HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1939.02.063L7 Burllngame, February 6, Ca1lf . 1939. A regular meetlng of the Clty Countlf of the .Clty of Burlingame was held on the above glven date. Tbe neeting was called together at 8:00 P.[. Mayor llard ln the Chalr. C ounc llmen Buck, Elves, Eunt, i,icDonald and Ward answered roII o all. Absent CounclLme.a! NoEe. fhe mlautes of the prenlous oeetlng of tranualy 16th, 1959, were approved as submltt€d to the Counc1l, the read.lng belng d.lspensecl wlth. An applloatlon ras read from Jlm MoNary, 110 South Orant Street, San Mateo, to lnstal-l a wash raok ln parklng lot aJacetrt to Broadwaytheator, was ordered referretl to the tsulldlng Inspector. It was suggested by Counc 1lman Buok that 1f perrolt be granted the rack beplaced away from the s ldewalk to avold being a nulcalloe. Iyon and Eoag, realtors, requestfurnlshed a copy of a proposed or allnan along Bayshore Boulevard. Thls 1n the they feel nlgbt be f rnaterlally affect announosd that the ordlnance was not b would advise Later whetr the natter is f the Councll that they be stabllshlng a 50 foot setbackerest of thelr holdlngs whlchy such wldenlng. Mayor Ward e the Councll at thls tine;or dlscussl.on. edo ce elntedb eforupf The Broatlway Deve)-opmont Assoclatlon requested. that they be g!a[ted. the privllege of lnspectlng contempLated slgns showlng the wordlng and s1ze, as well as thelr locatloas aLong Broadway at EI Canltro Beal; also Burllngame Avenue at El- oanlEo Real, lndlcatlng the respectlye dlstriots.Ihe eene f,as ortlereal refemed to Cou[o l].man Buok alxd McDonalci, oonmlttee. Tho Bulllngame l[at6r Coumlsslon ad.vlseal that the San Mateo Junlor oollege deslred. to purchase water from the Clty of Burllngame for thelr new bulldlng now und.er construotlon. In order to brlng about equable ratesthe Counlssion recmmends tha t the dlfferentlal charged Consumers outsltlethe Clty be abanilone d and that the rates be unlfor"m throughout the whole system oI1 the basls now oharged 1n the Clty of Burllngame. The s ame was ordered, referred to the Clty Attorney to prepare the neoessary papers goverrring the proposed. regulatlons as set forth. Jame s E. Mltohell, archltect on Polloe Statlon and Ja1l, advlseclthat John E. Branagh had satlsfaotorlly completed. the constructlon of the seme 1n aceotdance relth the plang and speclflcatlons an tl as archltect he recommends that the work be folaal1y aocepted. A resolutlon to thlseffect ras offer6d by C ori-Ec llnan Buck anal raa seooailsal by CoUncllnan Elves. Camletl all votlng Aye. The PLannlng Com1s16!r submltted thelr approval of the Laak a:pI1ca-tlon for the rezonlng of Lot 1L, Block 6, Burllngame Shorland Companytract, to apartmetrt use. The ColurlsslonsI ireport ras accepted oD [ot1on by C ouno llman Buek ard. secoEiietl by Councllnall Eunt. Carrleal. The Pl-allnlng Conmlslon submltteal ltts dleapplovaL reLatlng to therezonug fron flrst resltlentlal to aprrtment us€s, certah sectlorrslncluded ln the map of Burlingame Park No. 2, to w1t RaIBtoE Avenue, both slcles from EL Cs[lEo ReaI to oocldontal, portlons of Blooks 3, 4, allal 6; 0ooldentaL Avenue, both sld.es from RaIstoE Ave to EL Camlno Real, portlonsof BIooks I, 2 & 14i Burungame Averue, both sldes from occlalental Avenueto EI Camlno Beal, portlons of Blocks 2 atrd 5. A motlon to sustaln theactloa 1tr the aforesald reconmendatlon was offered by C ouno llra! Eunt atrt1lae seconded by CounclLman Buok. gamled - All votlng AIa. Petttlons relatlng to the lmprovemotrt of the baseball f lelcl 1n Washlngt oE Park were reaA before the Cou.nolJ-. Aotlon was deferred pendlng a meetlng of the softball and basebal.l coemlttee wlth Counci lman Buck and MoDonal-al. 318 The reports for taruary, L959' of the Water Departeoat, Polloe- ard trlt|e chlef, the Bulldlng rllipeotoi and the clty Judge rere reaal antl the same were ordered f lIetl. Ordlllanoe No. 554. amenalng 0rdlnance No. 247, wtth referetroe change of cla$slfloatlon froro flrst resldentlal to apartment use, Lot BIocE 6, Burlingame shore Lanal co. tract, was glven flrst readlng, lntroduatlon by Counollman Buck. to 11, orallnanoe $o. 553, amelrdl[g ordlnaEoe No. 227, w1t! refare[oe to ohange oi classlfloatlon irf Lots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Blook 1, Blll'llnga.4e feirice, lilap A, from flrst resldentia] to dupler_uie was glven secontl reaatne'and-rai adopted on motlon by C ounol lltan Buok a;1d seco11Aod by Counollnan Eunt. Carrled. Mayor WaTd sugge stecl that homo ownors cooperat€ 1n.the plaolng of house Dlrmber I so they nay be easlly seon; thls as a polloe Eoasure, it"s i" a gulde to nany strlngers lho- w1ll be attracted here by the conlltg Fa1r. elenn snalloomb dlscueseat olth the CounolL his request to shor movlng plctures of the autoBotlve lndustry, together w1th. a floor show, to be-hAld ln hls bultdlEa oE the ?th !nst. Do charge to be rede. ur. snaLL c onb nas aalvl sed-that a clty g361otnce prescrlbes a flre- proof bulldlng for the showlng of novlng plctures, al-so tle payment of L Cfty lloens;'. Due to the fict that srioh.plotures aro often Ehotrn at oeetligs of lotlgesr servloe oluba, eto., rithout any restrf8tlons or dharge, !{r. &alloinb ras of the oplnlon that the ordlnaloe ta8 artltriry. Ee ras toLd that the btslness aspect of the sltuatlon at lssue caiLe0 for the payroent of a l1oetrse fee antl thls must be coplled wlth before the grantlng of any permlt. The Counotl thereupon atlJouraed. Bespectf ul1y subnltteal, v Approved.: yor d