HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.04.183ur1ln€Ene, CaIlf.,Aprll 18, 1938. A logu1&r meeti.ag of the Clty Council of the City of Burl- tngarno was hsltl on the above given tlate . .Ihe meet ing was calledtogether at 8:00 ?. M., Llayor Elves In the Chair. Councilmen Buck, IlLves, j1ui:t, McDonald and ilard answeredto ro11 ca11. Ab sent , 0 ounc 1lmen, I'lone. Ihe rninutes of April 4th, 1958, wer€ approved as submltted.to the Councll, the reatllng belng dlspensed lrith. A letter lras read from Bert Grlffln, playgroundl member, asklng for the excluslve uge of iY&sblngton lark basebaU flelaor Sundays from 12:30 to 6 ?.M. for the use of the .uurlingmeE0&rdlnals!. Ehe Councll tlec1lned. to 6nter lnto any contractfor any contlnuous perloa, preferrlng to let tho matter rest 'as lsr lrlth the schedullng of games to be at the tliscretlonof the i,laygrountl Connlsslon. lhe request of Amerlcan treglon fost lto. 165 fa smaI1 portion of iyashington Park to tho rearto house a tent for oarnivaL purpoges which is was approvetl on notion by Counoilman 3uok. lhe Burllngame lransit Bus Co. advi secl completlon o vey among patrons of HlllsiAe anal BroaAway terrltory to aletermlae the route over whlch they deslro tbe servlce,alrivaI antl d,eparture, fale structure ete. -uy the aequiof the Broactwa.y ilus I,lne recently, they polnt- out thaf bconsoLidation of the two 1ln€s, they can meet nore traln of to 'or the use oftheir building, be held shortly, f c .eur- bet t ertlme ofsltiony thiss ancl Rona1d Canpbel1, County Planning -Bngineer, advised CouJ3cilof a alinner meetlng nlth the Soara of Supervlsors at ronJamin tr'rank1lu Eotol, san ilateo, $ondBy, April 25th at 8 p.LI., anttdeslred the fuII sttend.ance of th€ Cou.noll. the samo was ac-cept6tl, and the Clerk was notifiett to a<lvise l!tr. Oampbell t othis effect. A letter was read froro DeJsie -8. Eayes, Bxecutiv.e Secretaryof the lrafflc Safety Oomnisslon of Saa Mateo County, callingattentlon to a traffic hazs.rd on the corner of nIO Hlghwayat Berroilhet Avenuo and EI Carnino Boa1. 'Ihe Bame was ordeiealturnetl over to Chlef Earpor for lnvestlgatlon antl report. guarantee tho exlstence of & .05 fare. Clty Attorney l.lavis wasinstructed to confer wlth the J3urllngame ,iransit Co.-to safe-guard. any interests the 01ty nra1, have ln the way of regulatlon. 'Ihe City Ilarmlng C ormisslon submltteal it s aporoval inchange Ln zonilg classlflcation from residential to apartnentusage of lots Aescribed as follows: 19, 20 16, ett LB, 15, ots ots d. Block 10: Ir 31ock 11: lots 14, and 26. 21, 1a, 22, 23, 24, 26.- 26, 27, and. 2g 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 2].,22,25,2,4,25, ts1ock 17: lots 7, B, 9. 10, and 11.Att u{E FoREOoING I}r nAStoN ADDTTIOI{ #1. lhe Council lnstructetl the Clty C]-erk to give d-ue publicityln the^1ocal- pr6ss by inserting a n6tice of proposed. ch-a.rrge of - classlfication for the information of interestea pr opert y-owners. A report of A. R. Gou1d on the remalning trees under in-vestigation was reatl &nal was refered t.q.the; conmittee consist-ing of oouncilean duok and ilard, f,o" *oqy. A bill of gB0. was epproved for services rendered by Lir. Gould in this work. 287 2An Ave. i flc .BIas for the inproveroent of El Canlno ReaI from -Bel1evueio Pentnsular A?e;' antl tsroadway oast fron the Southern Pac- tracks lrore read es follows: ?aclfic Statos Construction Co. $ Unl on Iavi.ng C o . 1,'&y Inprovement Co.A. G. nalsch llat on and Srnith Charles j. Es.rney i.,owrle Pavlng Co. 22585.70 22694.80 23685.25 24580.2O 24',t30.85 26227.70 26836.50 CounciLman -Buck rooved the holding of the three lonest bids to be referred to the Superlntentlent of lublic ivorks for his ver- lfication of costs and recommenilation of successful blA. the remainder of certifi€d checks placed to securo btds to be returnsil to unsuccessful bidders. Cerrled. lhe report of tlre Clty Judge for Irlarch shoving collections S298.50 was re'rd and ordered placed. on fi1e. A Resolution acceptlng deed f roro the Anglo California Natlon- aI Bank of San !'rancisco for lot 1I, 51ock 64, Easton f,? was ap- proved on motlon by 0 ounc ilrran Eunt and' secondetl by Councilnan IuicD onal a- -C arr ie d, all voting AIX. Dsmands against the Clty 2194 to 2287 lnclusive were read and approved and. warrant s were ordered drawn on the City lreasury for their respective arnounts. Idayor Eives ca1Ied, as the next order of business, for a c&nvas 6f tfre votes of the general nunicipal electlon helA on April 12, 1938. Clty Clerk Lturphy thereupon openetl- the olvel-opes oi ttre differsnt proclncts ln which were encloserl the tal1y sheets and announced, the votes as follows: COUICIIIvm{ T'T E o. A. ijucE 100E. R. IdcDonaltl 118 86 147 142 ].42c. [I. Hackmeler ,15 59 1]-L 111 68clyde .E'. Seitl 'll- 56 85 77 61 62 116 r.O7 119 99 112 70 76 90 111 80 OD 7t BE 46 49 0. A. BuakE. R. McDonalclC. Iil. Eackmelsr CIyA€ F. Reid 89 105 42 58 9't 109 6',| 7B 6Z 6g 45 58 1U1Z 1819 772 760 1978 A Resolutton was lntroiluce8 by Counollxoan Eunt deo].arlng the !esuLts of the electlon showing the followlag oaaditlates electeal. CounotLnen (Ful1 Ierrn) C. A. Buck anal Ealward R. Mcdonalil. lbe Res- olutlon seooade{l by C ounc l1nan IYarA. --Carrl€d. + on motlon by Counollrnan Yrarat end geoonAed by c ounc l lnan Eurlt I the Counoll adJourned sinsAle. Clty Clerk Idurphy thoreupon sitore ln 0 ounc i1xoea-eleot C.l,rBuok 8nd E.R. McDonaltl. Ihe Counoll ;rvaa rea olrranetl by 11r. Inrrphy rrho calIed for thA electlon of a chairman pro-tem. on notlon by Counoll- m€a Buck. Ilayor \'/. W. Hlves vas chosen 0hairnan pro-tem. xir. Elves vacated 6halr to 0 ounollman llaril, &t the same tine eulogiziag I1r. frartl for hls work as a C ounci lman antl placlng hix0 lu nonlnatloa for U&yor. Ihe nomlnatlon lras secoatleal by 0orncllnan Eunt a'rrd was oar-risa unanimously. Mayor 'itard thnnked the Counoll for the honor, antt after nanlng C ounc l1nan Hunt for the positlon of Ylce Mayor, adj ournment was taken. :lespectfu t YOR TY CI b tted. ?B3ClNCrS APPJTOV;JD: