HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.07.05297 A reguLar neetlng of the Clty Council of the Clty of Burllngaoeras held on the abovo glvetr dato. Ihe meettng waa oalled togeth6r at 8100 P.M., Mayor lf,artl lu the Chalr. Couno llnen Buok, E1ve3, HuBt, MoDoEaIat anil trard aE8fleloal ro11 aall. lbscnt s Councllmetr I !0!6 r frc mlnutes o! Juae aor 1958 rBle app:roveA ar subottted to thc Counoll, the readlng belng tltapenaed rlth. A lett€r reaal f!@ t.tr. Aoant ailvlsltrg of tbo sBtrd'1fg of tbo July lasue of lPenlnsula Plogrcssi to Couaoll MoEb€lt, taE oralsr.d reoelveal and f 1leal. A lettor froE i[.A. Ftnge!, 1425 Broadray, statsal he ras lu aooordrlth the stateoont publlshed 1n iPentrsula Progrosai r61atlve to tbe reeoval of tr6es aIotrg El caolno Real. The letter xalr orderod f1Icd. a lsttsr from !t.U. stoffcl, 560 EI Caolro, relatlve to dangerous trees 1B froot of her preElselr ,aa roferre(l to the CoBnlttoc oB Erea!. An auallt proposal fron Chas. B. PotorsoE ll Compaay, 705 MErketStreet, san trranolsoo, to nev16t books antl aooounts for the oomiag flsoal year ras read. Tho Clork tas hstruotetl to aalvlse Petelson & CoBpaay that an aualltor has already boea seleotealt The gtat6 Board of Equallzatlo! adrlsdd tho Councll of appllcat1otrof eoolgc Mandlnos et-al for notr sal6n beer pomlt aIIA Jane I L.Porter for ioff sa16n oE dlst1l1eA splrlta, beer antl wlre. the oam6 waB ordered f lleal. Tho PlanulEg C@olsslolr roported 1ts alenlal to appllcatlon of M.J. Kel1y, ea Earper stleet, san trranclsoo, fo! proposetl rezonlngof Lots l-2-5r Blook 12, Buralngane C!ov6 and Lots 7 ancl 20 1n Blook 15 floB lo8lalentlal to aBaltnetrt tllstrlot. Thls ras due to obJectloa fron resldents ln the vlolnlty that they deelred onLy etnglo fanlly dwslllng8. The Plannlng ComnlBslontg reoonmendatloB wac upheLd on motlon by Councllmaa Buok arrd sscorraled by Couno tlnan McDonald. A lBtter las read froa trheaton E. 816r€! rlth rslatloa to olalCtvll far Cennoa 1l1 Park at Bellevue Ayenuc antl Cellfornla Drlve aad 1te thleatBned removal to other prte. Mayor iiYalA euloglzed tho nany lncldents oonaeoted ,1 th the oltl oannon anal the many leryloea Reverend Brere!, the dolro!, bd rondoroa the Clty alld County tlurlng h1s llfe t1os. As a malk of sentlment h€ bolleyeal lt ehould be fuLly restored and kept at some spot free from alanger. Counoll4an Eunt offereal a motloll that the oanaotr be put ln ltsorlglaal shape as aoo! aa posalble and b6 plaoetl EoBerhoro rhere1t rlU be proteoted. fh6 motlon ras seconaled by C ouno 1Inan Buak. - ---Carrlsdo The reporta of ths sat6r department, f116 and bullding departments, the clty Judge for Juae were read and oralereal f1led. Regolutloa No. 2I0 aoooptlng the offer of tha Unltod States of A.!0erloa to th6 Clty of Burllngane to ald by tho ray of grant 1nflnanclng the constructlorr of pollce statloa aAd Jall bu1ldlng,res lntroduced by Couficllrtan HlveE aud was soconded by Courrc ll,nan Buck. --Cauied, all vothg .lY:E. A Re8olutlon aocaptlBg a qult olalu deed from E.C. Douglas to aportloE of Block ll, Iorn of Burllnga!0e, ras ltrtrotluoeal by Couao llmsn MoDonald and nas secondeai by Councllmaa Eunt.----0atr16d, all votlng AYA. A Resolutlotr of arard of ooEtract to c.H. Besaett Bulldlr8 CorBpany at Drloe naoetl 1n proposal, $4?45.00, for th8 alteratloD Bullttrgao€, Cal lforlla ,u1y 5, 1.958. D.1 fl, Carl Analerson, Attorney, appoarlng for Ceo1Ila Plnkham,requestetl oarly aotlotr on oLleEtre applloatlon for rezonlngof portlotr of Lot N, Blook Ll , Burllugaoe ta.aal Cox0patry. A Resolutlon vae lntroduoe(l by Couno 1lman ElvsE anal tra8 secondoil by Councllaatr MoDonalal that propelty be lezoEed fron apartnont to ooomelclal use anil that Clty Attaaey Davl8propare anenalnent to 0rdlnanc6 No.A8? embodylng the above, eubJeot to regulatlon agreed oa at prevlous msetlng. / ------Car!1ed. Oralltranoo No. 997 ooverlng Clvll Servloo, latrofuo6d tuno 6th,ras dlsoucaed anil ras lald over fo! fulther atrS.y. of the Dougla8 Bullal1lg os Horar(l Av6Du6 was offersat by Couno l Lman Hlves and wae eeoondeal by Councllman MoDotrald.----Camled. The bld of G.f,. Wl11lams Coaolnny wag cloo}aredvold on aocount of b€1!g made to i[r. Douglaei Mr. Wl]-Ilaragreque8tlng the rlthdrarel of the bldo Th6 Cou.oa11, thoroupon, atlJourne<l. Re gPe fully subnltted, r Approve0: o r..l