HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.08.15301 Burllngame, CaIlforala Auguot 8, 1938. Au ailJourned regular m€etlng of th6 Clty Counoll of the Clty ofBurllagane tas he1il oD th6 above g-lven Aat6. Ths oeetlEg sa8oalled togpther at. 8to0.P.M...,'Mayor xIalal ln the Chalr. oounollnetr Buok, Bl.yo!, Eurt, trdoDonalal anal llaral ansteleal ro11 oaIl.Abeeat: Councllloen, Noae. Th6 mlnutss of August 1, 19ge rere approve(l as subolttod to the CounclI, the reatllng belng dispenseal r1th. A oonplaln.t ras read froll Ulss L. Kaufman, 109 S. ClareBout Stneet, Saa Matoo, all.eglng 6h6 ta€ nuoh Ehaketr up rhile tlatllgla a auto over lntoraeotlgEs otr Dtrlgbt Road. Couno llnaa Buok lemalkeal that ths aurfaos Araln tas a. l.lttle ahallor along theatreet but. street, ras perfeotly aafe for autolsts lf plopor apee6 regu).atloBs rere. obgervcd. fbe letter {as or(loleal flIoA. Thc. annual r€port of the eurffnSaoc Publlo Llbrary tas rsad anal ths sa0e ra8 ordsleal flIed. Clty tlea8urer F.A. Bloo submlttod 1958-99 budget shorlng total ostlmateat r6qu1!6menta, $25Ir915.00 fol that pertoil. The butlget ras aaloptod oE motlon by Councilnatl Bunt and ras aecotraleal by oounolloan UcDoEaIal. Th6 roque8t of the Assoolateal O11 Conpauy subx0ltted to the Councll, Jutre I3, 1958, for a roarralgemeat of thelr statloa at thoS.8. oornor of BroaAway and E1 Camlno B6a1 ras glanted on motlon by CounclLmaa Buok antl rag secontleil by Couno llnatr l(oDonalal. ---CAIRIED, all votlng A1:8. The Cou[c1I tbereupon adJournecl. Re apeo t f ubml tteal ApproveAs alolo Burllngaoe, Callf or nia, August 15th, 1958. .A regular meetlng of the 01ty oounotl of the 61ty o:il Bull- lagamc ras hEId on t&e above glven date. trh. Ileetlng tag oalledl together at 8100 P.tr(., Mayor traral 1tr thc 0ha1r. Gounollmcn Buoi,<, xtves, Eunt, ttoDoaa 1A aad Ward anstered BoIL oaU. Abserrt I CounoilmeEr Nona Tho olDutas of Aug rJst 8th Eere applovea a! subrltteal to the Corrncll, th6 roaalltrg belng dlspetrseal rlth. Th6 order of buslEsss ras ralved, Mayor ilard cal1lng on the Clty Clark to read the blals for the lnp rovement of Eof,ard lve., bettestr uallf ornla Blvs and EI oaoitlo Real;allo for tha, Polloe Statlor and JalI Brildln8. &e follor- 1ng f,orc reoclved: v { I I I 3AZ Paolflc Statee t,onstruotlon Coopa.oy. ..$15894.75 Unlon Pavlng Conpany. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16149.70 tray ltoprovoient 0onpany...... ... 17911.19 Chirlei L. Eamey. . : . . . . . . . o . . . . t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20'157.9O HOI1IARD AENI]E IldPitovzullNT Counol lman Elves offel€d a tesolutlon of AIIar(l of oontract Paolflo States uo[struotlon uo. as per b1at. The saoe nas ontted by Counoilman gu[1--0au1ed, A1I vot1tr8 AtE. to seC - Tbe blds. rere ordered turned over to the Superloteatlest of Pub-Ilc forks,aad the aroblteot JaBes H. M1toh611 for a roport. IIr the oeantlme, tbe tsoard recesseal. [dr. I.ongson, Superltrtentlent ofpubllo tflorks, & Mr. Ultobell leported that b1 ds nere 1n proper foru and that of ., oha u. Btanagb ras thc loteet. ooulc llnaE Buck tborgupon offered a xeeolutloB of Atard of Cotrtraot to l4r. B! atragh rhloh ras duly seoonded by CouDollmtn ldoDona 1A ! oarllealr. all votlng AYE. 0n queatlon from Mayor ',Iard that prefereaoe be glve! Looal people on the Job as far as posslbLe, Mr. Bla[agb salal he would errdeavor to do so. The 0ouno11 apploved request of l.etrls 0. Merrell for nlnety-tlay extenslol o,' gasollne statlon perolt at the NW corner of oak Orovo Ave. and ualtfornla Drlve as per letter of August lSthr notlotr by oounol lnan uoDonald and Beoonde(l by coutrcllEatr Buok. trator Superlntendent Sobuok aeked permlaalon fo! X'real KtDsaaa 1n obargL of Beser plant at Broadray to attenil Sotage works Con- ventton at Santa tsarbara, Septeeber 6th to 9th. lbo sa-oo tas o& motlon g! anteal. Danlel, Mannlng of shiltorn Ro ail, IilIlsbolough, oonplalnoal of dan- gelous {1slauds" alo[g Ooolttental ^ve. Sup rt. 01' Streets Rolllas reported no nlslands" along the €ntlre street. The olerk ra8 lnstruoted to so atlvls€ M!. Mannln8. z Chas. Benton, .E'lnancia1 Seoretary of ooEstruotloE anal Oeneral Laborers looirt No. 589, of Sarl Uat€o County, Eubnl tted trage Soa1c aor prevalllog ln san !trateo Oo., and requeatetl that counoll adopt this Soale on any proJeota sBonsorod by the 01ty. The sarne rag approveal on notlon by Counollman Elves antl raa Ceoonded by uoua- o1lman McDonald. uoulcllman MoDonald of feretl notiotr that any frontag€ on Eorard Avenue lmprovenent ttletrict rhero noneys to c omp Dte th€ tork have not been escrored, be turned over to the 01ty Attornay for actlott. Motlon secondetl by Coutro 1lEan Buok --oarrled. 'r.he Counoll thereupon adJourn6aI. he spe c lly subnltted, APPROVSD.: ayor Ctty olerk.