HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.02.20A rogular meetlng of the Clty 0ounc11 of the Clty oras held on the above glven date. The moetlng was calleat 8:00 P.M., Mayor llartl ln the chair. Burllngame, Callf. tr'ebruary 40, 1939 319 ur lln game oge therfBat Counc ilmen Buck, Ilunt, MoDonaIaI and lTard answereA ro11 call. Absent, Councllman Hlve s. Tbe mlnutes of the prevlous neotlog of February 6th, 1959,tere apploved as subalt tea to the 6ounc11, the readlng belng dlspensed w1th. A letter was reatl from the Broatlway Developmen t Assoclatlonprotestlng the enlargement of the ootrmerclal zone to lnclude certalaproperty on Capuohlno Avenue, was ordered refeued to the Plannllg Comlsston. A letter was read from Supe rlntendent of Pub1lo ilorks Iongsonstating that the Stantiard 011- 0o. of Callfornla had tendered tothe Clty of Burllngane an easerrcnt for the purpose of ridenlngthe interseotlon at Burllnge.me Avetrue and El Camlno ReaI, theClty to defray the costs of the lnprovement s; thls lmprovement w111provlde 15 feet addltloaal reldth at the entrance to Burlitrgaloe Avotruo, eltmltratlEg a sharp turn for traffic from the South enterlng Burllngame Avenue. As Superlnte[dent of Pub11c Works,Mr. Longson rec omondetl that the Councll offlclalLy acoept the ab ove mentloneal e asemetrt. Councl.Lnan Buok presented a Resolutlon acceptlng easement fron the Stand.ard. 011 Co. as aforesald. The same was secontled by C ouno ll]oan Eu1t. Carrled all votlEg Aye. Councllma.n Buck lntroaluooal a resolutlon establlshlng urrlformrater rates througbout the C1ty, the same havlng the approval ofthe Wator Comnlsslon. The resolutlotr was secondetl by Counc 11man MoDonalil. Carrled - all voting Ay€. Couno 1lmatr Hunt lntroduced a resolutlon of the Clty of Burllngane consentln6 to the etrforoement of publlc health statutes and regulations by the County of SaD Mateo Eealth Department. I'he sane was seconded by Counc ilman MoDonald. Carrled - alL votlng Aye. Cou.oc lLman Eunt lntroaluced a resolutlon approvlng appllcatloa No. 22209 of the san Mateo Translt, now before the Rallroad Connl1ss1on, asklng for an extenslon of 1ts presetrt service. fhe sane rvas seconded by Coulcllnan Buck. Carrled - all votlng Aye. A letter was read fron the Burllngaae Htgh Sohool Fathers Foru.o, asklng that consltieratlol bo glverr an automatlo oontrol system at the lEtersectlo! of Callfornla Drlve that w111 slnchronlze wlth the Souther[ Paclflo llne so as to coEtrol streetoar as well as vehlcaLar aati peclestrlaD trafflo. Coueotlon 1s also asked of aagle ourb 11!1e lnterseotlotr of the lresterly ].1treof Carolarl AvoEue and the northerly llne of North La[e, adJacentto the s. P. alepot. Tbe lette! was oralered turned over to Counc t1- Ean Hutrt for lnvestlgatlon 8l1d report. The appllcatlon of Jan6s MoNary to 1nstaI1 a wash-rack onlot adJaoent to Broad.lray t1leate! was granted, condltlonal that allbulltl1ng requlrements are oomplled wlth. ordlnance No. 334, ameld lng ordlnance No. 227, introdluoed February 6, 1959, nas glven lts second. readlng and was adopted on Inotlolr by C ou!lc11Ba.n Buck and seooniled. by Counci].man Eunt. 3Z{t Treasurer Bloom auoounooal the reoelpt from the Toren of Elltsborough of e12500.00 as thelr purchase prlce of the Burllr- game lrater System operatlng 1n Elllsborough, as enbodleal ltr Ordinanoe No. 552, adopted Jsnuary 16, 1959. Demands agalnst the Clty 5011 to 5106 lnc1us1ve were read and approved and wauants were ordereal tlrawn on the Clty Treasury for thelr respectlve amouEts. The CounclL thereupon adJourned. Respec tfully subml tted, v er Approvetl: ayor Burllngame, Callfornla March 6, 1939. A regular meetlng of the Clty CowlciL of the City of Burl-lngame was held on the above glven date. The meeting was called to-getiler at 8:00 P.M., Mayor Ward ln the Chalr: Councllmen Buck, Hives, Hunt, McDonald & Vlard ansllereci to ro11 ca11. Absent: Councllmen, None. The minutes of the previous roeetlng of tr'ebruary 20, 1939 were approved as subraltted to tire Council, t1:e reading being dlspensed wlth. A request for a street l1ght on Palona Avenue betreen Llncoln.and Grove Avenues by E.B. Parkerson was referred to the Chalrman of the Llghtlng Comnlttee, Councllman Hlves. Ihe Motlon Plcture Connunlty Councll through 1ts Secretary, Fern Earvey, presented a connunlcatlon vihereln 1t was hoped that notlonpicture exhlbltors may cooperate with the C cmunl tt Couricil ln showlng at Saturday matlaeesr.Oore sultable pictures for clrlldrenunder twelve years. The Councll slgnlfled thelr endorseuent of therequest an<i lnstructed Mlss Harvey to feel free to caLl on theCowtcll wlth respect to any pictures that nlght be termed unsultable. A petltlon for recLas s iflca tion of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Burllngame Shore Land Company, from apartnent use to Comnerclal use for thepurpose of bulldlng an o11 statlon was presented by E.K. Iiowe andwas ordered referred to the Planning Connlsslon for report and recoomendation. Councllman Hunt reported wlth reference to petltlon of Hlgh SchoolFathersl Fo rn for the adoptlon of trore efficient safety measures at Oak Grove Avenue Crosslng, that he had aranged v;lth PoI1ce ChlefHarper for the employnent of a trafflc officer there durlng certaln mornlng and afternoon hours at a compensatlon of $50.00 per raonth