Councll approved Ir. Longsont s recoonendatlon condltloaal to a purported agreenent that the property be deeded to the State lnstead ofthe Clty and the State nake the f11I and lmprovements subsequentthereto; the Clty, however, to provlde approxlnately 2000 cublcyards of .fiflIIn to conplete the proJect as a part of thelrcontrlbutlonr thls nfllL" to oome from work proJects and r1otthrough pulchase. The Councll approved a donatlon of $100.00 to the Mlsslon Tra11s Ass oclatlon for exhiblt purposes at the Falr on TreasureIsland. Also approved nas an approprlation of $200.00 to therecreatlonal progran 1n Burllngame whlch is handled by theClty as a part of a P.W.A. proJeet, tffi Denand s agalnst the Clty a642 to ilt'3422 Lnc]-\rs 1ve were read and approved and warrants were ordered drawn on the CltyTreasury for thelr respectlve anounts. ORDINANCE No. 356 amendlng sub sectlon 25 of Ordlnance No. 219 and repealing ordlnance No. 285 was glven flrst readlng.fntroduetlon by Councllnan ll1ves. A lnotlon to adJourn the next regular meetlng to onday, June 10, 1959 at 8s00 P.U., was offered by Councllnan Elves and was seeonded by Councllnan McDonald. CARRIED, all votlag AYE. Bespec tted Clty C1erk. Approved:C( yor. e" (