HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.03.20,OC' Burllngane, Callfornla March 20, 1959. A regular neeting of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngane was held on the above glven <iate. The meetlng was called together at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Ward ln the Chalr. Coulcllnen Buck, Elves, Ilunt, McDonald and Viard answered torolL call .Absent: Councllmen, Ncne. T he nrlnutes of the prevlous oeetlng of March 6, 1939 vrere approved as submltted to the Councll, the readlng belng dlspensed rcith. A letter read fron the Paciflc Telephone and Telegraph Companywlth request to set poles and anchors on Industrlal Avenue to pro- vlde telephone servlce to the Clty Corporatlon Yard was approved. Motion by Counellman lllves. A letter was read frgg tbe Burlingame Chamber of Commerce sub-mltting the following recoomenoations:(f) t6at tlie plans Is subnltteci by Superlntendent Longson for analley way and parklng facllltles bet'*een Burllngame Avenue and Chapln Avenue be adopted and brought to a concluslon. (z) tfrat study be me.de by Mr. Longeon for p:rrklng 1ot facll.itles whlch would serve merchants and shoppers 1n the vlclnlty oftorton Avenue; also trrat parklng facllltles be looked lnto 1n the vlclnity of Palona. and Capuctrino Avenues cfose to Broi.dway. (f) tnat request be sent Paclflc Greyhound Bus Llne asklng therttheir buses be routeri from E1 Camino Real down elther BelJ-evue, Floribunda, Afmer, or Oak Grove Avenues to Callfornla Drlve lnstead of via Burllngame Avenue as no$-. (4) Tnat favorabLe actlon be t:rken to herve slgns erected at the lntersectlon of Broadway and EI Crimlno Real and at Burllngane Avenue anri E1 Camlno Real; also that present sign at the footof Burllngame Avenue be relocated on the East slde of Bayshore Hlghway and the present slgn at tiie foot of Howard Avenue be changed to a reflector type wlth 6 or I lnch letterlng. (S) ffrat the playground at the southwest corner of Cabrlllo Avenue and Uaston Drive be developed and beautlfled.Sectlon (3) ,&1th relrttlon to buses was refemed to Conmitbeemen Hunt and McDonald . Sectlon (5) wltn relatlon to Playgrounds nas referred to Park Superlntendent Anderson. Sectlons(1-2-4) are to be taken under conelderation by the Council. A letter from the Broadvray Development Assoclatlon as to methods of procedure for uidenlng Broadway from gas tax revenue l'ras referredto Superlntendent Longson. A request fron the Burllngame Chamber of Commerce to approve theplaclng of clty fJ-ags ln the electroller standards along Broeidway on carnlval week beglnnlng March :0th was approved. League of Callfornla Munlclpallt1es asked that Asserobly 8111 59 affectlng the expendlture of county tax funds be approvedthat Senate 8111 #1089, rrln Lien Tax B1l1tt be dlsapproved.y Clerk Murphy was instructed to wlre our representatlves ln Sacramento the CounciLl s actlon regarcilng these measures. A petltlon bearlng 31 nanes protested the keeplng ofcats nhich 1s alleged is made a buslness of at 516 Prlmrose Road. Poli.ce Chlef Harper reported i-nvestigating the coiupl:rlot and took 1t up vrlth the Board of Heellth who reported they dld not conslder i,t anuisance. AlLen J. Boyce, next door resldent, told the Councillt was a nulsance erno had every means of provlng lt. It was, thereupon, referred to the City Attorney to look lntc the lega1 side of tile question. Mayor Yvarci reporteo cases of rabies at Mli.lbrae and VJoodside. Chief Har-rer was lnstrueted to contact the pound master and plek The #za andclt 32:l up aL1 horirele s s or stray dog s . Clty Clerk Murphy brought up the natter of an unpald water blllby a buslness house whose affalrs are now being discussed bylts ereriitors bcfore the Board of Trade 1n San Franclsco. Vihathe desired to knovr is-has the Board of Trade any 1ega1 statusthat mlght confllct with ordlnance No. 72 whlch defi,nes theshuttlng off of water fcr non-payment of oelinquent bills asrnentloned aforesald. City Attorney Davls ruled tiratOrdlnance No. 72 ls paramount and that Mr. Murphy 1s v;1thln the 1a.w 1f the necessary notice has been given. 0rdlnanee No. 335 auendlng subsection 12 of secblon 1l of Ordlnance No. 1?8 governlng llcense on bowllng alleys,lntroduced March 6, 1939, was given 1ts second readlng and wasadopted on motion by Councllman Buck and was seconded byCouncllman Hlve s. The BurJ-lngame Works Progress Adnlnlstratlon recelved datafrom offlclal headquarters of a recreatlonal setup from {Pr11 1r 1939 to Decenber 51, 1939 at a cost to t}re Clty ofBurllngame of $17P8.00. The amowrt the W.P.A. ls to aslume 1s $eo4O.OO; the total budget 1n all amountlng to $10rA68.00.Councllmen McDonald, Buek and Blves were appolnted a - commlttee to look into ttrls natter and brlng ln thelr report.Following the_reading of- tlls budget, Mr. Abbott, a nenber ofthe Cltlzens Recreatlonal Conmlttee, - reminded thir Councll thata eopy of a proposed ordinance whlch provldes for a recrea-tlonal corulittee of seven members was before ure Council.fle reported that lnasnuch as sald ordlnance was before theCoturcll there should be no further conslderatlon of arecreatlon nove unt1l the Clty Attorney had reported on the1egal1ty of the ordinance whlch he had not done up to thlstlme. trlayor Ward 1n ansnering Mr. Abbott sald he had takenthe natter up wlth the W.P.A. wlth the knowledge that thisorganlzation was functlonlng 1n uany Cal-lfcrnia Cltles andTowns. For that reason he had appolnted the comnlttee to gointo the subJect of recreatlon thoroughly and he deslred t6glve the Clty all that was posslble at the 1owest cost.Mr. Abbott asked the l[ayor to lnclude a nember of the CltlzenrsGroup as the Cowrcll body. Mrs. C. Rlghter asked that anember of the elementary sbhool board be consldered. Edmund Bourne, member of the Property Owners AssoclatLon,asked that h1s organlzatlon be represented on thls cornmiitee.Mr. Abbott sald he belleved the Chanber of Conmerce shouldhave a . )representatlve a1so. Mayor Ward sald he would con-slder the matter at the proper tlne. Councllnan ![cDonaldbelleved when the Corurlttee got together somethi,ng useful aswell as beneficlal would be worked out. Mr. abbott bellevedAttorney John Davls should be nade a member of the Conmltteeto lrhlch Mayor Ward replled, rrlt ls up to the Conmlttee.r Ernest Rlekard crlticised actlon of the Planning Commlsslonln dlscusslng in executive sessions what he alleged wouldappear to be the publlcrs buslness. Mayor Ward announcedthat no actlon at other than a stated neetlng could attachto an executlve se6s1on, the Board belng u,'ithln 1egal rlghtssh9u1d they elect to do so. Thls applles to all auly con-stltuted bodles. The Councll r. thereupon adJourned. 1y subml-tted Attest: Mayor. Clty C1erk. nespee/flrllA