HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.08.0130t) .A regutar ooetltrg of tho Clty Counoll of tho Clty of Burllngano ras f,eld o[ the ibove glven rlate. fhe meetlng rag oal]ed tog6th6r at 8100 P.M., Mayor l[erd ln the Cha1r. couno lLuea Buok, Elvc8, Euot, tr[oDotrald antl llald answereal roll oall. AbBent I oouncllD€n - Non6. The nlnutes of JuIy 18i 1958 tele approlBd ag subnltteA to the Counell, the rsadlag boing dlspoased llth. Request of the Paclflo Ielepbons and.Telegrapb Co$P{f to plaoe a-U'ori"a-i"liphone oondult iurough 01ty pioperty ltr thc reat of Olty Hall as i meang to ellnlaatC the ovorhead oable trot tholc, iii'gtioi"a o! reo@o6tralattotr of Superlutea6ent of PubLlo trorkl ioogEon-inat {he aaoe r1I1 oau.6 no- lnterferenoe nor oonfllot tu-ini rai ittb tne plaua of the-ner Poltce statlotr and Jall' Gtioi by'CouaclLnatr l6oDoaald and secondeal by Co1uxollman Bu^Irt. A Ro8ol,utlon of tbanks to Eonorable John J. MoGratb fo! hlt ifiorii la gettlng a ner post offloe bulldtrg for Bulllngagc tas inaririo""ty-aaopt6a on moilon by counclLeatl uoDoral'l an'I geoonded bY Counc 1lnan Buot. On notlon by Couno 1lmatr Eunt, the Clty C1erk tas lnstruotod to ir"p.ri-ooiic" io oontraotori for the-recelytng.of blds_fo! tho fioriro Avenu€ Improvement betreen caltfornla Dltve atral El- canlno'i;;1;- tia-;ad io be recelved bv the- c1tv.couno1l lol-I1i?Iitl""'loi-iiit-iS, fSSe, it-eroO p.ttl. The roirtlon ras tiuly secontledl and ras oarrleal unamlnoug1Y. Burlltrgamc, Caltf ortrla Auguat 1, 1958. Rsspe uIIy su bmlt te yC The reports of the ?ollce and flte Bulldlac Inspeotor and Clty JualSe f antl san6 were ortlered plaoed oa fil Dgpaltments r ths [ator DopartoBnt, or'tUe nont[ of JulY f,6le read Oo oEootlotrbycouDollnanBuokandseoonaedby.councllEarl.Ir:lY€E'tlu'di"I6ii-iai;urtrA io lBeot uoEoav, ausugt 8, Le58 at 8:00 P'Il' ----CARRIBD. Approveal: alO fo To be ln cluded ln tho utes of AuauEt I I9S8. I ;Plaar,apeotfloattoDEandotherooltraot.looqns[ta1nolutl1a8thegtandard,""e" i;'iii-ir ""t forth f,o4 the oonstruotlo!-of a Polloe statlon ""a l"ii-iollarai t" tbe cliy of Burungams, stata of Cifiiornii, irf-soveria 5y p.f,.t. Flie tlo. Callfornla 1555, rare\i $:::in:"il'arn;l*:i'n: H::"ilt::i'":: 3H:ltllt,'t3*o,** Q}/ ![oDoiald. --clRRrED' aII. votlB8-AY:E') t rhe Clsrk r"" Io?iii6tia-Uy nig6ruii6a to prepare .a! a'Ivortlse@nt ioi tra" ror tne-iorigorug, 3ett1n8 auSust lsth-at 8:0o P.E. aa f 111at t1n6 ro"-iulii'-i"""iit. - llotion-i'f Councllnan Buok and seoonded by Councllf,atr MoDonald. -- CARRIED.