HomeMy WebLinkAboutMin - CC - 1938.04.0428sBurllngaoo, Cal1folnla.Aprll 4, 1938 Ar was at e gu1 he1 8:00 ar neeting of the Clty Councll of the City of Burlingamed on the above given d.ate, The meetlng nas called togetherF.M., Mayor llives in the Chalr. CounciIroen Buck, Eives, Hunt, MoDonald and ard answereal ro11 cal1.Absent: Councllmen, none. The mj.nutes of i,{arch 21, l9SB were approved as submitted to theCounciI, the reading being dispensed with. A oompllmentary Ietter from the Parent Teaohors Assoolat j.oll ofMoKlnIey School rslatlve to the tree sltuatioa fias oraleredrecelved antt f 1Ie d. Dralnage problems by the means of havlng a curb installeti on theEast llne of Pepper Avenue betweetr Barrollhet and Ralston Avenuesto oorrect the sltuatlo.n, were preseflted by E.N. Ayers, IZI peF,per Avdnuo and Tom C. Taylor, 125 pepper Avenue. Same ner6 referrehto the Clty Engineer for report and recommendatlon. A letter wes read froa J.F. Ada@s, 9I5 E1 Camlno tea). extolllngthe good work of ?ark Superllitendont Analsrsoa ln handllng the free Bfob16fi tlurlng th6 store and slnos 1ts olearance. The sane IIasordered plaoeal on f1Ie. The Cal-lfornta State Relief Assoclatiotr,ln a statement as toII.P.A. proJects, offerod to 6nter lnto an agree@nt to reimbursBthe Clty or make purchases for the proJeot as the rork progresseato the oxtent of the Statete oontrlbutlon. The saoe wal oideredlecelved and be placed on flls. Ihe Plannlng Coomlssioa subnlttod ltsof Henry J. Kalser to construot a spuconorete nmlxn plant 1n the Industrla boti'ueen the Southern Pacif j.c Coopany r Ilighway. Tho actlon of the plannlng motlotr by Councilman Eunt and secondeAll members votlng AE. fhe Plannlng Comllsslou presented a conmunlcatioa statlnglnvlteA the Broaaiway Developnent Assoolatlon to appolnt imittee to attend a special meetlng at the Clty gsll ., ^,to dlscuss Jolntly a beautifloation program on Broadfiay ethe rallroad rlth a view to the future developnent of thetlistrict. The sane was ordered fiIed. Mrs. Edith Strango, 1474 Burllngane Ayanue, submltted rrltt€nprotest to an alley belng put through Chapln Avenue frol0 prlmrose Roatl to the Hlqhray allcglng lt will run stratght through herproperty 0a whloh eha hag valuable loprovenents. The same ras ordereal f i 1etl. app roval to the applicatlonr track to a proposedI Dlstrlct soutb of Brcadways tracks and the Bayshore Conmlssion was approved ond by Councllman Buck. hey had om iu, of t crl as B I r oadw ay ordltrance No. 344, lntroducetl Maroh 7th am6nding ordinanoe No. 227, seotton 2, traE glvetr se@ ntl reatilng antl was aalopted on motlon by Councilman Wartl antl seconded by CounclLuan Eunt. Ordlnance No. 585, lntroduced March 7th, n€mtng a oertaln roadway, Clrole Dr1vo, was givslr seoonal reattltrg ana ras adopted on motton by C ounc llnan Buok and seconded by Councllman Hunt. A request of 'Uf .E. Vlncent to put on a May Day Fostivsl ln Washlngton Park for th6 chllalren of tho communlty anal requestlflg an appropriatlon of $60.00 for Buslc antl lncldentals for the same f,as appxoveal on motlon by Councllman Buok. A Besolutlon relatlve to the rezonlng to co.mmerc i al use of Chapln Avenue betweon Prlmrose Road and EI Camlno Real, also the Plllkhamlot being the southerJ-y 50 ft. of Lot N, block 1J., Burlingafle Land Conpany subdivlsiol, was movsal for adoption on motion by Councllman Ward and secondecl by Councllman Runt. Before roll oall Mayor Hlves announced the resolutlon was open io dlscusslon. Francls Foley, Attorney-at -Lar, addresseal the Council filing at the snme tlme with the Clty Clerk, two petitions sponsored by nerchants nor dolng buslness 1lr the cooltrerolal zolle al1eg1ng that there as ?86 no neoesslty for further lncrease polntlng out the numb€r of vaoant atores at thls time. Yerbal protests of I1ke tenor rere pre- sented by S.D. Merk, J.E. Loretrz, ,.C. Forsythe, tames I,awrence, Joseph Gaffoy, Ernest Rloartl and othors, oreners of buslnessproperty. After a long dlscussldn l{ayor lIlves askeal for roll aalI. The Resolution was adopted, aII councll members votlng .[8. .0. Resolutlon abatlng reeals and settlng May 2, I95as th6 date for hearlng protests ras lntroduoeal b Buok antl secontlod by Councllnan lfard. Caxrleal-- fhe Council, thereupon, ad.iournerl. 8ayc all t 8300 P.M., o unc i lman votlng AYB. l Re spec s ubml t ted yc , Approved: Mayor.