HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.11.21309Burllngaue, Callfornla November 21, 1938. A regular neetlng of the Clty Councll of the Clty of Burllngame was held on the above glven date. The meeting was ca1led togetherat 8:00 P.M., Mayor Y{ard ln the Chalr. Corurclluen Buck, Hlves, Bunt, ltcDonald and Ward answered to ro11 ca11.Absent: Councllmen, None. The mlnutes of the prevlous ureetlng of November 7, 1938 were approved as subnltted, the reading belng dispensed wlth. Notlfleatlon of transfer of llquor llcense pernlts of nBlt of Englandtr andttVarslty Lunch Countern were submltted by the StateBoard of Equalizatlon. Councilnan Buck dlsapproved of the lndls-erimlnate grantlng of these llcenses and regretted lack of Jurlsdletlon by the Councll ln such natters. Ee offered as amotlon the Councllls protest to the grantlng of further appllca-tlons here. Motlon seconded. by Councllnan Elves.--- CARRIED,all votlng AYE. Further petltions on the wldenlng of Burlingame Avenue bearingaddltlonal si.gnatures for thls lnprovement were ordered referiedto the Clty Clerk to check up on the total anount of frontagerepresentated. A letter was read fron the Plannlng Comnlssion relatlve to -\, e zonlng statlng lt had been represented by 7% of property owners along Chapln Avenue wereglft deeds for the wldenlng also that otherst were not ln favor. Mr. llerk referred to a buslness nen dlsapprovtng of further enlargeuentone. The Plannlng Corullsslon declded to take noactlon except that 1t would rneet wlth the Councll 1n an endeavorto ascertaln facts. Mr. Merk, a representative of the opponentsof the wldenlng and buslness extension of Chapln Avenue appearedbefore the Councll , protested thls lnprovenent and urged that Chapln Avenue rMr. Merk that 4 wil11ng to nake along the streepetltlon of 150of connerclal z the Councll expunge fron lts recordprevious meetlng lnstructlng the Cit ordlnanee cal-1ing for the rezonlng othe estabLishing of the necessary se The Couneil, thereupon, adJ ourned. actlon taken at a.ttorney to prepare an hapln Avenue together wlth ack llnes for thls e ml t ted theyAfctblnprovement. After long discusslon the Councll decllned to takeany actlon on Mr. llerkt s request. Councllmen McDonald statedthat servlce al1eys to the rear of Chapln Avenue frontage on thesoutherly slde can only be lnsured by street wldenlng and zonlng.Everythlng ls predlcated on that; the alleys belng lost otherwlse.At the suggestlon of Councllman Hunt, further actlon for the tlmbelng was deferred on the proposed change of zon e and when agalntaken up taterested property owners w111 be glven an opportunltyto be heard. Resolutlcns acceptlng deeds for portlon of Lot 30, Block 5,Easton No. 1 and portlon of Lot 6, Block 1, Burllngame Shore Land Conpany Subdlvlslon were approved. Motlon by Couneilman Buck 0rdlnanee No. 330 regulatlng parklng ln a1ley to the rear ofBlock 1-, Burllngame Avenue, lntorduced Novenber ?th, was glven second reading and was adopted on notlon by Counellman Buck and seconded by Councllnan Eunt Denands agalnst the Clty of Burllngame, #2,156 to #p847 lncluslve were read and approved and warrants were ordered drawn on theClty Treasury for thelr respectlve amounts. A motlon was offered by Councllman Buek that the purchaslng agentpurchase a truck at net prlce $810.00. It was seconded by Councllnan Hlves. -----CARRIED. Al,rproved: Z yor . Resp 1y Clty C1erk.