HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.03.063Z{t Treasurer Bloom auoounooal the reoelpt from the Toren of Elltsborough of e12500.00 as thelr purchase prlce of the Burllr- game lrater System operatlng 1n Elllsborough, as enbodleal ltr Ordinanoe No. 552, adopted Jsnuary 16, 1959. Demands agalnst the Clty 5011 to 5106 lnc1us1ve were read and approved and wauants were ordereal tlrawn on the Clty Treasury for thelr respectlve amouEts. The CounclL thereupon adJourned. Respec tfully subml tted, v er Approvetl: ayor Burllngame, Callfornla March 6, 1939. A regular meetlng of the Clty CowlciL of the City of Burl-lngame was held on the above glven date. The meeting was called to-getiler at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Ward ln the Chalr: Councllmen Buck, Hives, Hunt, McDonald & Vlard ansllereci to ro11 ca11. Absent: Councllmen, None. The minutes of the previous roeetlng of tr'ebruary 20, 1939 were approved as subraltted to tire Council, t1:e reading being dlspensed wlth. A request for a street l1ght on Palona Avenue betreen Llncoln.and Grove Avenues by E.B. Parkerson was referred to the Chalrman of the Llghtlng Comnlttee, Councllman Hlves. Ihe Motlon Plcture Connunlty Councll through 1ts Secretary, Fern Earvey, presented a connunlcatlon vihereln 1t was hoped that notlonpicture exhlbltors may cooperate with the C cmunl tt Couricil ln showlng at Saturday matlaeesr.Oore sultable pictures for clrlldrenunder twelve years. The Councll slgnlfled thelr endorseuent of therequest an<i lnstructed Mlss Harvey to feel free to caLl on theCowtcll wlth respect to any pictures that nlght be termed unsultable. A petltlon for recLas s iflca tion of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Burllngame Shore Land Company, from apartnent use to Comnerclal use for thepurpose of bulldlng an o11 statlon was presented by E.K. Iiowe andwas ordered referred to the Planning Connlsslon for report and recoomendation. Councllman Hunt reported wlth reference to petltlon of Hlgh SchoolFathersl Fo rn for the adoptlon of trore efficient safety measures at Oak Grove Avenue Crosslng, that he had aranged v;lth PoI1ce ChlefHarper for the employnent of a trafflc officer there durlng certaln mornlng and afternoon hours at a compensatlon of $50.00 per raonth 32L for three nonths onlyl the same to apply on days when school 1sln sesslon. Mr. Eunt also reporteci favorable on the request tocorrect the acute angl-e curb llne intersectlon on the westerly1lne of Carolan Avenue and thforegolng being offered 1n thby Counellman Hlves. ---CARRIIi ortherly ]1ne of North tane; theorn of a notlon. It was seconded itv ere read eNef D. The reports for March of the Po1lce and Flre Chief, thJudge, Building Inspector and the Clty Yrlater Departnen and were ordered filed.tw ordlnance No. 365 amendlng subsectlon 12 of sectlon 11 of Ordlnance No. 1?8 nlth reference to llcense for bowllng or boxaI1eys, was glven lts flrst readlng. Introduetlon by Counctlnan lllve s. subml tted, S.C. Abbott, Chalrman of the Burllngarae Cltlzenst RecreatlonConnlttee, presented a draft of a proposed ordinance deallngwlth better recreatlonal fac111t1es for the City and embraclnga connlttee of seven members, flve of whorn shall be appolnted bythe Mayor wlth the approval of the Couneil and two of the members thereof shall be appolnted by the Mayor on the nonlna tlonof one each by the board of trustees of the Burllngame ElementarySchool Dlstrlct and of the San Mateo Unlon Illgh School Dlstrict.l{r. Abbott spoke ln the lnterest of the ordlnanc e as read.[ayor Ward explalned the Councilts efforts to reduce taxes statlngthat sald plan as subnltted must be glven very careful scrutlnybefore any action 1s taken. tse questloned certaln phases of theordlnance remarklng that the Councll eould not delegate 1tsduties by pernlttlng the proposed reereatlon comnltiee to expendfunds. W.D. Ilandlos addressed the Councll statlng that he was1n synpathy wlth a reereatlonal program as outllned but would 11keto see sone cost flgures sublrltteed. Jay Halght spoke for a parkln North Burllngane and favored recreatlonal progran as a vrholecltlng what other cltles are dolng ln thls respect. Sam D. Merkwarned Counell of increaslng taxes statlng that the Clty should go ahead and figure out costs before proceedlng. Ee clted the newstate budget and told that an ad valoren tax would be sure tofol-low 1f present tax es are not curbed. S.C. Abbott, Jay llalghtand others stressed the polnt that proposed ordlnance contalnedno coomltment for any e:rpendltures, nerely openlng the way for a cornprehenslve connunl ty prograru. Mr. BrovmLng, Sectetary of the Channber of Comrnerce stated a comnlttee from hls organlzatlon 1sstud.ylng the recreatlonal proposal as to costs compared to otherc1t1es. Councltrnan Buck told of the Cltyt 5 effort 1n the lrast toac<iulre parks and playgrounds and stated the only ava1lab1e sitels the Gunst property of elght acres. 0thers speaklng in sup-port of the program were V{m. Bronrn, Mrs. Marie Wyckoff,C.E. Jenklns, Robert Elgglns and Ernest RLckard. Mr. Hlgglns i:sked that the proposed or<ilnance be referred to the Clty !-ttorney.Mayor VJa-rd stated that before the ordlnance 1s presented forlntroduetLon a conference be he1d, suggestlng Mr. Abbott, Chalraan,M.B. Clawson, Jay Halght, S.D. tlerk, Clty Atterney Davls andnenbers of the Clty Councll 1n order to devlse a program that willueet $lth general approval. Councllman llunt suggested a tencent rate per game for use of tennls courts after dark. thls was1n response to a statenent from Jay llalght that no charge wasexacted by the town of La Jo11a, Callfornla. No actton was trrkenon Mr. Ilunt! s suggestlon. The Councll, thereupon, adJourned. Mayor F es pec tfu Clty C1erk. /